Here is the second half of "Hands on My Heart" - yet again, I've succumbed to the lure of a happy ending! I'm sorry I made Toby a little bit of a prick; I actually really like him in the show. He's such a good lesbro to Emily and it makes me smile. :) The ending is something that I'm not quite sure I'm happy with, but I've decided to go with it anyway. Thank you to everyone who decided to take a chance and read my story; special thanks to the person who favorited it. I'm sure I'll be writing and posting more in the future - this is fun! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own Pretty Little Liars. Please don't sue me.

Chapter 2 - "Accidently Exposed"

As soon as I came within sight of my house, my stomach dropped. The lights were on in the living room, which meant one thing - that someone was up and about, and I was going to have to make up some lie about why I wasn't in bed at this hour. I unlocked the door as quietly as I could, hoping that someone had just forgotten to turn off the lights before they went up to bed. I heard voices coming from the kitchen and I froze, listening to what was being said. It sounded like everyone was up and having some kind of heated conversation. What the hell?

I tried to make my way to the stairs as stealthily as I could, but a floorboard creaked as I crossed the doorway to the kitchen. Immediately, everyone turned their heads toward me and abruptly fell silent. My parents, Melissa, and Ian were standing there, staring at me with various degrees of contempt on their faces. My mother reached out her hand to the table and picked up a cell phone that was sitting there, displaying it. It was mine. Fuck! I thought, beginning to panic. It was going to be hard to dig myself out of this one.

"Um, hey," I choked, my mouth dry. "I just went for a walk, couldn't sleep. I see you found my phone."

"Spencer," my mother began, setting my phone down again. "We know where you were."

"Yeah, I went for a walk. I didn't even go -"

"We know about you and Jenna."

My heart felt like it had dropped into my feet. A soft "oh" escaped from my throat and I stood there, unable to process what she had just said. My brain seemed to freeze for a few precious seconds and I looked in between the four people before me.

"You - you looked through my phone?" I finally burst out, my mind whirring into gear. "Why the hell would you be snooping through my things in the first place? Why were you even in my room this late at night?"

"Your father went in to check on you - he does that sometimes, and when you weren't there, we picked up your phone to see where you might have gone."

"You had no right to do that! Have I ever given you a reason -"

"Listen, Spencer, your parents are just trying to do what's best for you. You've been sneaking out in the middle of the night to play around with Jenna Marshall. I mean, come on."

Ian started speaking and immediately my fingers unconsciously curled into fists. The way he was inserting himself into our family, especially in a situation like this, made me incredibly angry.

"Don't you darespeak to me, Ian!" I spat. "What, are you pissed off because you tried to fuck her over and she's finally out of your grasp?"

"Spencer!" my mother gasped. "Don't speak to Ian like that. If you'll just sit down, we can talk about this like civilized individuals."

"Oh, and it was so civilized when you searched my things and read private text messages of mine," I retorted angrily.

I stomped over to the breakfast bar and grabbed my phone, keeping it safely in my hand. This was not supposed to happen. Jenna and I were supposed to tell people when we were ready, have each other for support, have a plan ready if our families tried to force us apart. And this…I was left to face them alone, no way to know what Jenna would say when I told her what was happening.

"Spencer…" Melissa started hesitantly. She was standing beside Ian and his arm was around her shoulders possessively. Looking at them made me feel sick. "It's perfectly natural that you should be…experimenting with girls - it'll pass - but Jenna? How can that have struck you as a good idea?"

"It's not experimenting," I burst out. Ian snorted with laughter and it made me furious. I whipped around, staring him straight in the face. "So it's okay for Ian here to fuck a bunch of teenagers, even murder one, and that's perfectly fine, but me dating a girl is absolutely unthinkable?"

"I can't believe you would say that, Spencer." Melissa's face was tight and angry as she spoke to me. "The problem is not you with a girl."

"Really? This has absolutely nothingto do with me being in a same sex relationship?"

"Absolutely not!" my mother interjected. "You know exactly what this is about. Toby was a suspect in Alison's murder. You can't just hang around with people like that without your reputation getting tarnished!"

"Well, it's a good thing I'm not dating Toby, now, isn't it?"

"You're not 'dating' anyone, Spencer!" my father shouted. It was the first time he'd spoken and it surprised me, how angry he sounded.

"Because you know so much about it."

"I know enough to know that she's no good for you."

A sarcastic laugh escaped from my throat, the harsh sound filling the kitchen. I was expecting my family to be entirely unsupportive, even angry, but being here, having to listen to it, made my blood boil. I understood that the Cavenaugh/Marshall family had a bad reputation in Rosewood, what with the murder investigation, but this whole conversation made me feel so helpless. Jenna was nothing like the monster they were making her out to be. They didn't even know her - had probably never even sat down and had a conversation with her, in fact - and all they were doing was judging her from some media-biased newspaper articles and vindictive town gossip.

But of course no one saw the Jenna that I saw, the one that curled up next to me as I read to her, who knew what I was feeling just from placing her hands on my face, who made me feel like being me was enough. The one who had cried in my arms, her tears soaking into my shirt, when she had heard what everyone was saying about her.

"Like you know what's good for me in any capacity," I responded coldly. "Your attention has been on Melissa and Ian and the baby and God knows what else, but it certainly hasn't been on me and my welfare."

"Your father is just trying to -"

"You don't know Jenna! You've never even -" I protested.

"And you do?" Ian cut in, smirking, clearly relishing in this argument.

"Yes, I do," I snarled, my vision unexpectedly going blurry with unshed tears.

I felt my face grow hot - with anger and frustration or at the implication of Ian's words I didn't know - and scenes flashed through my head of all the ways I knew Jenna, all the ways she knew me. And it was none of their business. Wasn't it enough for me to tell them that we were together? Didn't they trust my judgment? Apparently not.

"I care about her, okay? A lot," I said softly, trying to keep my voice from wavering.

"Spencer…" my mother began. "I know you think that these feelings you're having are real, that the…friendship you two have is the be all, end all, but…"

"I don't know what you do with your friends, but that's certainly not what Jenna and I are."

My instinctive reaction was to protect Jenna against these people - my family - who were intent on breaking us up. And that was what I was going to do, fight tooth and nail to keep everything the way it was.

"You're sixteen. Everything seems so important now, but I can tell you that it's -"

"Spencer, you will not be seeing her again, and that is final." My father had apparently gotten tired of my mother's tactics, and now he was taking the shouting approach. "And we've taken the liberty to call Toby with a message for their parents, to make sure that we're all on the same page here."

"You called Toby?"

Fuck. I backed from the room, my eyes on everyone in the kitchen. I unlocked the front door with trembling hands and rushed down the sidewalk to where my car was parked. Drive or walk? I thought hurriedly, my mind going back and forth between the options. If there was going to be a problem with Toby, a car would be useful, but my parents would also know exactly where I was if they saw it parked in front of Jenna's house. I fumbled with my keys, trying to find the one that would open the door, and promptly dropped them on the asphalt by my feet. Goddammit! I bent down to grab them and my father appeared on the porch, shouting my name.

"Spencer! Spencer! Where do you think you're going?"

I finally managed to unlock the door and start the car before he even stepped onto the path leading down to the sidewalk. I was driving way over the 25 mph speed limit, not bothering to fasten my seatbelt, intent on getting to Jenna as quickly as possible. I didn't know Toby that well, but I did know about the history between the two of them, and jealousy was not implausible once he found out about us. I didn't want Jenna to be there alone with him if he decided to get angry about it.

I drove past Jenna's house and parked in front of a huge SUV, trying to conceal my car as best as possible in case my parents decided to come after me. I jumped out of the car and took the porch stairs two at a time. The light was still on in Jenna's room, but the rest of the house remained dark. I stood before her front door, debating whether to text or call or knock, when I heard faint shouting from inside the house. The voice sounded male, and the worst scenarios possible ran through my head. My hand was on the doorknob and I was inside Jenna's pitch-black entryway before I could even think about it.

"We're going downstairs right now and calling Mom and Dad." Toby's voice came booming into the darkness from somewhere upstairs.

"Toby, please. It's 2:30 in the morning! You don't need to tell them about Spencer and I! It's none of their business," Jenna pleaded.

"I'm not going to tell them about your little lesbian fling, you are. Now come on!"

"Toby, stop!"

There was a shriek that I automatically recognized as Jenna's and then a horrible, repeated thumping noise that seemed to fill the whole house. Fuck! I hadn't thought to turn any lights on before I charged through the hallway, and I tripped on the rug, nearly falling on my face, before I made it to the living room. Jenna lay crumpled in a heap at the bottom of the stairs, sobbing, and the sight made it hard to breathe. I rushed over to her and dropped to my knees, terrified that she might be seriously injured. She started when she heard me drop down beside her and cowered away from me, frightened that I might be Toby coming to get her again.

"No, no, Jenna, it's okay, it's me," I murmured, reaching out my hand to gently brush the tears from her cheeks.

"Spencer?" she asked, sounding so small and broken that I swear I felt my heart crack. She sat up shakily and I crawled toward her, pulled her into my lap and wrapped my arms around her. She was trembling all over, and I stroked her hair as she buried her face in my chest. I would've done anything to protect this girl - anything.

"It's okay," I said softly. "It's all going to be okay, we'll fix this, and I'm not going anywhere. You're not hurt, are you?"

I felt Jenna shake her head "no" into my shirt, her back still heaving with sobs. I pressed my cheek to her hair and rubbed her back in slow circles, my heart breaking with every moment that ticked by. This was all my fault. If I had remembered my phone, my parents never would've found out about us, they never would've called Toby, Jenna never would've fallen down the stairs.

"I'm so sorry," I whispered to her. "This is all my fault."

"You're right, Spencer, it is," a voice said from behind us, making us both jump. Toby. I had almost forgotten he was here. "If you hadn't preyed on my sister, this never would've happened."

He flipped on the light and I froze, shocked at what he had just said. Jenna stirred in my arms, raised her tear-streaked face from my chest and turned to face the sound of Toby's voice. She took a shaky breath and I wrapped my arms protectively around her waist.

"Toby, that is total bullshit," Jenna said, her voice still clogged with tears.

"What, so you're telling me that you're a dyke now?" Toby retorted angrily, coming down the stairs. He stopped at the base of the stairs, towering over us, and his presence made me overwhelmingly uncomfortable.

"Hey," I replied fiercely. "Don't you dare call her that."

"No, it's alright," Jenna responded, leaning back into me, her hands moving to cover mine. "No matter what he says, it's not going to change how I feel about you."

I didn't consider myself the most romantic girl in the world, but that sentence falling from her lips made my stomach explode into butterflies. I didn't think kissing her would be the smartest idea in front of Toby, so I settled my chin on her shoulder instead, pressing our bodies as close together as possible. Toby looked a bit taken aback by what Jenna had said, about how we were unabashedly curled up together on the living room floor. He sat down on the bottom step and sighed.

"I'm sorry," he said stonily. "I shouldn't have said that."

"Look, Toby, I know you probably don't accept this. But it's really none of your business," I said bluntly. "I like Jenna a lot and we're going to be together whether you like it or not."

"And Spencer didn't 'coerce' me into anything," Jenna added. "I like her, she makes me happy, and I'm not going to destroy something this wonderful because you don't like it. It would be nice if you were okay with us, but your acceptance is not necessary for my happiness anymore."

"Yeah, okay," Toby said reluctantly, running his hand through his hair. "I guess I can respect that."

I exhaled in relief, glad that this whole conversation wasn't going to be a repeat of the earlier scene in my kitchen. Toby obviously didn't like that Jenna and I were an "us," but at least he had seemed to give up on the idea of alerting their parents, at least for tonight. And my parents didn't seem to be coming after me, either, so maybe the drama was finished for the evening.

"Well, I'm going to go to bed," Toby announced, standing up. He paused before starting up the stairs. "Our parents will be back Friday."

"Thanks, Toby," Jenna replied.

"Yeah, thank you," I echoed.

"And Jenna? Are you okay? I'm sorry about the stairs. I didn't mean for you to fall."

"I'm okay. Now at least," she replied, turning her head towards me with a slight smirk.

"I didn't push her, if that's what you're thinking," Toby added to me.

"Why would I think that?" I snorted with a small smile.

"Goodnight," he replied wearily, and walked up the stairs and into his room.

Jenna turned around in my arms and kissed me, her hands finding their way to my lower back and slipping under my shirt. I returned her kiss languidly, chuckling.

"Should we go to bed?" I asked, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear. "We do have to get up for school in, oh, three and a half hours."

"I guess we'd better," she replied. "But I can think of better ideas."

"Let's go," I laughed.

I helped her up and we walked up the stairs, her hand warm in mine. I shut the door behind us and removed my shoes and socks, my hoodie, my jeans. Jenna turned down the bed and made sure her alarm clock was set to a very early 6:30 in the morning. As I folded my clothes and set them on her desk, I felt Jenna come up behind me and place her hand on the small of my back. She brushed my hair to the side and gently kissed my neck. I sighed, closing my eyes, and relaxed into her touch.

"Thanks for coming to save me tonight. I wouldn't have been able to stand up to Toby like that if you weren't here."

"You're welcome, but that was all you."

Jenna took my hand and led me over to her bed. She slipped beneath the blankets and I clicked off the light before following. We got comfortable in our usual position, her head on my chest and my arms around her, holding her close. It was dark in the room and I lay peacefully beneath the blankets, reverting to my habit of running my fingers through her hair.

"You know we're going to be okay, right?"

"I know. Except for me taking an unexpected tumble down the stairs, tonight went better than I expected. How'd your parents take it?"

"They weren't very happy. They attempted to trivialize everything, giving the old 'experimentation' and 'you're too young for your feelings to be real' explanations. I ending up telling them off. It just made me so angry, you know. I just wish they could be happy that we're happy."

"I know, me too. And I'm sure my parents will have the same reaction."

"I can be here if you want me to, for support. We can tell them together," I offered softly.

"Thanks," Jenna replied. "It doesn't seem as scary if you're there with me."

"I'm sure it'll still be terrifying, but I'll put a brave face on for you," I joked.

"I know," she said perceptively. "But we got through today, didn't we?"

"That we did."

Jenna yawned and burrowed even farther into the blankets, pressing herself closer to me. I tightened my arms around her and kissed the top of her head, utterly content.

"Goodnight, Spencer."

"Goodnight, Jenna."

I closed my eyes and lay completely still, feeling Jenna's chest rise and fall against my body, her gentle breath on my neck. We're going to be okay.