Title: BloodSweatTears

Disclaimer: I own absolutely nothing, all characters and original Losers verse settings belong to other very lucky people.

Pairings/Couples/Category: Losers(movie verse), all of the characters, references Clay/Aisha, Pooch/Jolene, and if you squint, Cougar/Jensen.

Rating: Mature

Warnings: There will be references to death, sex (consensual and nonconsensual), violence, and the use of adult language. Not fluffy.

Summary: The Losers and the things, tangible and intangible, that define them.


Circles don't have a beginning and they don't have an ending. They're closed, contained, secretive. They don't have sharp edges. But, like the rings in a tree, they can tell a story. The circles on her arm tell the story of daddy's little princess, of mama's sweet angel, of a warrior woman jaded by the real world who puts ink in her skin to get the memories out of her head. There are three, three for the moments that changed her life.

The thickest and first is for the day her mother died, killed by a competitor of her father's who wanted to send a message. It's also for the day she first realized that her father was a bad man, that daddy's little princess was the heir to a drug king, and that a river of blood lay beneath the perfect trappings of her life.

The second is for her first kill. An employee of her father's sampled a little too much of the product and decided that fucking the bosses fifteen-year-old daughter, whether she wanted to or not, was a brilliant idea. Mama's always precocious and not-so-sweet angel gutted him like a pig and left him in the courtyard for all the other employees to see. Daddy sent her to school in America after that, but it was too late – she can still see the blood under her fingernails sometimes, and hear daddy's little princess screaming in the back of her head.

The third circle is for her father, not a good man, but hers, and he's dead and she swore vengeance and now she's fucking the man that killed him and she's not sure there's a circle big enough to take away the sharp edges of that truth.

She knows she'll have to add a fourth and final circle one day, for Clay. It will be for the day she kills him, more blood on her skin and stains on her soul. Or it will be for the day she admits that she's never going to, and finally lets daddy's princess and mama's angel go for good.

Either way, she thinks the circle will be red.