Title: Even If I Said No? (You get to find out why it's the title in this chapter!!)

Slash: James/Lily (HOORAY!)

Rating: PG-13 (Language and sexual situations. YIPPEE!)

Genre: Romance/General (Moonlit walks on the beach. Um... yeah.)

Summary: J/L hate/love fic. Lovey dovey.

Disclaimer: Roses are red, violets are blue, if you think I own HP, go get yourself a little clue. Daisies are white, it's leaves are green, JKR owns HP, she sure is keen. Hoo ha, that's a bad poem...

Author's Note: It's Friday!!! AHHH! THE BALL IS TONIGHT! Will Lily be able to play? Did James trash her guitar? Will James still go out with Delilah? Will Sirius and Narcissa stay, and the same question for Poezee and Lucius? Will Remus go far with Magenta? What will happen to poor little Peter (I've arranged a little act of evil upon him, mwa ha ha ha)? Read and see, you fools! The end is sort of a songfic. Okay, so it is a song fic. But who really cares? This is quite a long chapter. The longest yet. Future reference: '3' is a heart. LAST CHAPTER! Boy, that was confusing.


CHAPTER FIVE: Merry Bloody Christmas

James ran his fingers through her hair. It was silky soft and smelt really good-- like cherries. She let out a soft moan as James planted a soft row of kisses along her collar bone. She giggled, because it tickled. James looked up at her with a semi-disappointed face.

"Too bad you've vowed chastity."

Delilah shrugged. "It's a belief of mine. I think you should only have sex if it feels right."

"It would feel good." James offered with a wink.

Delilah giggled and blushed. "I mean, if you're in love."

"Oh, right."

Delilah put her Hogwarts vest back on and stood from James's bed. Before leaving, she asked James, "When are we going to the Ball?"

James smiled weakly. "7:30?"

Delilah smiled and nodded. She blew a kiss, which James pretended to catch with his hand and put on his lips. Delilah giggled and left with a quiet click of the door closing.

Boy, she giggled a lot.

James rolled up the sleeves of his sweater. Quidditch practice was today, and Eileen needed to talk to him about something important. Eileen was a blonde, very smart and very athletic. Her problem was she was taken by a different guy every week and a reputation as a bit of a floozy. Otherwise, James might fancy her.

Fancy... Lily.

'Oh God,' Thought James. 'Why did I have to go and tell her about Thomas and Diana? She was perfectly happy thinking that Thomas's heart belonged to her and no one else.' He walked over to his dresser and took out the deep blue robes he was wearing to the Ball. 'I am such an idiot.'


"Oh, this is great!" Squealed Traycee, holding the pick in the palm of her hand. Bertha nodded. Traycee grinned evilly and shoved the pick into her pocket. Bertha licked her lips.

"Right. Today is also the triumphant day that we ask our dates to the Ball."

Traycee blushed. "I'm not sure. I mean, Sirius is one of the best looking guys in the school. He's probably taken."

"So? All we have to do is find out who he's taking." It was Bertha's turn to grin evilly.

Traycee narrowed her eyes skeptically. "Are we gonna kidnap...?"

"Good Lord, no." Bertha rolled her eyes. "Polyjuice Potion!"

Traycee's eyes widened and she smiled. "And I'm assuming you have the ingredients?"

Bertha nodded. Her family was a long line of potion makers and magical scientists. Bertha wanted to be a reporter and get the latest scoop on stories, as Traycee's older sister, Rita, did. Rita's boyfriend, Joshua Skeeter, was an editor at the Daily Prophet. Bertha gave Traycee a box with a jar of nearly-finished Polyjuice Potion inside.

"So, where's the bit of each person?"

Bertha's face fell. "I don't even know who they're taking."

Traycee shrugged. "I guess we'll have to find out." Traycee picked up the guitar pick and walked towards the fire in the Common Room. She looked from the pick to Bertha. "Dare me?"

Bertha laughed. "I dare you."

Traycee shrugged as if it were nothing and threw the last of Thomas Potter into the flames.


"Oh. My. Fucking. GOD!!!" Screamed Lily, noticing something rather heartbreaking. She jumped in the air and slammed her feet on the floor, making the room shake. She darted around the room, looking in every nook and cranny for...


A batta-batta-batta sound came from the hallway as Poezee ran top speed to her room and found Lily running, screaming and crying, around and looking into, under, and over everything. Poezee was quite confused, all she had heard was shrill screaming.

"Your guitar?" Poezee asked.

"WHERE IS IT!" Bawled Lily, standing up to face Poezee. Her tearstained face was quite red.

Poezee walked over to the closet and opened the door.

Lily sighed with relief as she fell on her bottom to the floor, and laughed along with Poezee. Her guitar was in the closet, and it looked like it had been cleaned. It had a pink piece of paper written on in emerald green ink tucked behind the strings. Putting a strand of a loose lock of hair behind her ear, she curiously crawled over her guitar and read the note:

Hi Granny Smith, it's Jimmy. Um... I'm seriously sorry about what happened...

It was a horrible act of jealousy that I shouldn't have committed.

Maybe I'll see you at the Ball?

Love, James Potter

"He's got good handwriting," Lily said with a bored expression on her face. She slipped the note in her back pocket and smiled at Poezee. "Sorry for scaring you."

"Scaring? Try near-to-death terrified," Poezee said, clutching her own shoulder. She casually checked her watch and said, "Sorry, but I have a study-date with Luc at the Hog's Head. See you."

"Bye," Lily said to Poezee's retreating back. When she left, Lily took the note out and reread it. She smiled. "You're forgiven, Jimmy. See you at the Ball." Just then, Lily realized something that made her frown. "I don't have my pick. Why does my life have to suck all the time?"

Just then, Rubies fluttered in. She had three notes attached to her talons, which Lily hopped up brightly and untied them from her owl, of course remembering to kiss her small head. "Thanks, Rubies!" The auburn owl hooted proudly.

She read the first note, it was from Daddy.


Hi, precious! Congrats on the Ball thing!

-Your father, Leonard Evans

Lily rolled her eyes with a smile. Daddy never really understood the importance of music. The next one was from Mum.


Oh, I'm so happy for you! A concert! Good luck!

-Your mother, Elizabeth Evans

Smiling, Lily put the letter in a keepsake box. The last was curiously from Lily's sister, Petunia, who detested Lily for being a witch. Lily's eyebrows furrowed as the read the note.


Just wanted to let you know, I'll always hate you. I hope someone trashes your guitar.

-Your sister, Petunia Evans

Lily rolled her eyes. What a loser. She was ashamed to share the last name of that bitch. Lily longed for the Petunia she knew before she had gotten her Hogwarts letter. They played games, talked, and Petunia was in the middle of learning the guitar from Lily...but then, when Lily got her letter, things fell apart. Lily sighed as Rubies pruned herself.

"You are so lucky all you need to worry about it sending mail." Lily told her owl, who hooted indignantly, because delivering mail looks a lot easier than it really is.


Sirius and James were sitting on the sofa, enjoying a chat about things, but mostly the Ball. Bertha and Traycee found this to be the perfect time to find out a few things. The back of the unfortunate boys' heads were seen from the portrait hole, from which the two plotting girls had just entered.

"Ready?" Traycee asked, reapplying her lipgloss for the hundredth time. She was dressed in her best robes (hot pink, spandex and sequins). It was so tight, her ribs were a tiny bit visible.

"Yes!" Bertha said with a smile. There was lipstick on her teeth, and her robes looked exactly like Traycee's only lime green. Her fat made the robes very, very, very unflattering, more than it would have anyway.

They glided over to James and Sirius. The boys took one look at them and burst into laughter. They fell into each other, having hysterics. James was tearing and Sirius's face was red by the time Traycee hit them with a silencing charm.

When James and Sirius realized what Traycee had did, they started yelling at her. Or, rather, mouthing really big and using really bad words.

"Who're you going to the Ball with? I can read lips, my father is deaf." Traycee said to Sirius.

Sirius mouthed, 'Not you.'

Traycee rolled her eyes. "Then who?"

Sirius mimed, 'MYOB.'

"Tell me or I'll hex you into next week." Traycee said warningly.

Sirius was sure James didn't know how to read lips, so he gave in and said, 'Narcissa Pyre.'

Traycee lifted an eyebrow. Then shook her head and told James, "Tell me who're you're going with." Bertha nodded profusely.

James mouthed, 'Delilah Freeman.'

Bertha blushed with jealousy. She was Bertha's exact opposite. Traycee and Bertha were both flushed with jealousy, because their crushes were dating their opposites.

Traycee put on a snide smile. "Well, toodles! C'mon Bertha."

James's and Sirius's eyes widened, because they hadn't taken off the silencing charm. Again they screamed noiselessly at Traycee and Bertha, who just walked off with a spring in their step. James narrowed his eyes evilly.

By a stroke of luck, Remus and Magenta came in and sat down next to them.

"Hey, guys. What's new?" Magenta said with a pleasant smile.

James mouthed, 'HELP!'

Remus lifted an eyebrow and grinned maliciously. "Charades?"

James waved his hands 'no' and mouthed, 'SILENCING CHARM!'

Sirius mimed, 'HELP!'

Magenta was in a fit of giggles and Remus continued to play dumb. He said, "I love this game!"

James hit the sofa and Sirius rolled his eyes. Remus stood up and walked in front of them. "Okay!" Remus said, putting a lock of hair behind a ear and rubbing his hands together. "Go!"

James held up two fingers.

"Two words." Remus said, making a mental note.

James then held up one finger.

"First word."

Sirius took out his wand and pointed it at himself.

Remus lifted an eyebrow and said, "Suicide?"

Magenta tried to hide her laughter by putting a pillow on her mouth.

James stomped his foot.

Remus started to guess, "Spell? Curse? Hex? Charm?"

Sirius and James pointed at Remus excitedly when he said 'charm'.

"Charm? Okay, second word?"

James and Sirius gave Remus a rude hand gesture before they continued, making Magenta laugh so hard she was tearing. Even Remus lost it and smiled.


Severus had a huge bandage on his nose from the previous afternoon. He walked through the hallways, always humiliated as his fellow Slytherins jeered at him for kicking his ass kicked by a Gryffindor girl. On this particular afternoon, however, since the Christmas holidays had started, lessons were canceled. And Severus's ex-girlfriend, Narcissa Pyre, was walking down the hallway in the opposite direction. Severus's eyes gleamed. (A/N- What the hell is wrong with Snape??)

Narcissa smiled. "Hi Severus!"

Severus nodded. "Hi Narce, what's new?"

"Nothing, how about you?"

"Want to go to the Ball with me?"

Narcissa was taken aback. The question was asked, in what seemed it had no thought to it, and was done in a casual manner. Narcissa figured this was a dare of some sort. This has happened to her before. Besides, Severus broke up with her for accusation of cheating... why would he come back now?

"I'm going to the Ball with someone else." She said indignantly.

Severus narrowed his eyes. "Who with?

"You'll find out later, Severus. Good-bye." Narcissa said, and started off, when Severus grabbed her by the wrist. Narcissa wasn't frightened at all. "Want me to break your nose in a different place?"

"HEY!" Yelled Narcissa's 'secret boyfriend' Sirius, who had just gotten the silence charm off of him. He stopped right in front of Severus. "Snape, let go of Narcissa! Man, you're a horny little bastard, aren't you?"

Severus looked from Narcissa, who was sheep-eyeing Sirius and to Sirius, who was trying to be tough as he could. Snape then understood. "A Slytherin dating a Gryffindor? You've sunk quite low, haven't you, Narce?"

Sirius's face turned red. "Lily got you really good in the face, didn't she, Snape? Now, let's see, what House was she in?" Sirius pretended to think, putting a finger to his chin. "Oh yeah, GRYFFINDOR!"

Severus let go of Narcissa, who decided to stay and watch.

"You think you're tough, Black?" Severus spat.

"I know I am," Sirius said with a sneer.

Severus rolled up his sleeves and put up his fists. Sirius laughed and walked over to Narcissa.

"C'mon, sweet, let's go." Sirius said.

Before they could leave, Severus grabbed Sirius by the back of his robes and threw him down. Sirius was on his back on the stone floor, with Severus standing above him. Narcissa looked slightly impressed. Sirius kicked his legs in the air to stand up, and when he did, Severus looked quite pleased.

"Snape, you've got nothing compared to me." Sirius said with death glare.

"Really?" Severus said. "Well, I--"

"SEVERUS!" Screamed a girl from their left. It was a skinny, attractive girl who looked quite infuriated. Sirius recognized her. She was a Slytherin and her name was Dayzee Patil. Severus seemed to cower at the sight of her. Dayzee was Poezee's twin sister (not identical), but they detested each other.

"Oh, uh.. Hi, my little lovely." Severus said meekly.

Dayzee waved at Sirius who waved back. They used to date.

Dayzee grabbed Severus's ear. "What are you doing? Are you fighting again? Do you want another Gryffindor, of all Houses, to crack open your nose again?"

Sirius didn't know if it was a insult to him or a compliment, so he just walked back over to Narcissa, who instinctively put an arm in his.

"My dear, I was merely... ah, chatting."

Narcissa and Sirius snorted.

Dayzee put a death grip on his ear and made him walk towards the Slytherin corridors. "I am so sick of you starting fights with Gryffindors, fifth time this week. There's a rumor that you tried to rape Lily Evans. It this true? Well, IS IT?"

Severus was hunched over from Dayzee yanking on his ear. "No! No, it isn't!"

"Bull shit." Dayzee said and let go of Severus's ear and yelled at him, "We are through! There's another boy whom I like anyway. Drake Parkinson, if you must know. And, you can go to Hell!"

Sirius and Narcissa clapped. Dayzee took a casual bow, and walked off with Severus staring blankly at her retreating back. It seemed he finally came to realizing when he ran after her, yelling, "SORRY! SORRY!"

Highly amused, Sirius invited Narcissa to a drink at the Three Broomsticks.


Traycee and Bertha were inside Traycee, Lily, Poezee and Magenta's dorm room. They were chatting about their new plan, and quite excitedly. Lily peeped through the door, and seeing them this happy worried her. She paid close attention.

"Delilah Freeman and Narcissa Pyre!" Exclaimed Bertha. "I'll be almost too easy. Delilah is a Ravenclaw, right?"

"Yeah?" Traycee urged Bertha to go on.

"Well, if she's a Ravenclaw, I know the Ravenclaw password. I'll just seek in at night and take a hair from her comb, or hair brush. You can handle Narcissa."

"Do you know the Slytherin password as well?"

"No, but I saw some, ah, dirty sheets in the laundry."

"They didn't...?

"They did!"

Lily raised an eyebrow. 'Eww,' She thought.

"What about Lily?" Traycee asked Bertha. Lily gave her full attention. "Since I threw her pick in the fire..."

"You... WHAT?!"

Lily opened the door so hard it nearly smashed Traycee's nightstand that was behind it. The room rattled. Traycee and Bertha's eyes widened.

"HOW. DARE. YOU!" Screamed Lily.

Traycee crab-walked away from Lily, but couldn't go any farther when she backed up into the wall. Bertha crawled over beside her. Traycee gulped. "Heh, heh, just a little joke, Lil."

Lily was in a fiery rage and had to thoughts of mercy. Just her own justice.

Bertha smiled weakly. "Heh. Joke?"

"Let me let you in on a little secret." Lily said in a death whisper, leaning in real close. "Thanks to you, I can't play at the Ball. Thanks to you, my life has been a living Hell. Thanks to you, I've been reliving things I don't want to relive."

"Like Thomas Potter?" Bertha said, daring to speak.

Lily's eyes got wide. "Why you sneaky little bitch." She took out her wand and yelled, "DECRESCENDO!" Immediately after which, Bertha's mouth got smaller and as did Traycee's. They tried to talk, but it didn't make one sound. Lily sneered, "Too bad for you I like music, or else I wouldn't know that little charm. Not even Professor Flitwick knows about musical term-charms. If you want to get fixed, the only way is to grovel. Leave."

Bertha and Traycee ran out of the room in fear.

Lily couldn't hold it in anymore. She burst out crying and threw herself onto her bed. 'Now I know I'll never have it again!' She screamed inside her head.

The boy backed up a foot. From the doorway, James Potter had watched everything. Bertha and Traycee were too much in a hurry to notice him. He looked at the note he had in his hand, a corny song he had written for Lily. It somehow didn't seem and thoughtful as it did when he wrote it. James knew he could do something more. But... what?


It was a mere hour before the Ball. Lily was close to hyperventilating and Poezee's drum set refused to stay together. The cymbals kept falling off and the drum's skin wouldn't keep on tight. Their bass, a boy Poezee knew, was ten minutes late for rehearsal. Lily knew his name was Tommy but nothing else. Poezee was really wild, and even though Lily trusted her, she didn't know if she could trust Tommy.

"He's American," Poezee said, finally getting the cymbal to stay by putting a levitation charm on it. "So we'll have to pay him in skahts."

"Skahts?" Lily asked, raising an eyebrow.

"American wizard currency. The smallest is a loame, the second is a skaht and the most is a dunee."

"Ah." Lily said. She checked her watch. 45 minutes until her eventual humiliation. She looked stunning in her sparkly electric green, spaghetti strapped tank top and her faded jeans. Most people would look hideous in electric green, but Lily could easily pull it off. Poezee had relented and wore Muggle clothes, the same exact thing and Lily except her tank top was ruby red. Even though she was used to having 'a healthy breeze around her privates', she said that it really brought out her figure.


"Why this store?" Panted Sirius as he ran with James into a store called Music Petals. James had a pouch of money in it, and he was running top speed and slowed when he opened the door.

"Because." James said and shivered as they stepped inside. "Damn, it's cold outside."

The surroundings were magnificent. Every instrument from woodwinds to folk hung on the wall, and there were racks of Music Leaves (objects that played music, sort of like a portable radio, big as a mouse) from every wizard and Muggle singers you could imagine. There were shelves of sheet music. Displayed in a little display counter, like the ones you see in a jewelry store, exhibited a wide range of reeds, picks, spare keys, bows, pipe cleaners, and everything you would need to maintenance an instrument. James rushed over to this counter and peered inside it.

Sirius rung the bell for service as James looked hurriedly at the selection. A yell from the back room said, "Hang on a moment!" And when the cashier came out, James looked up and saw a face he hadn't seen in years. He gasped... could it be...?

Thomas's best friend, Ian Flamel.

Ian seemed as surprised as James. "James? Is that you?"


"Oh, dear god."


"Forty minutes until my doom." Lily said, her hands covering her face.

Tommy had arrived five minutes before, and was driving Lily crazy. She had never seen such an idiot before in her entire life. He was shirtless, he wore his robes low so the top of his boxers showed, and it made him look like he was wearing a skirt. He had several tattoos on his arms.

"Chill out, dude." He said. Then to Poezee, he said with a smile, "It's sweet that my first gig is in England. It's like I'm on tour, or something. You dudes are so... polite."

"Er, yeah." Poezee said, pretending she was used to Tommy.

From behind the curtain, Poezee, Lily and Tommy could hear a room full of voices and laughter and clinking of forks, spoons and knives on plates. The party had begun and the two girls grew ever nervous. Worry was pushing whatever hope they had left out.


"Is that really you, Ian?" Sirius said, his jaw dropped.

Ian's hair was dyed a dark green, his chin had a deep cleft and he was half Muggle and preferred Muggle clothing. At the moment he was wearing a fitted black T-shirt and baggy jeans. He was a rather attractive 21 year-old. He was quite surprised to see the younger version of Thomas.

"Hello, James. What's new?" Ian said shakily.

"Where were you all last year?" James said with a hint of hurt in his voice. Ian lick his lips.

"I'm sorry, James. I really am, I know I was distant..."

"Distant is an understatement." James said, folding his arms. Sirius was still in shock.

Ian laughed, "Sirius, close your mouth before you start to drool."

Sirius wasn't amused and Ian blushed.

"Okay, you want the real story?" Ian said, losing his sense of humor. "After Diana was murdered, Thomas became really depressed and decided he didn't want to be Dark anymore. He chose to hide away from Voldemort. I went with him for his safety, and to help him hide from Lord Voldemort. Voldemort's men found and ultimately killed him when I was out buying supplies. He tried to send Lily a letter, but it never happened. His owl was lost, and I was all alone. I guessed Voldemort was after me, too, I decided to hide out for a while. That's why I never owled, that's why I didn't come back, and that's why I wasn't around. Satisfied?"

James looked on the verge of rage. Sirius was sitting on the floor, obviously thinking to himself. Ian sighed, came from behind the counter and hugged James, who hugged back. Ian was like a brother to James, and he was extremely happy to have him back. But was also angry that he had to accidentally find him to see him again. When they pulled away, Ian patted James on the back. Suddenly, there came a male voice came from the back room, and had a faint Spanish accent to it;

"Hey, Honey, are you done with that customer yet?"

Ian yelled back, "Almost, Juan!" James coughed and Sirius had broken into a fit of laughter. Ian looked bemused for a moment, then understood.

"James, Sirius this may come as a shock to you, but I'm gay."

The three laughed as Ian's boyfriend came from behind the back room and smiled nervously. He had black hair, tan skin and chocolate brown eyes, with a dimpled-smile. He was wearing black wizard robes and was holding a half-polished trumpet in his hand. Ian confidently gestured him over. He gave Juan a small kiss and introduced him to James and Sirius.

"So, lil' Bro," Ian said with a boyish grin. "What brings you into a music store?"


"Ten minutes..." Lily said to Poezee, who nodded hopelessly before returning to what she was doing. They were on their positions on stage and waited for the curtain to raise-- or dreaded it. Lily was sitting in a chair in front of a magical microphone that was floating and charmed to follow Lily's mouth. Poezee was looking over her sheet music quickly. Tommy was looking at a porn magazine, which both girls decided to ignore.


The boys were running top speed towards the castle. The cold air stung their faces as the Hogwarts castle became more visible. The draw bridge was open curiously, and they skidded across the stone floor towards the Great Hall.

"I forgot -- how huge -- this place was," Juan said between pants.

"Tell -- tell me about it," Agreed Ian. James and Sirius didn't say anything, they just ran. They entered the Great Hall, and everyone was in dress robes. In the middle of the room, there was a giant punch fountain and a huge buffet table surrounding it. People were talking, laughing, eating and whatever else people do at parties.

The four friends swiftly snuck behind the stage...


"Five... four... three... two... doom." Lily said to herself, and immediately after she said 'doom', the voice of Frank Longbottom's girlfriend (and rumored fianceé), Sarah Owens, came on the magical microphone. She was supposed to introduce and open for Enchant. Lily closed her eyes shut, wondering how she could explain she couldn't play... she clutched her guitar tightly.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Christmas Ball!" Sarah's abundant optimism showed through her every word. She was very popular, along with her boyfriend. A bout of cheer erupted from the crowd. "How's everybody doing?"

Just then, a familiar voice whispered directly into her ear, "Lily."

Lily looked up into the eyes of James. She was a bit surprised. "James?"

"Here," He said hastily, and gave Lily a little brown package. On the front of the bag in fancy letters it said Music Petals. A rose underlined the store's title, the stem being an eighth note. Lily open the bag quickly and gasped.

It was a electric green pick, with a white lightning bolt streaking across it. On the back of it in white letters was, JP + LE = 3.

Lily smiled and kissed James on the cheek, and whispered, "Thank you." But before James could say, "You're welcome", Lily pulled James into a passionate kiss.

"... and here's Enchant!" Sarah said enthusiastically, and the blue curtain rose. Students were cheering, but when they saw the kissing couple on stage they stopped. It was silent for a minute, and when James's and Lily's kiss broke, they looked awkwardly into the crowd. A familiar voice, belonging to Remus, shouted quite loudly;

"About time!"

Then the crowd cheered in agreement, and Lily and James laughed nervously. James walked off stage, blushing heavily, and Lily sat up in her chair, also blushing until her face was as red as her hair. Quickly, she put her left hand on the neck of the guitar and her right one clutched her new pick and rested it on the strings. The crowd hushed.

Lily flicked her head back to get hair out of her face. She said, smiling, "Life without music is a cursed life, and I have had an extremely blessed life. I love music. Thanks to a couple, ah, quiet wenches, I've been scared to death of this night for two days," A few laughs came from the crowd, because they knew Lily was referring to Traycee and Bertha, "but now that it's finally here, I'm glad. Because now I can express myself through would I love to do and can do best. Feel free to dance along."

Lily put her hand in place and started out with her first song.... Before she did so, she said brightly, "This song is dedicated to James Potter, as he was the secret inspiration." The sea of students that was the crowd cheered as Lily struck the first note of the soft-rock love ballad...

Even if you leave

Even if you tease,

Even if you hurt me

I'll still love you

Some of the students were dancing in couples to the song, but some others who didn't have a significant other were dancing in groups with other friends with no boyfriend or girlfriend. Some people were tapping to the beat as they sat down to eat.

Even if I hurt inside

Even if I cry,

Even if I die

I'll still love you,

Even if I said no!

Lily was tapping her foot to the beat, occasionally looking up from her strings and stage left, where James, Sirius and two other guys were watching. She didn't recognize the other two boys. At this point, Lily really got into the song and moved her hips slightly in the chair to the perfect beat Poezee was making, and the good bass Tommy was performing. Poezee did a trick she taught herself, throwing her drumsticks in the air and having them land on the cymbals before she caught them and continued.

But what happens when

You ask for forgiveness,

But what happens when

You try to renew yourself?

But what happens when

I won't take it anymore,

But what happens when

I won't put up with you anymore?

Even if I say no!

This was the part of the song where it got really soft, and Lily got a solo. She carefully strummed and sang with full emotion. She stopped moving to the beat, as there wasn't one because it was Lily's solo. She looked into the crowd with closed eyes, playing the song perfectly.

And can you give

Up your selfishness,

And can you give

Me your compassion?

And can you give

Me a better chance,

And can you give

Me a lighter load,

Even if I said no...?

There was a pause, and the crowd stopped dancing because they thought it was the end of the song. Poezee hit the cymbals and the song raged on, with cheers from the audience, and Lily sang loudly with a feisty vibe to her voice, because this part of the song was in a hip forte. This was the angsty part of the song.

Is there a good reason

For your arrogance?

Is there a good reason

No there isn't

Is there a good reason

For me to be offended?

If there a good reason

Yeah there is

Even when I say no!

There was a 10-bar musical interlude (common time, 4/4), and the audience was having a great time. They were dancing feverishly, and they seemed to love Enchant. Lily closed her eyes and grinned, with her tongue on the roof on her mouth in concentration. Lily was rocking to the song again. Poezee was laughing, she was having so much fun playing in concert. Tommy banged his head, which was a bit weird, but so was Tommy in general.

Suddenly, the song faded into piano (opposite of forte, not the instrument), and Lily got another solo with Poezee playing a soft beat in the background on a snare drum.

Even though you make mistakes

You keep on taking my breath away...

I feel enchanted, under your spell

I can't help but love you for who you are

I'll keep loving you...

Even if I say no...

Lily opened her eyes as she softly strummed the last note. There was a short pause before the audience whistled, shouted approval and applauded very loudly. Lily stood up, and said into he floating microphone, "Thanks. I wrote that song myself, and Poezee, my best friend and drum player helped write the music." Lily waved her hand at Poezee, who blushed as the crowd clapped for her. Lily added, "Then there's Tommy, my bass player. He's just... er, Tommy." The audience politely clapped, and Tommy nodded. Lily smiled and said, "We're going to take a ten minute break and then we'll be back."

Lily kept her guitar around her as she walked towards stage left. The two other boys had left, but Lily didn't notice as she threw her arms around James, laughing and blushing. James kissed her cheek as they let go and said with a grin;

"You keep on taking my breath away, even when you say no."


Bertha and Traycee had figured out how to reverse the charm ("Crescendo") and had finished the Polyjuice Potion. They both had little cups full of it, and were about to drink it in Bertha's dorm room (shared by Trudy Fox, Paige Lawrence, Samantha Fargo and Kirsten Rodriguez, whom all hated Bertha with a passion). Traycee's contents was coal black and lumpy, but Bertha's was rosy pink and smooth.

"Ready?" Bertha said, and raised her cup to Traycee's. "To romance!"

"To romance!" Traycee said, and swallowed her potion down. It tasted like vinegar. She sputtered, and felt herself change. Her breasts were suddenly too large for her dress (the same one from earlier) and it ripped on the top, showing a bit of cleavage. She also suddenly had long, beautiful legs and likewise brunette hair. She was now...

Delilah Freeman.

Bertha's potion tasted like a lawn as she felt herself rapidly losing weight. She bought a large dress beforehand, so her large chest fit exactly into her dress (the same style from earlier). She suddenly was attractive, but she noticed that she had blonde hair and was quite pale. She was...

Narcissa Pyre.

"Shit!!" Exclaimed Bertha/Narcissa. "We drank each other's potions! I don't want to be Sirius's date, I want to be James's!"

"Well, I'd rather date Professor Skowl before I date James!" Traycee/Delilah shot.

The two angry girls stared at each other for a minute. Then Bertha/Narcissa sighed with defeat, "Well, I have the Anti-Polyjuice Potion. We can change back now."

"We don't have any left," Traycee/Delilah said angrily, looking at the empty jar.

"Oh well. We should go anyway, tradition, you know." Bertha/Narcissa said, taking out a second jar full with Anti-Polyjuice Potion. She filled the cups, and they put a bit of each other's hair in (making sure they had the right potion this time) and said, lifting her cup again. "To disappointment."

"Whatever," Traycee/Delilah said, and drank her potion like a shot. "Merry bloody Christmas."


"Hey, Delilah? I'm sorry, but..." James was about to say, but he walked in on a tangle of sheets what was Delilah and someone else. He raised an eyebrow, knowing she had vowed chastity, and now she was in bed with someone. He cleared his throat.

Delilah looked up, and her eyes widened. "Oh, shit."

And who should sit up with her but Tommy, Lily's bass player.

There was a thick silence, as James stared at Delilah and Tommy, and Delilah and Tommy stared back.

"Well, this is awkward." James said.

"Oh, god, James. I'm sorry." Delilah said. She looked on the verge of tears.

James smiled and shook his head. "It's alright, as long as you're in love... right?" He didn't wait for an answer. He closed the door to her dorm room and sped back to the Great Hall. Even though there was a sort of disappointed feeling, he was really relieved to be able to see Lily without guilt.


"I'll be right back, okay, Sirius?" Narcissa said. "I'm thirsty."

"Alright, I'll be here." Sirius said, eating his lamb chops. They were sitting at their normal tables, but they were pushed back farther to make room for he huge dance floor. Remus and Magenta were chatting animatedly, James was no where to be found, and Peter was at home for Christmas. Sirius was quite bored.

After five minutes, Sirius began to get suspicious. He got up and headed for the punch fountain.

Meanwhile, Poezee and Lucius were talking about Enchant over their meal. Poezee said, "I'm not that good, Luc. Thanks for he compliment, though."

"Yes you are. You were wonderful." Lucius told her, and went to take a sip of punch. He realized he had drank it all, and told Poezee, "I'm going to go freshen my drink. I'll be right back."

"Okay." Poezee said.

Lucius stood up and made his way to the giant punch fountain. He bent over and dipped his cup into the fruit punch, and as he stood up straight, he saw her.

Narcissa was sitting on the brim of the fountain, filling her cup and dumping it back out into the fountain. She looked miserable. Lucius cocked his head at her. The moonlight from the bewitched ceiling hit her face just right. She almost looked innocent, even though she wasn't even close.

With a smile, he walked over to Narcissa and sat down next to her. She looked up into his eyes and smiled weakly.

"Hey stranger," She said, and Lucius smiled.

"I'm really sorry, Dawn." Lucius said, taking her hands into his. Dawn was Narcissa's middle name, and she only allowed the people closest to her to call her it. "I messed up. I shouldn't have been flirting with Sabrina. Or gone out with Poezee to make you jealous."

"You went out with her to make me jealous?" Narcissa smiled. Lucius nodded. "I went out with Sirius to make you jealous!"

"Really? I missed you." Lucius admitted.

"Me too." Narcissa said the same way. "I love you!"

"I love you too." Lucius said, and they both leaned in for a passionate kiss.

From about ten feet away, Sirius and Poezee watched this scene with disbelief.

Poezee shook her head. "I can't believe all we were was the rebounders."

"Yup." Sirius said solemnly.

"I can't believe they led us to believe that they actually loved us."


"I can't believe they didn't tell us they still loved each other."


There was a silence. Then Sirius accidentally brushed his hand against Poezee's, and Poezee looked at Sirius. Sirius looked back with a new emotion. They smiled at each other. Poezee blushed and Sirius lifted his eyebrows.

"So, Poezee," Sirius said. "Do you wanna be my date?"

She thought for a second before answering. "Yup." Poezee said, taking Sirius's hand into hers as they sat down at the Gryffindor table.


"C'mon, I dare you."

"Fine, it sounds like fun anyway. I'd get to see you play up close."

Lily blushed. James had just agreed to have Lily sit on his lap while she played her next song. James sat on the chair, and Lily carefully sat on his lap. James put his hands on her hips. They looked back at Poezee and Sirius, and both pairs saluted each other with grins. Tommy was standing up with Delilah on stage right, smiling. She waved awkwardly to James who looked away from her. What a floozy.

"Alright, next is another song from Enchant. Let's give them a round of applause!" Sarah said as the curtain lifted. Most of the Ball attendees were on the dance floor, and were applauding enthusiastically. Lily grabbed the microphone from the floor and in front of her mouth, where it stayed suspended in the air when she let go.

"Thank you! My next song is sung by my favorite singer, Michelle Branch. You haven't heard of her because she's a Muggle, but she's a damn good guitarist if I've ever heard one. I'll dedicate this one to all the couples in here, including ours." Lily smiled at James, who smiled back. Lily placed her hand on the guitar and started. James watched carefully...

Turn it inside out so I can see
The part of you that's drifting over me
And when I wake you're never there
But when I sleep you're everywhere
You're everywhere

James was lightly tapping Lily's hips to the song. He liked this song.

Just tell me how I got this far
Just tell me why you're here and who you are
'Cause every time I look you're never there
And every time I sleep you're always there

There was a two-beat pause, while Lily sang the word ''Cause..'

'Cause you're everywhere to me
And when I close my eyes it's you I see
You're everything I know that makes me believe
I'm not alone
I'm not alone

The music was a cool song, and everyone was on the dance floor. James was moving his shoulders with Lily, still tapping her sides. Poezee was having a great time, grinding with Sirius as she played without flaw. Tommy wasn't paying attention to Delilah, who was trying to get his attention.

The music calmed just a bit when the second verse was sung beautifully by Lily.

I recognize the way you make me feel
It's hard to think that you might not be real
I sense it now, the water's getting deep
I try to wash the pain away from me
Away from me

'Cause you're everywhere to me
And when I close my eyes it's you I see
You're everything I know that makes me believe
I'm not alone
I'm not alone

I am not alone
Whoa, oh, oooh, oh

Lily sung this part perfectly, because it was a part the practiced hard. It was a tough part that required a lot of air and lung power.

The next part was soft, and angelic. James close his eyes and kissed Lily's neck softly while she sang it, making her smile through the words.

And when I touch your hand
It's then I understand
The beauty that's within
It's now that we begin
You always light my way
I hope there never comes a day
No matter where I go
I always feel you so

The music was a forte at this part, and James laughed when Lily sang chorus-two. He loved to hear Lily play. Her arm was moving along the strings naturally, as if this were what she was born to do. Lily was shaking her head to the music.

'Cause you're everywhere to me
And when I close my eyes it's you I see
You're everything I know that makes me believe
I'm not alone
'Cause you're everywhere to me
And when I catch my breath it's you I breathe
You're everything I know that makes me believe
I'm not alone

This part was a Lily-solo, and she closed her eyes and sang in pianissimo.

You're in everyone I see
So tell me
Do you see me?

When Lily stopped playing, the audience applauded happily and went back to what they were doing. Lily turned around and kissed James as the curtain came down. A couple of wolf whistles sounded, making Lily laugh in the middle of the kiss. They both looked up at the bewitched ceiling. Lily grinned.

"Look, it's snowing!"

"So it is," James said, and took her into and another kiss.


The last months of school whipped by so quickly, a week seemed like a day and a month seemed like a week. Everyone, except maybe ten students, passed the NEWTS. For Christmas, Sirius had given Poezee the topaz earrings. James had given Lily a pair of earrings too, only they were metal rose-pink picks. Poezee gave Sirius a golden chain necklace and Lily gave James a real Golden Snitch and her virginity. ((A/N- *cough*)) Traycee and Bertha only got gifts from their parents and each other. Remus had proposed to Magenta, who said yes, and were planning a summer wedding. Peter was dating Elise, who was probably two feet taller than he was. Delilah has dropped out to move in with Tommy in the States.

In January, on New Year's Day everyone woke up to a hangover. But they were happy. ((A/N- Lol...)) Everything was pretty much normal, except they had school pictures for the year book 7th years get, to remember their years at Hogwarts. Poezee signed up for Yearbook crew, and dragged Sirius into it and was camera-happy everyday.

In February, Enchant played for the Valentine's Day Dance. James and Lily had their first fight... well, first fight whilst dating... over James stealing Lily's pencil. They made up in the most snuggly fashion you can imagine. A lot of people rolled their eyes a whole lot during that five minutes of yelling.

In March, everything was normal. Same for April.

In May, Dayzee realized she was pregnant with Drake Parkinson's baby ((A/N- GASP!)) And even though they were in Slytherin, Drake was a gentleman and proposed to Dayzee, who accepted in a teary fashion, and they were planning a fall wedding. Severus was rumored to be seeing a analyst to get over his constant sexual urges, the pig.


The day before the end of the school year, the 7th years had a little graduation ceremony. Every student was in their uniform, except their hats were graduation hats. Lily's parents were beside themselves, crying, smiling and waving as Lily lined up her diploma. Petunia was absent. Lily was holding James's hand really tight from nervousness. James smiled and waved to someone, and for the first time Lily saw James's family. His mother had black hair and a male-military haircut, and was wearing golden dog tags outside her violet robes. She was smiling and waving back. In her lap was an infant, a blonde haired-blue eyed little boy. James's father wasn't sitting there.

Professor Dumbledore stood up to the podium. He was smiling pleasantly. He licked his lips and spoke cheerfully;

"Another year gone. Yet we are all a year older, a year wiser, and a year grown. I'm sorry to all the families that lost a loved one this year, and I assure you that I will not rest until we are at peace once again in the wizarding world. You have my blessings. And now, Miss Sarah Owens, our Head Girl this year, will give a graduation speech. Miss Owens?"

All the students were still lined up next to the plinth as Dumbledore took his place at the High Table. Sarah's constant smiling and freckled face stood confidently to the pedestal. She cleared her throat. She had her normal gray tassel on her graduation cap, but as Head Girl, she also had all the House colors on it. She couldn't stand the Head Boy, George Macnair. She spoke, pausing every once in a while for a dramatic effect;

"Seven great years of my life was spent at Hogwarts, and I'll never forget this magical place. I remember in first year, when I spilled a Glowing Potion all over me, and I glowed in the dark for a week." The crowd laughed. "But a good memory is meeting my fianceé, Frank Longbottom." She beamed at Frank, who blushed. The students cheered. Sarah continued. "I'm sure we all wanted this day to come, wanted school to end so we could get out of here and be lazy. But now I think we are all going to miss it horribly. But now we are ready for the real world. And I'm sure we will defeat You-Know-Who and live long, happy lives. Now, on to the graduation ceremony!"

It took half an hour to finally get to, "Evans, Lily." As McGonagall called people up for their diplomas. Almost everyone was in tears. Lily walked over to Professor McGonagall with a spring in her step, took the diploma and shook McGonagall's hand. McGonagall leaned over and whispered in Lily's ear, "You'll go far. Use your musical talents to get you places." Lily nodded with a smile and walked over to her assigned seat.


"Wait, hold it still, Poezee!" Lily said. It was dinner time, and the next day everyone would have to pack and go home for the summer holidays. Poezee had taken Lily's year book to look at while hers was in her room. Poezee and Lily went back and forth, announcing the Mock Election Winners to their table.

Poezee started. "The Most Quiet goes to a Hufflepuff named Tessa Peterson."

Lily said, "Class Mooch is Peter Pettigrew."

"Class Gossip is Bertha Jorkins."

"Class Klutz is Debra Savvier."

"Class Flirt is Severus Snape."

"Most Athletic is a tie between Sirius and Remus."

"Class Optimist is Sarah Owens."

"Class Pessimist is a Slytherin named Hebert Olowinski."

"Most Likely to be Famous is... Lily Evans!" Poezee said, and Lily blushed.

"The Craziest is a four-way tie between Remus, Peter, Sirius and James."

"The Most Annoying is Traycee."

"The Friendliest is a tie between Sarah Owens and Frank Longbottom." Lily looked at Poezee. "I'll bet they get the Cutest Couple, too." Poezee nodded and continued;

"Class Artist is a Ravenclaw named Kaitlyn DeLair."

"Best Dressed is Magenta Brown."

"Most Involved is a Ravenclaw named Loren Hanes.

"Cutest Couple is..." Lily paused and blushed. "Um..." Poezee giggled.

"Is it us?" Remus asked brightly, and Magenta kissed him on the cheek.

"How about us?" Sarah asked, and Frank blushed.

"It isn't us, is it?" Sirius asked with a worried expression. Poezee lifted an eyebrow.

Lily looked at James. "It's James Potter and Lily Evans."

James looked up from his Yearbook (he was looking at the Quidditch pictures) and looked at Lily with disbelief. "But we just got together this year, and better candidates have been dating longer..."

"I know." Lily said. She shrugged. "Oh well. At least I have three Mock Election spots. Class Musician, Most Likely to be Famous and sharing Cutest Couple with James." Lily kissed James on the cheek. James blushed happily and looked at the picture in the Mock Election page. Lily and James were hugging each other, smiling and waving, occasionally kissing. 'No wonder Poezee chased us for a picture.' He thought. He put his arm around Lily, who grabbed his hand and kissed him on the cheek.

Sirius said, tapping the side of his nose, "Gee, I wonder why Snape got the Class Flirt?"

Sarah laughed. "For being a rapist in the making, perhaps?"

Frank laughed and squeezed Sarah's hand. He had dark mossy hair, and Sarah had fair brown hair, speckled with blonde. They looked like complete opposites, but were very much in love. They figured if they didn't get Cutest Couple, they'd get Most Romantic Couple (which they did). Two Slytherins got Most Raunchy Couple, and their picture had to have several 'censored' lines on it.

"Oh my word. Most Likely to Never Be Forgotten is Remus, Peter, Sirius and James again!" Magenta said, looking at Lily's yearbook from across the table.

James grinned. "Well, being popular had it's perks."

Remus raised his eyebrows and sarcastically said, "Plus you aren't so self centered."

"Why, thank you, Remus." James nodded and Remus shook his head with a grin. Peter smiled.

"I think it's funny I got Class Mooch." He said. "I don't mooch!"

James raised an eyebrow. "You owe me 387 quills, buddy."

Remus shook his head. "You lost both of my Transfiguration text books."

Sirius shrugged. "I still want that 20 Galleons you've borrowed from me over the years, kid."

Peter shrugged. "Okay, fine, I am the Class Mooch."


"Sign mine."

"I'll sign yours if you'll sign mine!"

"Yuck, he signed yours?"

"What? We're friends still, even if he's a slobbering jerk."

"Right." Lily said to Poezee, lifting an eyebrow. Lucius had signed her yearbook with a friendly, 'have a great life' message. Lily's yearbook was very full of autographs and messages wishing the best in the future. Everyone had told her to make a lot of Music Leaves and become famous. Lily smiled and told them she would work on that.

Poezee smiled. "I see you've finally begun to date James."

"Duh... wait a minute... finally?" Lily raised an eyebrow.

"You know, we all expected you two to realized your perfect for each other." Poezee said, taking Lily's yearbook and signing it with a little message. Lily took Poezee's. "I mean, you both share some emotional memories, and I'm sure he can learn to love music as much as we do."

"Thanks, Poe, but the next time you make a bet on me, don't bet on my love life."

Poezee put on a fake tone of disappointment. "Alright," She and Lily giggled, just as the compartment door slid open to reveal James, Sirius and two other boys... Lily's eyes widened, and she dropped Poezee's yearbook in shock.


Ian shuffled his feet. "Hi, Lil."

"Oh dear god!" Lily stood up and put her hands to her face.

James walked over to Lily and held her hand. Lily squeezed it. Lily got really angry.

"Where were you for that past year?" She inquired with a vibe of intense hurt in her voice.

"Hiding." Ian said strongly.

"Hiding. Why didn't you send me anything? A letter, how about? And why in the name of the Queen of England didn't Thomas owl me?!"

Ian stepped forward. "It's hard to explain."

"Really. Ian, I was heartbroken for a fucking half of a year because you two ran off. This year I'm to find out that Thomas was married and he didn't have the decency to tell me before we got romantic. Don't tell me what's hard!" Lily let go of James's hand, walked up to Ian, and slapped him in the face.

There was a thick silence. Poezee coughed.

Ian licked his lips and rubbed where Lily had struck him. "I'm really sorry."

"Sorry. Doesn't. Cut it." Lily said. A last tear fell from her eye as she pulled Ian into a hug. Ian seemed just as surprised as James and Sirius, who had taken a vow of silence while Ian talked to Lily. Ian patted Lily's back and pulled away.

"Don't cry." He said soothingly. "We all miss him subconsciously, let's just forget about it for awhile. Okay, Lil? James? Sirius? Juan?"

While all the boys Ian named nodded, Lily looked up and Ian. "Who's Juan?"


Stepping off the train felt like they left a chunk of themselves inside. All the seventh years were mildly heartbroken at the idea of never going back to learn. Even the Slytherins, albeit secretly, cried over it. Lily handed James her guitar (making him swear not to drop it or she would rip off his head and mount it on her wall) while she helped Ian and Juan with their belongings. Sirius had Poezee at his side, and was holding her hand. He turned to James, who was staring at Lily.

"Told you so."

James looked at Sirius with a bemused expression. "Told me... what?"

Sirius grinned. "Remember in first year, after you and Lily declared war?"


"I said that you two were going to end up with each other. Remember?"

James thought for a moment. "No."

Sirius shrugged. "Told you so."

James laughed. "Whatever, Serious."

Sirius lifted his eyebrows. "I'm Sirius."

James said with a laugh, "You're serious about what?"

"No!" Sirius said shaking his head. I'm Sirius."

James shrugged. "You fell for it again. Told you so."

Sirius grinned. "Told me... what?"

"Ready." Lily said with a smile. She grabbed her guitar from James with a kiss on the cheek, put it around herself and took James's hand. She was having a pleasant conversation between James, Ian and Juan (who turned out to be a music lover as well, only with a flute). The Muggle world looked quite unwelcoming to them until they saw their families. Lily's mum and dad were waiting for her, and when she saw her, she rushed over to Lily and gave her a hug, minding her guitar.

"Oh, my little String Bean!" Mrs. Evans smiled. Lily blushed.

"Mum, please don't call me that in public." Lily smiled weakly. Mrs. Evans looked at James with a skeptical look.

"Who's this young man?"

"Oh, this is my boyfriend, James." Lily moved aside so James could shake hands with Mr. Evans. Lily knew what was going to happen between them. Mr. Evans looked him over and began to do what daddies do when their daughter gets a boyfriend.

"James what?" He asked in a serious tone.

James answered strongly. "James Potter, sir."

"You drink?"

"No, sir. The only bit of alcohol I've ever touched is butterbeer."

"Right. Tattoos? Piercings? Drugs?"

"Absolutely not, sir."

Mr. Evans took a small puff of his pipe in thought. Lily bit her lip.

"Well, you're just as welcome as myself in my home, then, James." Mr. Evans put a friendly arm around James, who looked a mix between embarrassed and relived. They had a conversation, of which Mr. Evans did most of the talking and James had several unfinished sentences.

Lily waved good-bye to Sirius and Poezee, who had Disappearated behind a bush. Then Ian kissed Lily on the cheek and Disappearated behind the same bush. Mr. Evans had given James a healthy clap to the back that nearly knocked the wind out of him, but James smiled and waved as Mr. Evans and Mrs. Evans climbed into the car. Lily laughed and stood in front of James and took both of his hands.

"Do you know what a telephone is, James?"

"A what?" James asked.

"Nevermind. Just owl me a lot, okay? I'm going to miss you so much." Lily said, She looked on the verge of tears.

"Oh, my little Granny Smith." James said, and ran his hand on her cheek. "Of course I'll owl you. I'll owl you so much, I'll need the whole Hogwarts Owlery just to send you a conversation."

"I know." Lily nodded, and they both leaned in for a passionate kiss. They stopped only when Mr. Evans honked the car horn with a apprehensive expression. Lily laughed and kissed James on the cheek. "I'll miss you, Jimmy."

James rolled his eyes at the nickname. "I'll miss you too, Lil."

"C'mon, kids." Mrs. Evans said through an open window. "Let's go, I've got dinner in the oven, and you know how Petunia is around cooking utensils." Mr. Evans checked his watch sarcastically.

Lily nodded and James kissed her on the cheek good-bye. They held hands until the last possible moment, and then they let go, Lily sighed with longing for his touch. She climbed into the backseat of the car, and turned around to face the back window. James was waving good-bye. Lily smiled and waved back. She blinked her eyes to let out a stray tear. But when she opened her eyes again, James was gone. Then she strummed her guitar quietly as words flowed naturally to her head...

My sweat mixes with my tears

My heart into shingles

And it's here I lose you...

I didn't understand

So I ignored

The all too familiar feelings...

When you turned and left me standing

All of a sudden I realized

That I loved you back...

"That was beautiful, sweetie." Mrs. Evans said quietly.

Lily turned to the back window again. "I love you, James..." She whispered.


James had Disappearated at his house. It was a ranch-style in a wizard neighborhood, brown brick and plaster with brown shutters. The place he arrived in was the back porch, which led to the kitchen through a glass slider door, and where his mother and his baby cousin were waiting at the dining room table. Ian and Juan were talking to his mother, who seemed a bit overwhelmed. James knew better than to interrupt a conversation, but not enough to not overhear.

"Josie, I'm really sorry." Ian said.

Josie nodded. "I know. But know you'll come and live with us, right?"

Ian nodded and Juan smiled. Josie turned to Juan.

"Ian, your boyfriend is very handsome. Hello, Juan, my name is Josie Potter."

"Nice to meet you." Juan nodded.

Ian smiled.

"Hey, everyone." James said, and came in. He plopped his school things on the table and Ms. Potter stood up to hug her only son. When she let go, she handed James's baby cousin to him and sat down at the table. Josie was quite tired, probably because she was baby-sitting a one-year-old. She looked up to James.

"How was the last day of school?" She said, raising her eyebrows. Ian and Juan sat down at the hard oak table in matching chairs with Josie.

"Same as the one every year." James said, as his baby cousin wrapped his small hand around James's thumb.

"So is that response." Josie said with a small smile.

James turned to his baby cousin. "Tyler, have you been a good boy?" Tyler smiled and laughed. "Where's your mummy?"

Josie rolled her eyes. "At some sort of Muggle store. Oswald has been crazy taking care of Tyler on his own. I wonder when that Muggle will be back...?"

"Don't be prejudice against Tyler's mum, Mum." James said. Ian looked at James with a look that said, she-doesn't-know-does-she? Juan whistled innocently. Josie's eyebrows furrowed.

"James?" She said. "What's going on?"

"I have a Muggle-born girlfriend." James shrugged, and let Tyler down. He slipped and fell onto the tiled kitchen floor, but didn't cry. Instead, laughing and giggling, he stumbled off into the living room. Josie smiled.

"James has a girlfriend, does he?" Josie said in a singsong voice. "Who's this little lovely?"

"Her name is Lily." James said. Josie nodded. She never knew about Thomas and Lily. "She's a musician, like you and Juan."

"She plays the sax?" Josie said brightly. She scratched the top of her head, which was a field of thick, black bristles.

"No, the acoustic guitar."

"Ah, lovely." Josie checked the wall clock, which was next to the family clock. "Well, I promised Molly Weasley I'd pay a visit."

"How are her sons?" Ian asked curiously. Josie shrugged.

"Bill and Charlie are getting along just fine. Charlie will be one this year and Bill will be five." Josie sigh as she stood up and gave them all a kiss. "She and Arthur are trying so hard for a little girl."

"Bye, Mum." James said.

Josie looked at him sternly. "Watch little Tyler, and mind Ian and Juan. Understood?"

"Yes, yes, yes, Mum." James said impatiently. Josie winked and Disappearated. Ian slapped his knees and took Juan's hand.

"Well, Jamie, I guess you have he house and kid to yourself. We are going to gather our things to move in. See you later."

"Bye, Ian. Nice to meet you, Juan."

"Good-bye." Ian and Juan said before they too Disappearated.

James sat down at the table and took out his yearbook from his book bag. He turned to the Candid Pictures page, and saw the one where Lily and himself fell asleep together on the Common Room couch. He sighed with a smile and turned to the school pictures. He finally found Lily's picture and stared at it. She was smiling and blinking, and sometimes coughing and falling asleep. James smiled a little bigger and said to the picture, "I love you, Lily." The picture blushed and James closed it gently. He went into the living room, and began to write his first owl for her.

((A/N- *Sigh...* What a romantic ending. Or is it the ending? I know that Lily and James were supposed to be Head Boy and Girl, but I didn't like that idea for this story. Maybe another time. As you can see, I did add a Sirius and Snape fight, which had a bizarre twist. This story was my pipe cleaner of pipe cleaners. O_o Um, let's see... the serious/Sirius thing was stolen from silverphoenix, and even though I did it terribly wrong, I still did it. Sorry. Anyway, I wanted someone to get pregnant, so I randomly (the ol' pick-a-piece-of-paper-from-a-hat thing) and it came out as Dayzee. Well, actually, it was Lily, but there's no way that could happen. So then it was James, but males can't get pregnant (unless they are transsexuals, but that's a whole different story and not a pleasant one). I wanted to put the whole evil-deed-to-Peter thing in, but I was lazy and didn't. Okay, it was Peter was going to pay this girl for being his date for the Ball, but she gets romantic with a Slytherin hot-rod, and Peter thinks he's macho and gets his rear end kicked. I hate Peter, and I always will. ¬¬;; The song, Even If I Said No, is owned my me. It's actually longer, but I didn't want to make the story boring. All the ones with one paragraph are also owned by me. Everywhere is owned by Michelle Branch, the guitarist goddess. What else do I want to say? Hmm.. well, this was my best story yet. I've realized I've got a knack for J/L stories and will probably write a few more as soon as I find the inspiration. Thank you so much for your reviews. If you reviewed at any point in time, please look for your name. Buh bye now! ^_^ (HOLY LITTLE NICKY IN A JAR!! This chapter is 21 pages long on my computer!)))

Mayra, Quinn, Snufflescutie, Phoebe, Lise, RoSweLLaDDict, Archangela, Princess Gin-Gin, Caitlin22888, Shits and Giggles, Tarawen, umm, VirtualFaerie, Merlin's Quill, Taty-Chelle, Jessie Mousie, Sage of Darkness, Ex-Smurfet, Parselmouth Majere, Sierra Sitruc, kristatwen... YOU GUYS ROX MY SOX! THANKS FOR YOUR REVIEWS, AND STAY SHMOOFY! O_o