Chapter 4

+++The Bodyguard and the Witch+++

Few minutes later

"That is amazing!" Tsubaki said amazed by the teenage superhero's forms, He told her that he had more forms and came from another universe.

"Yeah, I get that a lot." Ben said with a cocky smile as he transformed back to himself, but Ben looked over at Black*Star and saw he was acting like an idiot.

"Is he always like this?" Ben asked with a sweat drop.

"Not all the time," Tsubaki said smiling, "He normally isn't like this."

Then Tsubaki took out a smoke bomb with a skull on the front; Ben was confused by it.

"We need to report back to Shinigami-sama." She said and then tossed it on the ground and it showed Shinigami in a cloud of smoke.

"Well hello!" Shinigami said happily, "How's the collecting going?"

Tsubaki had a nervous look on her face and said, "Well…we still have one…Ahahah"

"Huh?" Shinigami said shocked by hearing this, "Really?"

Black*Star then walked up to the cloud and said, "Don't sweat it boss, I'll be sure to make Tsubaki in to a 'Master's Weapon'! Until then how about you take this autograph as a gift! What do ya say?"

"SHINIGAMI CHOP!" Shinigami yelled knocking out Black*Star with one strike of his signature move, Ben and Tsubaki sweat dropped at this.

"I'm really sorry about this. Even though we've been together for a while we still haven't collected many souls." Tsubaki said; Ben put a hand on her shoulder to comfort her.

"Want to know a shortcut?"

"Huh?" Both Ben and Tsubaki said in unison.

"There is a way to collect '99 human souls," Shinigami said, "If Tsubaki were to absorb '99 human souls' and '1 witch soul' she'd become a 'Death Scythe'!"

"Wow." Ben and Tsubaki both said, Black*Star got up with his head still bleeding from the attack he had received.

"What way is that?" Black*Star asked overjoyed, but still bleeding.

"It's quite uncommon, but among humans there are few who posses a 'Strong Soul.'" Shinigami explained to the trio, "Right now, near this Village you three are in. There's one man who possesses one of those 'strong souls'"

"This might be interesting." Ben said with a grin.

"Is he bigger than me?" Black*Star asked, Ben then covered his mouth.

"Who exactly are we dealing with here?" Ben asked the Death god.

"Mifune the Bodyguard…" Shinigami said, "He's a highly skilled bodyguard protecting a witch named Angela. Mifune's 'Strong Soul' should be comparable to '99 human souls'"

"AWESOME!" Black*Star yelled in excitement, "So if we beat this guy and that witch… the 'Death Scythe' will be good as done, Lets go Tsubaki!"

"Right!" Tsubaki said as she flowed the load ninja, Ben was about to leave.

"Ben?" Shinigami asked; Ben looked over at him confused by what he wanted.

"Yes, sir?"

"Mifune can be a powerful adversary, so be careful." Shinigami said with a serious tone, Ben nodded in agreement and activated the Ultimatrix and transformed into Jet Ray as he went with the others.

Castle Ruins Magic Castle Cinder

Alcapone and his gang were now in front of the castle, the looked very disturbing to say the least.

"We heard that this is the castle where the 'Witch' lives." One of the members said.

"With a witch's power my family will become the strongest! You know?" Alcapone said as he began to walk up the steps when he came across something unexpected.


It was a man, his legs crossed as if he was meditating; he had long flowing sandy blond hair, with his eyes being blue, he was warring a long brown coat over his shoulders like some sort of cap, but what really got there attention was the long katana blade he had in hand, he was none other then Mifune AKA the owner of the 'Strong Soul'.

"Who the hell are you?"

"What business do you have here?" The man asked about to take the blade out, "If it something I don't like…you will die."

"Whatever!" Alcapone said with a grin, "Waste this freak!"

"Yes sir!" The all said in unison and raided their guns to fire at the man.


Ben was lying on the tree looking over at the laughing sun.

"Still creepy, even in day time…" Ben said to himself, Ben wondered about his family and friends back home, he missed them very much.

"I'll be home soon guys." Ben said to himself looking at a photo of his family on his cell.

"AHHHHHH!" A voice yelled in the distance; Ben shot up when he recognized it.

"Black*Star?" Ben said to himself, he activated the Ultimatrix and transformed into XLR8 and ran to the location of the voice of Black*Star. He finally found Black*Star who was unconscious.

"What's wrong? Did something…WHOA!" Ben/XLR8 said, but saw a naked Tsubaki, Ben had a major nosebleed from the sight of such beauty.

"PERVERT!" Tsubaki yelled as she threw a throwing star at the transformed Ben, Ben/XLR8 was too distracted and was hit.

"Ow…" Ben/XLR8 said in pain.

"Welcome to my world…" Black*Star said weakly.

Minutes later

The gang was now on their mission to find the man with the 'Strong Soul' and the Witch.

"Off to our goal!" Black*Star said pumping his fist in the air, "Magic Castle Cinder here we come!"

"Sorry about that, Tsubaki," Ben/Jet Ray said still rubbing the spot where she hit him, "I thought you where in trouble…"

"It's okay; I hope I didn't hurt you to bad." Tsubaki said worriedly to the young hero.

"I've had worse, I'll be fine." Ben/Jet Ray said assuring the beautiful young woman.

"Off to our goal!" Black*Star said pumping his fist in the air, "Magic Castle Cinder here we come!"

"Black*Star, wait a minute!" Tsubaki yelled for the hyper ninja's attention.

"Come on!" Black*Star yelled jumping on tree to tree, "We got to hurry!"

'This guy is full of energy.' Ben/Jet Ray thought as he sweat dropped watching the two bicker.

"Do have any plan to take out Mifune?" Tsubaki asked, Black*Star looked at her with a confused look.

"YEEEES?" Black*Star said, "First I'll make the biggest entrance scene ever!"

"I'll take that as a no." Ben/Jet Ray said with a grin, Black*Star glared at the hero, Tsubaki couldn't help but giggle, with that they were coming close to there destination.

"I see it up ahead!"

They finally made it, Jet Ray transformed back into Ben.

"So that's were the witch is, huh?" Black*Star said landing in front of the huge Castle; it was covered with yellow tape that said 'Keep out' and blades all over the place.

"What the hell is this place?" Black*Star asked shocked by the sight.

"Wow," Ben said amazed at the sight, "I don't know, but it's huge!"

They then saw a bunch of souls all over the place.

"W-What happened here?" Ben said examining the area, but then Ben saw what looked like a man coming in…with a sword?

"WATCH OUT!" Ben yelled, Black*Star and Tsubaki looked over to see the man, Black*Star and Ben got out of the way and saw man.

"You're rather noisy…" The man said with his sword in hand.

'He's fast…But I think XLR8 might work against him!' Ben thought he activated the Ultimatrix and with a huge flash of light appeared around him; everyone shielded their eyes, but as the light died down; they looked to see that Ben was replaced by a huge 9 foot tall humanoid tiger with no clothes and claws coming out on each wrist.


Everyone sweat dropped at this.

"What the heck is that?" Black*Star said as he never seen this form before.

"I don't know what you are," The man said as he readied his blade for combat, "But I am going to take you out!"

"Tsubaki!" Black*Star yelled over to his partner.

"Right!" Tsubaki said as she transformed in to her Chain Scythe form, Black*Star Caught her and readied himself.

"Time to die!" The man known as Mifune said.


'What's with this guy?' Black*Star said, but was interrupted by Mifune's sword, Black*Star used his Chain Scythe to take his sword out of his hands.

"Hehe, I'll take that!" Black*Star said as he took the sword away from the samurai, Rath charged right at him, but he dodged as he jumped over Raths head and grabbed another katana blade, He then bounced off a wall and came at Black*Star, but Black*Star blocked the attack with his Chain Scythe.

'DAMN!' Black*Star yelled in his head.

"Your weapon saved you…a normal scythe would be broken by now…" Mifune said as he grabbed a blade behind him and tried to slice Black*Star with it, but he dodged the swing.

"WHOA!" Black*Star said as he jumped back on his feet, "What's with this guy, he's super strong!"

'Of course he is! He is a 'Strong Soul'!' Tsubaki yelled at Black*Star.

Mifune then threw his blade at the loud mouth ninja; it missed him and was over his head.

"Get lost, kid…" Mifune said coldly, "I'm in no mood to kill you…"

Mifune then looked over at Ben/Rath and said, "You better leave too…"

Black*Star became angry and said "DON'T CALL ME KID! TSUBAKI! DARK BLADE MODE "SHURIKIN"!"

"Right!" Tsubaki said as she transformed into a giant shuriken, Black*Star grinned at the man.

"I'm going to take you down!" Black*Star yelled as he charged at him with Ben/Rath, Black*Star threw the shuriken at Mifune, but he dodged by jumping over the shuriken, he used his sword to stop the shuriken which shocked the trio.

"NOW RATH!" Tsubaki and Black*Star yelled, Mifune was shocked as he saw the tiger humanoid come at him in full force.

'What the…' Mifune thought confused.

"TIME FOR A RATH ATTACK!" Ben/Rath yelled as he gave Mifune a kick in the face which made him fly, this surprised the man, but then he saw Black*Star behind him with a blade.

"I'VE GOT THE 'SOUL'!" He yelled with a smile.

'Idiot…' Tsubaki said under her breath, 'Shouting isn't going to work!'

But Mifune drew his sword just in time and said as he sliced Black*Star with his sword, "Fool…"

Black*Star star was had a huge gash on his stomach and fell face first on the ground, Rath and Tsubaki both transformed back to there normal forms.

"BLACK*STAR!" Ben and Tsubaki both yelled; they both worried for the ninja, Tsubaki ran to his side with tears running down her cheeks.

"No…" Tsubaki cried devastated, "It can't be…"

Ben looked over at Mifune with a glare, but then saw Black*Star trying to get back up again, Ben and Tsubaki were shocked by this.

"Dude, you're hurt!" Ben said trying to keeping from doing anything he might regret, but Black*Star pushed him out of the way.

"You damn bastard!" Black*Star cursed, "You actually think using 'mineuchi' on someone as great as me would work?"

"Idiot…" Mifune said with a cold stare, "Don't you care about her?"

The gang looked at him blankly.

"You rely too much on your weapon…" Mifune said, "You'll just keep getting in her way, you're nothing more then a weak kid!"

"YOU'RE WRONG!" Tsubaki yelled back

"Mifune…" Black*Star said darkly, "What do you want?"

"To protect Angela the witch!" Mifune said with determination, "I'm her bodyguard."

Ben looked at him and saw something in him.

"THAT'S NOT IT!" Black*Star yelled, "You're all the glory to yourself! By calling me kid!"

"What?" Everyone said in unison.

"I'M THE STAR OF THIS SHOW!" Black*Star yelled, "YOU GOT THAT?"

'His eyes…' Mifune thought.

"Tsubaki…Ninja blade mode!" Black*Star yelled.

"Yes!" Tsubaki yelled as she transformed into a blade, Black*Star caught her in his had ready to fight, Ben then transformed into a giant blue moth man creature, but he then pressed the symbol on his chest and turned red and had flame like designs on his wings antennae.

"Ultimate Big Chill…" Ben/Ultimate Big Chill said in a ghostly voice.

"This is my fight, Tennyson!" Black*Star said, "Stay out of it!"

"No way, I'm fighting with you if you like it or not!" Ben/ Ultimate Big Chill said, Black*Star shrugged.

"Whatever," Black*Star said, "Just don't steal my thunder!"

"It's all yours; I had enough of that in my own world." Ben/ Ultimate Big Chill said as he turned intangible and went underground.

"What the!" Mifune said shocked as he felt his whole body was frozen, he couldn't move.

'I can't move!' Mifune thought shocked by what just happened, but then suddenly Black*Star was behind him again.

'What?' Mifune yelled, but was too late and was hit.


"GAHHH!" Mifune shouted in pain.

"I'M A GOD!" Black*Star shouted with pried; with that Mifune went flying.

"THAT'S HOW THE DARK ASSASSIN DOSES IT!" Black*Star yelled with a grin on his face, "YAHOOO!"

"I-I've lost…" Mifune said under his breath.

"Who would protect an old evil witch anyway...Punks like you will die because of this!" Black*Star said, "And mater of fact…I'm going to take you 'Strong Soul'!"

Ben didn't like the idea of killing the guy, but he had no choice, but then suddenly he heard something up from the sky.

"STOP!" A voice yelled; everyone looked up and saw what looked like a little girl in the sky, as she landed; she was warring a witch out fit and held a broom stick. She had her body in front of Mifune.

"DON'T BULLY MIFUNE!" The girl yelled with tears running down her face, this shocked Ben.


"What the hell?" Black*Star said shocked, "That's Angela?"

"YOU MEANIE, YOU BIG MEANIE!" She yelled as she started beating on Black*Star, Ben/Ultimate Big Chill and Tsubaki sweat dropped.

"I didn't expect her to be so…young." Ben/Ultimate Big Chill said stunned by her appearance.

"This is not going to work…" Tsubaki said disappointed, "A dying "Strong Soul' and a witch with no magic…this isn't the best chance."

"Wait!" Black*Star said trying to clam her down, but was hit with a very sharp sword by the girl, blood flew everywhere.

"GAHHHH!" He yelled from the pain of the blade.


"YOU LITTLE BRAT!" Black*Star yelled running after the girl, Mifune got back up with his sword and still weak from the fight.

"Take my "Soul"!" Mifune said badly injured, "Please leave Angela out of this."

"Ultimatrix, can you help him?" Ben/Ultimate Big Chill said as he walked over to him.

"Affirmative" the Ultimatrix replied back.

"Do it!" Ben/Ultimate Big Chill said as a flashing green light appeared from his chest and on to Mifune; this shocked the samurai.

"What on earth?" He said amazed by what was going on, he felt his whole body was completely healed, Ultimate Big Chill finally transformed back into Ben who was now exhausted, Tsubaki caught him when he was about fall.

"Thanks, I'm fine." Ben assured the young woman; Mifune walked up and bowed to the 16 year old hero of the galaxy.

"Thank you, I'm Mifune." He introduced.

"Ben, Ben Tennyson," Ben said as he shook his hand "It's what I do."

"Whatever, that guy is not worth my time!" Black*Star said, "Lets go! It's dinner time!"

"Kay!" Tsubaki said with a smile and came along with the star haired ninja.

"Tsubaki?" Black*Star spoke.


"We will find 100 souls no mater what!" Black*Star said with a grin, "And you'll become a 'Death Scythe'!"

"I know." Tsubaki said with a smile.

"Hey! Black*Star!" Ben said as he transformed into Fasttrack he caught up with him, "How about a race? You and me!"

"I like a challenge!" Black*Star said with a prideful smile, "I'm going to win!"

"Yeah, Yeah! Show me what you got!" Ben/Fasttrack said readied, and then the two ran off in the distance.

"GUYS!" Tsubaki yelled running after them, "WAIT UP!"

In the distance, a man was watching the three; it was none other then Professor Paradox.

"Good luck, Ben!" Paradox said with as he put a gumball in his mouth and vanished into thin air.

Days later in The Death Room

Back at the Academy; Ben was in Shinigami's Death room, Shinigami looked over at the teen hero.

"Great job, Benjamin!" Shinigami said happily.

"It was no problem," Ben said with bit of pride in his voice, "You told me you had another mission for me?

"Why yes I have!" Shinigami said, "You can come in now!"

Ben turned to see a young man who was warring a black suite with white rectangles on each side of his blazer, he had short black hair with three white rectangles on the left side of his head, but what really captured Ben's attention was his golden colored eyes that seemed to stare into his soul.

"And you are?" Ben asked confused by the strange looking young man.

"This is my son!" Shinigami said with a happy tone.

"S-SON?" Ben said shocked.


Sorry for taking so long to update this story! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, because I definitely had fun writing this one!

Blair is going to make an appearance in the next chapter!

Don't forget to review!