I'd like to apologize to the people who would have alerted this story if it had said "in progress." And I'd like to thank the people who alerted it anyway, or came back to read the new chapter even though they thought it was supposed to be over. It was over, and then things kept happening. I blame Phineas. But he blames Ferb.

Phineas tripped over his feet a few times, but still beat his record in getting to Isabella's door. He pounded the wood louder than ever, heart racing as he tried to catch his breath.

A very confused Isabella pulled the door open after a matter of seconds.

"Phineas? Is everything ok?"

He nodded, in haling deeply and exhaling slowly. What his mind had formulated by this point was elegant. "Would you do me the honor of allowing me to escort you to prom?" How could she say no to that?

What actually ended up leaving his mouth was, "Prom…Izzy?"

"With you?" she asked, confusion clearly covering her face.

He nodded, still breathing heavily.

"Umm…sure," she replied hesitantly. "I mean, people go with their best friends—"

Phineas' eyes widened. If Ferb was wrong about this, then Candace was about to become his only sibling.

"No," he interrupted instantly, shaking his head. "Not as friends. As…you know, a couple. With you…as my girlfriend."

Isabella's eyes went wide. She stepped forward, pulling the door shut behind her.


"A real date, Izzy. I want to pick you up and give you one of those flower things—it occurs to me now that I should really know what that's called…" After a brief pause, he went on, "I want to tell you how great you are, which I'd do anyway, but still. I wanna take you and dance with you, and maybe kiss you good night, if you'll let me."

He took a breath. Isabella's jaw dropped. "Phineas…I…"

He squeezed his eyes shut. "Please, just say yes so I don't have to kill Ferb. I mean, he is my brother, and my best friend, so that might put a damper on our summer plans."


Phineas inhaled again and held it. Opening his eyes and pouting just a little he said, "Please?"

"Phineas," Isabella began in an assuring tone, amused smile gracing her face. "I would love to."