Traitors deserve everything they get

Chapter 2

Hogwarts… Headmasters Office…

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore for the second time in two days was feeling his age and both times it all led back to one person.

Jade Lilith Potter

How could everything have gone so wrong?

He should have known she couldn't have killed Cedric, should have believed in Jade as she had in him so many times; but he had been blinded by his fears that she had gone dark just like another promising young student named Tom Marvolo Riddle once had. He had felt like he had failed her and he had, just not in the way everyone had thought. She had begged at her trial for Veritaserum and Fudge had denied it – that should have been the first clue that something was not right.

Albus had been blind to the truth, instead of having faith in Jade like he should have done; he had doubted her and his lack of faith had landed her in Azkaban.

"Jade Lilith Potter you are hereby sentenced to life imprisonment in Azkaban for the murder of Cedric Diggory and the use of an unforgivable curse"

He still remembered the look she had given him as the Dementors dragged her away. It was not a look of sadness or anger, but a look of hate and betrayal. They had betrayed the one person who would have done anything for them, for her friends, her family.

"Oh don't act so surprised Judge" her voice was dripping with scorn. "I care very little for a country full off back-stabbing sheep and racist fools"

And now, perhaps unsurprisingly Jade felt no obligation or responsibility to save them from Voldemort. He knew the prophecy, he knew she was the only one that could kill Tom once and for all and now she didn't want to. Albus had no doubt if Tom came after her then she'd defeat him and maybe even kill him, but as long as Tom stayed in Britain then she'd not lift a finger to deal with him.

His mind drifted back to the power she had shown at Azkaban, she had definitely found 'the power the dark lord knows not' somehow and she had no intention of using it against Tom. He didn't need to wonder why she had waited till Tom attacked to escape from Azkaban; she had wanted them to know she was innocent as well as free of them. She wanted them to know what they had so carelessly thrown away.

The public were in outrage over the Jade's 'desertion' as the press were calling it; they seemed to have forgotten that they had betrayed her first so it shouldn't have been a surprise that she didn't want to help them.

Fawkes' thrilled from his perch, the comforting notes of the song of a phoenix banishing Albus's headache and rejuvenating him.

Albus smiled gratefully at his familiar "Thank you, old friend"

He turned back to his offices window. Storm clouds were gathering over head.

"Dark days are ahead I fear"

Northern France… 8th July…

Fleur Isabelle Delacour walked along the beautiful French streets with a smile. Hogwarts had been nice, but France to her would always be the most beautiful.

With her father being the French Minister of Magic she had spent many of her summers abroad in a wide range of countries, but she still found Twilight Alley in Paris to be the best she had ever been to. The people were always friendly and the number of shops and side alleys far outweighed anything you'd find in the British Diagon Alley.

Fleur relished in the peace here. There was no fear, no oppression and…

"What ya mean I've had enough"

… A familiar drunken voice shouting at the owner of the pub a little ways in front of her.


The quarter-Veela had not had any contact with her since the tragedy of the third task; but the Girl-who-lived was easily recognisable with her very long fiery red hair and emerald eyes. However almost everything else Fleur knew about her fellow champion just didn't seem to match.

Her once bright eyes were dull and empty. Last year Fleur was ashamed to admit she at first had had a hand in dimming those bright eyes when she had called Jade 'a little girl', but she had tried hard after the second task to make up for it. She knew all too well what it was like to be despised and burned by your fellow students, but the hatred that Hogwarts had shown Jade had shocked even her.

The next change was that Jade was terribly thin as if she had been starved for months and her skin was pale as if she hadn't seen the sun in a very long time. There were dark circles under her eyes that showed she hadn't been sleeping properly.

She was also clearly absolutely plastered.


The red-head stumbled around to face whoever was calling her and squinted at the silver blur.


"Oui" Fleur smiled at her friend. "It has been a while Jade, how have you been?"

Jade smiled dreamily at her "Fleur! I haven't seen you since I was arrested, but I'm doing great now that I'm free.

Fleur blinked, grateful she had bothered to practice her English since last year, and then the full meaning of Jade's words hit her. "Arrested! Why were you arrested Jade?"

Jade stumbled again almost falling over if Fleur hadn't caught her. "Well the Minster blamed me for Cedric's death and sent me to Azykaban"

Fleur gasped in surprise, but managed to wrap her arm around Jade and started leading her back to her Family's manor.

"When did they let you out Jade?" asked Fleur once she'd manage to get her anger back under control.

"Two days ago… I think… not sure" slurred Jade.

"Two days!" exclaimed Fleur, causing some people to shoot them odd looks. "That means they locked you up for a year" Why hadn't she heard of this before now? Surely it would be global news if the Girl-who-lived was sent to prison for murder.

"Yup!" chirped Jade, cheerfully. "Then Voldy came and let me out. Wasn't that nice of him? Bumble-bee was really shocked"

Fleur blinked.

"Not that Voldy is my problem anymore. Told him he could have Blighty, because I don't want it anymore"

Fleur shook her head at the stupidity of Britain. It was obvious that 'Voldy' must be the Dark Lord and Jade had left Britain to fend for themselves. Rightly so too, they had betrayed Jade so if they expected her to help them then they were all fools.

One thing bothered her though…

"Surely your friends would have told the court you couldn't have killed Cedric… and Dumbledore he would have supported you, no?"

Jade's happiness quickly evaporated and her expression darkened considerably. "Oh they told the court alright… told them I was a dark witch and stabbed me in the back!"

Fleur gasped in horror. "No…"

"As for Bumble-bee, he was the Judge. Sentenced me to Azykaban he did" said Jade, darkly.

Fleur felt anger like she had never felt before swell to the surface. Those bâtards! To treat Jade like that after everything she had done for them. They didn't deserve the honour of ever having been Jade's friends. They didn't even deserve to clean her shoes. If she ever got her hands on them they would wish they had never hurt Jade, she would tear them limb from limb. Yes she would. She –

"Hey Fleur you've got feathers!"

Blinking, her rage temporarily forgotten, Fleur looked down and noticed that she did indeed have pale silver feathers on her arms. Growling slightly she managed to force her body to return to its usual form before she transformed completely and accidentally hurt Jade.

Looking around she realised they were only a few yards from her home and quickly made a bee line for the front gate.

First she'd find Jade a room and let her sleep off her hangover. Then she'd find something to burn and pretend it was those fools from Britain.

They'd hurt one of her few true friends and she make them suffer if it was the last thing she did.

Watch out Dumbledore because hell has no fury like a pissed off Fleur Isabelle Delacour.

No.12 Grimmauld Place… Order of the Phoenix Headquarters…

"Does anyone wish to start off this meeting?" asked Dumbledore.

"Albus have you managed to find Jade yet?" asked Molly Weasley. She had been horrified when Arthur had come home and told her Jade was innocent. She had pushed aside her guilt though so she could work on repairing the rift between them and Jade.

"I'm afraid not Molly. Where ever she is she isn't in Britain" replied Dumbledore.

Severus muttered "No surprise there"

Molly quickly spun to face him "If you have something to say; then say it"

"Is it really such a surprise Potter isn't in Britain" sneered Severus "After all she made it quite clear that she no longer cares about us or Britain"

"Jade was just angry, poor dear probably didn't know what she was saying. She wouldn't actually abandon us"

Severus glared "Angry! Hah! She wasn't angry at all. She was cold, colder than even the Dark Lord. Why would she come back for any of you?"

"That's enough you two" said Dumbledore before Molly could answer; the last thing they needed right now was people at each others throat. "I'm sure that we will be able to find her eventually Molly. What about the Dark Lord, Severus?"

Severus stood up and cleared his throat "The Dark Lord is still gathering his forces as well as planning how to retrieve the prophecy. So far he has not had any luck" Snape seemed to consider his next words carefully "The Dark lord seems… shaken at best by what he saw at Azkaban. He has people keeping an eye out for any sign of Potter, but does not seem interested in looking for her abroad. It would seem he does not wish to risk incurring her wrath if he can avoid it"

"I see" said Dumbledore. That was some good news at least.

The kitchen door suddenly burst open to reveal an out of breath Hestia Jones.

"Headmaster… Miss Potter's been spotted in France sir" she said.

Dumbledore smiled and the rest of the order seemed to perk up. "That is good news Hestia"

"There's more Sir" panted Hestia "She was seen leaving a local pub. She was apparently quite drunk"


Delacour Manor… Guest suite…

Unaware that the forces of the light were tracking her down; Jade Potter slept soundly in a comfy queen size bed.

Her dreams were filled with kind quarter-veelas and large quantities of alcohol.

Tomorrow would certainly be an interesting day.

Jbh14: To clarify Jade left Britain (after visiting Gringotts bank) and went and got drunk. Enough money can make people do very odd things such as sell large amounts of alcohol to underage teens.

Fleur was unaware that Jade had been imprisoned or blamed for Cedric's death. The British Ministry worked quite hard to prevent anyone finding out.

I have no idea who to pair Jade with, I did think maybe Luna or Daphne or Blaise (Male or Female) or all three! Anyone got any suggestions because I'll be happy to hear them.

Please Review.

Till next time.