I sat in my desk, tapping my purple mechanical pencil mindlessly against the desk. The teacher, Mrs. Kerr droned on about beginning of the school year expectations and rules but I was elsewhere.

I glanced lazily around the classroom filled with kids who looked like they hadn't come back form their vacation, and to be honest I hadn't either.

Normally I would ecstatic about being back at school to learn and be away from the mindless, fun things summer brought but this time my mind was on the summer.

It had been an interesting summer to say the least and the most eventful.

I cast my stormy grey gaze over to my best friend since god-knows how-long, Thalia Grace, to see her, as usual, spacing out and on the brink of hitting her head on the desk in sleep. But there was something about the look in her eyes that told me that she was thinking about the summer as well.

Chuckling slightly I could see that my other best friends, (we had scored and gotten the same homeroom by the way), all had the same looks.

Silena Beauregard had a dreamy look on her gorgeous face, her bangs falling into her sapphire eyes. She was the pretty one with good boy advice of the group.

Katie Gardener was scrapping her pencil mindlessly against her paper; her green eyes were far off. She was the shy but feisty one.

Clarisse la Rue had her head on her desk, her eyes were closed and her brown hair fell around her, but I knew she wasn't asleep because she was smiling and her breathing was uneven. She's the tough one.

Thalia was the cool, punk rocker chick with the black croppy hair and shocking blue eyes to match. And I am the smart and athletic one.

Smiling a bit, I turned back over to my desk to see half-hearted sketches of architecture designs and a bunch of 'Annabeth + —' or 'I love—' girly crap like that.

"Annabeth!" The teacher yelled. I looked up, my face flushed.


"Did you hear my question?"

"No." I mumbled and every one in the room looked at me in shock. "Sorry I was spacing out."

I could hear the whispers of my classmates. 'What? Annabeth Chase, Annabeth Chase wasn't paying attention' or some crazy kids whispering about the end of the world or the apocalypse.

I shrunk back into my seat especially when I caught the knowing looks and smirks my friends were giving me.

"Yes, right well, I'll, um, ask ah, someone else, yes, uh, someone else…" Mrs. Kerr stumbled over her words. Geez people are acting like the worlds' going to end and I could still hear my classmates voicing my thoughts. Mrs. Kerr turned her attention to some other student who just happened to be my archrival at this school: Drew Chang.

Smart, gorgeous, head cheerleader and always is one step ahead of me. Now normally if I actually wasn't paying attention and I got passed up for Drew, I'd be pissed, but right now I couldn't help and smirk.

While she might've stolen my long time crush and once boyfriend, Luke Castellan, but even the captain of the football team of Goode High couldn't compare to the football, swim, and basketball captain of Sunset High school. Who just so happens to be my boyfriend now, so take that Drew and Luke.

Drew looked over looking smug but she faltered when she saw my smirk. She grabbed Luke's hand, which was next to her, and intertwined their fingers. She and Luke sent me devilish looks to which I started to laugh. Everyone gave me more looks and I smirked. Idiots.

Finally the class was let out and I made my way through the day.

And finally we came to lunch period. I sat down at our usual table and Grover, Katie, Thalia, Jason, and Malcolm were already there.

Grover was an old friend of all of ours, Jason was Thalia's little brother, he's a sophomore and we're juniors, and Malcolm was my younger twin.

"Hey guys." I said as I sat down but no one paid attention, they only spaced out. I sat down and rummaged through my lunch bag as Clarisse and Silena joined us. We sat in silence, which was weird, but we all knew the reason.

Finally Grover broke the silence, "I wonder how Juniper is doing'?"

We all nodded and started talking about those special people from the summer. I bet you're wondering what we're talking about? Well you see it all started on the last day of school and with a family reunion…

~Peace Love and Percy~
