I would just like to state for the record that when cannon has Mike insisting he could pull off drag I can't be held accountable for my actions. Not after something like that.
That said, your preview for things to come: Mike making a reappearance as sexy, coy, kickass Mike that we saw in the first episode who called a bunch of strangers douches and conned a Harvard alumnus out of his ID badge. I miss that Mike... Oh, did I mention he makes this grande re-entry in a skirt? Mmmh, and heels. And Harvey happens to come across him... Oh yes, let us watch the magic unfold.
Disclaimer: Seriously. If I owned Suits you'd have to watch it on HBO. ;)
There was something familiar about the willowy figure perched on the edge of Mike's desk. The clothes reminded him of Jessica actually; high-end, form-fitting blouse and pencil skirt that did nothing but accentuate her lithe curves and soft features. But it wasn't that; there was something about the soft splay of her shoulders and shoulder-length, sandy hair that instantly jogged his memory.
With a figure like a dancer and a four-inch pair of this season's Christian Louboutin she was clearly so far out of Mike's league it was laughable (but that didn't sit well because what did that make him? He was out of the kid's league too, of course. Way out. Like out-in-outer-space out. Harvey just didn't let social structure decide whom he did and didn't have on his "to fuck" list. Yeah, that was it. What the hell was he talking about again?)
The mystery woman slid off the desk and brought Harvey back to the matter at hand. It was driving him mad that he couldn't place someone he clearly had no right forgetting. Or at least it would if he was a normal person, but of course he was Harvey Specter, so as things were he was just mildly put-out.
He watched the sway of her hips and felt his own twitch in response. How does one approach a situation like this? His first thought of, 'Excuse me, but have I solicited you in a sexual manner before?' was quickly tamped down and replaced with his most charming smile and a step towards her as he jokingly quipped, "Whatever he's paying you, it's not enough." At this distance he could see that she was actually taller than he was, but he was willing to bet they were roughly the same height when her shoes were taken out of the equation (which they would be with any luck on his part).
Her register was low and her voice smoky as she chuckled and agreed, "Not for all the work he has me do, but the money isn't really the issue."
"Oh?" He stepped to her side, trying to catch a glimpse of her face. "Then what is it?" She wouldn't lift her face from the document she was skimming… at an alarming pace. At a Mike-like pace. Then it hit him. Surely not-
She looked up with a heavy sigh, belied by a playful smile. "He just doesn't appreciate me," she-he- said. Because it was definitely Mike. There was no mistaking those too-blue eyes and the sinful lips that somehow looked perfectly natural lined in kohl and stained a deep ruby.
"I – what?" With something like this Harvey was willing to make concessions to his vernacular.
"I told you," he-she?- said as he approached him, "soft features." With a passing kiss that affected him entirely too strongly for the few seconds it lasted, Mike left, leaving Harvey reeling and staring after him, along with most of the male-associates (and a few of the women).
Yes, this is from the meme at Lj, thank you for remembering! Thanks for reading this far, next up: a bit from Louis' POV. Oh goodness, how did that even happen you snipe? Working your way into my stories... *sigh* OKAY! STAY TUNED CHILLUNS!