A/N: Hello, everyone! New fanfic time!

I do not own any Professor Layton characters.

Flora Reinhold struggled to stay awake as her teacher droned on about infinitesimal calculus. Her once comprehensive and organized notes had turned into illegible scribbles and doodles of smiley faces, cats, (her favorite animal,) and tiny hearts with the initials LT inside them.

Two rows down and one row over sat her best mate and boyfriend, Luke Triton. In fact, today was their anniversary.

364 days ago, they'd gone on their first date, and the following afternoon, her status on Facebook changed from 'single' to 'in a relationship'.

Some people would think that they were moving quite quickly, but she disagreed. Flora had known Luke since they were ten, and it was no secret that there was something special between from the beginning.

Luke turned slightly in his chair, trying not to draw attention to himself. His sapphire eyes locked with her mossy ones and he smiled.

I love you, he mouthed.

Flora responded by putting her index fingers and thumbs together, forming a heart.

Suddenly, her purse vibrated.

Luke must have heard it, because his eyes widened, and he moved his focus back to the front of the room.

Being as stealthy as she could she grabbed it from under her desk and fished out her cell phone.

She flipped it open and was immediately surprised to see that the text message was from Rose Paxton.

Rose was undoubtedly the most popular girl at South Bexley Academy. She had flowing auburn hair and eyes that resembled pools of milk chocolate. Everyone wanted to be her friend, and if you were lucky enough to breathe the same air as she did, you were officially considered "cool." That being said, what did she want with Flora?

Hey, Flora!

Haven't talked in a while! How RU?

Party 2nite at my place. U wanna come?

U can bring Luke if u like? ;-)

27 Westbrook Lane- 8 pm


Flora pursed her lips.

She knew that the only reason that Rose asked her to the party was the hope that she would bring Luke.

Being keen on athletes, Rose had kept her eye on him ever since he had been appointed captain of Bexley's soccer team.

Flora quickly texted back.

Thanks! I'll let u know.

She then dropped her phone back into her bag with no intention of doing so.

Two minutes later the bell rang, and the kids swarmed out the room like angry bees, eager to escape from Mr.

Garrott's babbling.

In the hallway, Flora waited for Luke to join her at her locker.

She heard footsteps and felt a tap on her shoulder.

"Guess who?" Luke said.

Flora giggled.

"Close your eyes," he instructed.

More footsteps.


Her eyelids fluttered.

Luke was standing in front of her, a rose in one hand and a silver box in the other.

He handed her the flower and kissed her softly.

"Happy anniversary, sweetheart," he whispered.

Luke then gave her the box.

Flora untied the sparkly ribbon and removed the lid. She gasped.

"Oh, Luke..."

She sounded like she was going to cry.

A gleaming, gold heart shaped locket lay nestled comfortably inside.

Luke lifted it from the container and fastened it around her neck.

"Do you like it?"

Flora ran her finger over the glassy surface.

"It's perfect."


Two hours later, lunchtime had arrived, and as usual, Luke and Flora sat next to each other. Their two friends, Elizabeth and Sean, who were also a couple, sat with them.

Elizabeth was busy gushing about Flora's anniversary present when a silky voice interrupted her.

"Good afternoon, everyone."

Flora couldn't figure out who it was until she turned and caught a glimpse of copper curls. Rose.

She sunk a little lower in her chair.

Rose took the spot next to Sean, who seemed mesmerized by her bouncy hair and fruity perfume.

Elizabeth elbowed him in the side, knocking him out of his trance.

"Ouch!" he hissed, rubbing the sore spot.

Rose, however, didn't seem to notice.

She folded her arms in front of her on the table.

"So, Flora, did you think about it? Did you ask Luke?"

Luke looked puzzled.

"Ask me what?"

"Rose is having a party later, and she invited us," Flora said curtly, hoping Luke would get the message.

"What kind of party?" asked Luke.

Rose waved her hand nonchalantly.

"Just a small one. A little thing before the summer holidays."

Elizabeth squirmed a bit in her seat.

Rose shifted her eyes across the table.

"You both can come, too, if you want."

Elizabeth gave a weak smile.

"We can't. It's my dad's birthday. We're all going out to dinner."

"Hmm. Too bad," Rose sniffed.

She turned back to Luke and Flora, eyebrows raised.

"Well...? What do you say? You interested?" She flashed a bright grin in Luke's direction.

Flora nudged Luke's ribs, trying discreetly to shake her head no.

"Um... we'll think about it," he answered, pretending not to notice Flora's searing glare.

Rose patted Luke's hand.

"Fair enough. I hope to see you there."

She then flounced away, and Luke knew that he was in big trouble.


"'We'll think about it'? 'We'll think about it'?"

Flora sat in the passenger's seat of Luke's car, fuming.

She would have rather walked home, except that a surprise thunderstorm at the end of the schoolday had halted those plans.

"Would you relax, please?" Luke said


"I didn't say yes, you know," he pointed out.

"You didn't say no, either," she said bitterly.

"You're being unreasonable," he said under his breath.

Flora shot up straight.

"I'm being unreasonable? I'm being unreasonable?"

Flora had a tendency to repeat herself when she was angry.

"It's our anniversary and you want to go to a party!"

"Not by myself! I want you there with me."

Flora slumped back against the seat.

"Why don't you want to go? It might be fun."

She scoffed.

"Did you even see the way she looked at you?" she said.

"What? Who?"

"'Who?'. Rose!"

"What are you talking about?"

"The only reason that she invited me is to get to you."

"Wait a minute..."

Luke slowed to a stop at a traffic light.

"Flora... are you... jealous or something?"

She didn't answer and kept her eyes trained on the rain streaking down her window.

The light turned green, and Luke resumed driving.

"Flora, look at me," he said firmly.

She crossed her arms.

"I bet that if I wasn't there, she would have been all over you. She's been wanting to be with you since you became captain of the football team!"

"I'm not interested in her, though! I'm interested in you!"

Suddenly, he swerved to the right, and pulled over on the side of the road, muttering about getting into an accident.

He ran his fingers through his hair.

"God, Flora. I cannot believe that we are arguing about something so ridiculous, especially today. Is that the reason you don't want to go? Honestly. Do you not trust me?"

Those last five words hit her like a ton of bricks and Flora felt a twinge of guilt in her stomach. She sniffled.

Luke sighed.

He reached for her wrist, but she jerked her arm away.

"Flora... come on. Please?"

For a few minutes, she wouldn't move, but finally resigned and scooted next to him.

He put his arm around her, allowing her to lean on his chest.

She could feel his heartbeat in her ear, and soon, the steady, drum-like rhythm began to soothe her.

I'm sorry," she murmured. "For being stupid and irrational."

Luke kissed her forehead. "You're not stupid. Maybe a tad irrational, though."

Flora gave his stomach a playful smack.

"I'm kidding," he laughed. He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "Je t'aime, ma chaton."

"Moi aussi, je t'aime," she replied.

Outside, the rain continued to fall in droves. Passing cars splashed through puddles of muddy water and the occasional lightning bolt lit up the sky, illuminating the city.

"So, what do you think you want to do later? Do you want to go out to dinner or stay in and watch a film?" Luke asked, twirling Flora's hair with his finger.

"Hmm...I'm not sure," she answered slowly. Her lips curled up into a small smile. "I'll think about it."

A/N: I hope you all liked it! Please R&R!

If my French is wrong in any way, please feel free to correct me. I just Googled it.