Apologies for the wait guys, i went through a rough period recently and haven't had the mindset to write much.
Anyway here's chapter 9 for you and chapter 10 is already in the works, should be up sooner this time
"Master," Eric looked up from his work on the desk to see Pam standing in the doorway. He nodded to her and she stepped in. "Ethan has arrived with the guard he has organised. He is waiting in the bar." Eric inclined his head.
"Show them in."
"Yes, Master." He had to chuckle to himself as Pam left his office. Pam usually called him by his name. For her to call him 'master' was a sign that she was in an extremely good mood. Eric made a mental note to thank Jessica for her part in this. Since the two of them had embarked on their relationship, Pam had changed somewhat.
Whilst she was still very much his spoilt child, she was far more agreeable. She didn't make a point of uttering a smart comment when he gave her an order. She was still very lazy, but didn't object as much when he gave an errand to run. Shaking his head, he put all the documents away and waited patiently.
Soon enough, the door to his office opened and Ethan stepped in. Eric's eyes widened at the sight that greeted him when Ethan moved to allow the vampiress following him to enter. Eric had heard rumours of this vampiress, her strength and her experience made her exceptionally lethal and her fighting prowess was equal to his own. Her power however, was much greater.
Thalia was from Greece, or more correctly Ancient Greece. She had encountered some of the greatest Greek heroes in person, Odysseus being one of them and she had seen him 'a couple of times.' She didn't look it but she was extremely dangerous, especially since she was older than him. If Ethan had called Thalia in order to protect Sookie, it meant the threat they faced was greater than he thought.
Eric stood up as Thalia came forward to his desk, dressed in black jeans with a long-grey coat and dark blue blouse. She had tied her hair up in a ponytail and she looked far less threatening than she actually was. She bowed at the waist to him as Ethan stepped forward, hands in his pockets as Eric glanced at him.
"Eric, this is Thalia. Thalia, Eric." Ethan stated as Eric answered the bow with a nod of recognition as Thalia straightened up. "I have already brought her up to speed on the situation so all that is left is to register her into Area 5." Eric nodded as he turned his eyes to the vampiress.
"I assume you will be looking for long term residence." She nodded once as he sat down behind his desk, with her taking the seat in front of him.
"Indeed." Her voice was feminine but raspy, giving it a very sinister edge. "When I heard my charge was bonded the famous Viking Sheriff of Area 5, I assumed I would be needed for an extended period." Eric nodded.
"Yes, even after this threat has passed, I had hoped you would be willing to stay on as Sookie's guard beyond your contract." Thalia turned her eyes to Ethan.
"You did not say his bonded was the telepath that has the vampire society in an uproar." Ethan raised a brow at her words.
"It seems word travels quickly." He muttered in annoyance, "Compton should really learn to stay his tongue." Eric sighed as Thalia chuckled dryly.
"He said very little about her. Edgington however, couldn't contain his excitement at having acquired a telepath. He quickly became the envy of many kingdoms in Europe…" she trailed off when Eric let out a vicious growl.
"Even in death, Russell Edgington is conspiring against me." Ethan hummed as the Viking continued to growl, as Thalia remained quiet.
"His arrogance certainly defies nature." Ethan mused before turning to Eric. "What's done is done, this changes nothing." Eric calmed himself and nodded. "Thalia, you shall be introduced to Sookie at a later date, when she is available." Thalia nodded.
"I will warn you in advance, she can be quite wilful and is very set in her ways." Eric continued with amusement all over his face. "She will fight you on just about everything." Thalia smirked.
"It has been some time since I have met a wilful breather, I look forward to meeting her." Eric nodded. Ethan's eyes suddenly turned to the door and narrowed.
"What is it?" Eric asked the older vampire. Ethan let out a very soft, yet menacing snarl.
"It is Ocella." Eric's fangs ran down as Thalia looked at Ethan for answers. "Remain here for the meeting and you will see." She nodded as Eric sat down. She moved to stand behind him as Ethan moved to the door and opened it.
The surprised and then angered face of Appius Ocella greeted him. He dressed in a flamboyant suit, serving to project his vain personality and his belief that he was above everyone else. Ethan eyed him with disdain, before standing to the side. Ocella stepped in and froze at the sight of Thalia.
"What is she doing here?" He demanded as Ethan closed the door with a click. Eric leant back in his seat as Thalia placed her hands behind her back, giving Ocella an icy look of menace.
"She is here at Ethan's request and mine." He answered. "If you are here about my bonded again Ocella, I will not repeat my answer again. You have been told repeatedly to leave us be." Ocella smirked as he slipped his hands into his jacket pockets.
"I hear she was attacked not long ago." Eric's eyes narrowed in suspicion as Ethan folded his arms.
"And where did you hear that?" Eric snarled. Appius chuckled.
"Word gets round, my grand childe." He glanced between the three vampires smugly before eying the Sheriff. "It would appear she is not as safe here as you once thought."
"The answer is no…"
"My protection would be a great asset…"
"I said no." Appius gave him a sneer that promised terrible things if he did not give in.
"You do realise I can go over your head, Eric." He threatened.
"Not when I am involved." Ethan answered him. "Sookie is under the protection of my maker and now Thalia…" Ocella's eyes turned to the vampiress who was still giving him that same deadly stare. "Besides even you cannot interfere with a bonded couple…human or not."
"I will not…"
"I find it curious that you have chosen now to come forward, Ocella." Eric stood up as he spoke, glaring at his grandsire, "when Nan said more or less the same thing to Selina not two nights ago." Ocella hesitated for just a moment, before composing himself.
"I have no idea what you're talking about it." Eric hummed in derision before leaning forward. "I know nothing of what Nan has planned…"
"Of course not." Thalia finally spoke, coming forward. "But if you intend to try and interfere with a bonded pair Ocella, I will not allow it. You will die first…" His fangs snapped down as she gazed at her evenly.
"You wouldn't dare…"
"Try me." Ocella turned his incredulous gaze to the other two vampires. They gave him nothing but suspicious glares, indicating they would not stop her. With a huffing snarl, Ocella whirled around and dramatically exited the office. Thalia turned to Eric. "This is not the first time?" he shook his head.
"Since Edgington's trial, he has been trying to pry Sookie away from me." Ethan looked thoughtful as Eric spoke. His eyes had a focused edge to them and the wheels in his mind were clearly turning.
"That was far too coincidental for Ocella to arrive now. A week after Sookie's attack and the night after Nan's confrontation with Selina." He stated, looking at Eric as he spoke.
"You believe they have entered some form of alliance?" Eric asked and Ethan nodded. "It stands to reason as both have mentioned Sookie's attack and have seemingly heard of it from an unknown source." He shook his head. "Could we have a leak?"
"We need to inform Sophie-Anne of this." Thalia finally spoke; she faced Eric as she spoke. "With you permission, Sheriff, I will take the news to her myself." He nodded.
"You have it. I will have Pam call De Castro to ask him from Quinn's services during the day. He would be able to gather information and guard Sookie when we are sleeping."
"No," they both turned to Ethan, "I will make the call myself. Have Pam focus on other matters." Eric nodded as he spoke. "Pam and Jessica will be of more use as the security of Fangtasia, nothing gets by them here." Eric inclined his head in agreement.
"Very well then, I…"
The Viking froze at the sound of the voice inside his mind. He turned his to the side as if listening to something causing the other two vampires to frown. Thalia tilted her head at him.
"What is it?"
Eric said nothing as he seized his jacket and tore from the office at top speed. Ethan shook his head at Thalia as she made to follow. She frowned not knowing what was going on.
Eric was answering the call of his bonded.
Sookie sat against the sofa, sniffing bitterly as she wiped her eyes with the backs of her hands. The events of the evening were still playing in her mind but she was all cried out. The pain however was still as raw and terrible as the moment she had broken down. Everything had fallen apart in her hometown.
For years she had lived as the outsider. 'Crazy' Sookie as she had been labelled, the little sister of Jason Stackhouse, the one who knew things she shouldn't. The other town residents had always spoken about her, always looked down on her because she was different. For years she had let them walk all over her because her Gran had taught her patience and how to turn the other cheek. But it had become too much.
Because of her own brother.
Jason…she felt betrayed by him. Her last remaining human family and he had judged her in front of them entirety of Merlotte's for her choices. Her own brother had judged her instead of supported her, being there for her in her mistakes as well as her triumphs. He had embarrassed her and shot down her choice of lover. Like the towns folk, it seemed Jason looked down on her for her choices.
And Tara.
Sookie could safely she wasn't entirely surprised by Tara's words, though it still hurt a great deal. Tara had been increasingly hostile to Sookie since Mississippi. And Sookie knew why. Unlike her, Tara's choice of vampire lover had been woefully lacking and she had been hurt terribly as a result. Whereas Sookie had everything Tara didn't; wealth, a handsome and powerful lover, a great selection of friends, the list went on. And Tara had finally decided to lash at Sookie due to her own misery, blaming her for everything that had gone wrong. But as far Sookie was concerned their friendship had ended a long time ago, with Pam and Amelia taking Tara's place as her best friends.
But still she felt alone in Bon Temps…she had no-one left in her own home.
Suddenly, her head jerked up as she felt something in the bond. She sprung up to her feet and sprinted towards the door. She ripped it open, just in time to see Eric landing not far from the porch of her home. His hair was ruffled from the high speed he had been flying. She ran out the door as he came up to the steps and launched herself into his arms. He caught her and she wrapped her arms and legs around him, burying her face into his neck. He smelt of rain when he had been flying, which was always comforting.
He flooded the bond with comfort and sent soothing pulses to her as she breathed in his scent and took in the reassurance he was giving her with merely his presence. He stroked her back lovingly as she latched onto him, not moving at all as he carried her back to the steps and sat down. She remained wrapped around him, now completely sat in his lap as he situated himself on the top step. She took a deep breath, already feeling a little better and pulled back so she could look at him.
Eric took her expression in. The red puffy eyes and streaks down her cheeks being a clear indication that she had been crying a great deal. The bond, which they dampened when Sookie was working, was awash with heartbreak but also acceptance. This confused him as he brushed his finger down her cheek.
"You've looked better, Sookie." She snorted a bit, reaching up to wipe her eyes again.
"Thanks Eric." She replied and he chuckled as she let smile a form on her lips. "I didn't think it would work when I called you." He shrugged.
"Our bond continues to surprise me as well." He answered, truthfully. The strength of their bond was a mystery to him. Perhaps it was the very regular blood exchanges they did, he did not know. But, even then, their bond was extremely profound in its power. "Now, why don't you tell me what has you in such a state."
Sookie lowered her head before taking a deep breath and launching into the sordid tale. She told him of her confrontation with Arlene, the surprise argument with Jason, her tirade at the entirety of the town and finally her falling out with Tara. And the whole time, Eric just listened. His hands were on her back, stroking soothingly when the tale began to cause her to cry again.
After she finished, he remained quiet as she laid her head on his shoulder, now sitting beside him. She could feel his anger in the bond, but she did little to try and quell it. She was too hurt and angry herself.
"So I assume this means your bother was not as accepting as we first thought?" Sookie nodded. "I have a feeling it is more to do with his fear for your safety than your relationship with me."
"It doesn't excuse what he said."
"No, but you are his only remaining family. And whilst I would like to knock his head off, reattach it and then knock it off again for his foolish, I understand his feelings on the matter." Sookie was giggling when he finished and she nodded.
"I see your point."
"Arlene is both ignorant and hateful, the less said about her, the better. Tara on the other hand, more than deserves what you gave her." Eric growled and she could feel him fighting his fangs to stay in their pouches. "She is meant to be your most loyal friend but she is not. She has proven time and again just how disloyal she really is; she has turned on you many times. This time is most certainly the worst of them. And she will have done so again." He shook his head in disgust. "She is best left alone. If she blames you for the hardships she endured, even though she brought all of them upon herself, she deserves her misery." Sookie frowned at this.
"That's a bit harsh, Eric." He gave her a pointed look at her instinctive defence of her former friend.
"Do you really think so?" She paused for a long moment, and then sighed.
"No, I don't. But she was my friend…"
"Was, Sookie, was. Not anymore." She rolled her eyes in mock exasperation.
"Okay, okay, you've made your point, you big Viking." He smirked at her. "Well, what now?"
"Now, we just enjoy the rest of our evening. Forget all the troubles at Merlotte's." She lowered her head for a moment, thinking. She then raised her eyes back to his, her eyes shining.
"We could do that, or I could start packing." He blinked, looking at her in confusion.
"I could start packing." His eyes widened with realisation as her face lit up in a loving smile.
"Are you saying…?"
"I am."
"You're serious."
"What changed your mind?" She reached over and laced her fingers with his, grinning all the while.
"I realised who really loves me, who respects me for me, regardless of my faults or mistakes. I've found friends who listen to what I have to say, even if it's stupid or prideful. And I've found someone who makes me feel beautiful, special and sexy without having to change who I am to do so. Most importantly, I've found my place in the world…and it's with you." He gazed at for a long moment, his eyes glued to her face with wonder.
Then he suddenly lunged forward and crashed his lips to hers. Sookie inhaled sharply, fisting her hands into his hair. She responded in kind, knowing full well her lips were going to be bruised by the end of it. But his reaction told her that she had made the right choice.
Though she knew she would always be happy with Eric, her greatest fear had been leaving her old life behind her. But, having seen the reactions of Tara and Jason in Merlotte's, she had come to terms with the fact her old life had ended a long time ago. Tara had betrayed her over and over and Jason was too self-centred to truly support her as he should. Her life in Bon Temps was toxic and if she had remained there, it would have destroyed her. Her relationship with Eric and her friendships with Pam, Jessica and other vampires had set her free.
She knew now, she deserved more, deserved better and now she would get it. Gran would no doubt have been so proud of her. Adele had always said she deserved better than Bon Temps and waitress work, with her gift and her beauty. Gran would be smiling now, seeing her being so comfortable with herself. She always wanted Sookie to be happy, and nothing made her happy than Eric.
"I'm sorry, it took me so long to get my priorities straight…." He cut her of with another quick kiss.
"none of that, love." He answered. "None of that at all." He moved his lips to her neck, and she sighed in pleasure. He growled softly into her neck causing her to shudder. Sookie panted as Eric nibbled light on her throat. "I want to fuck you so much right now." He drawled, his voice husky." She grinned, wanting to give but she knew they still had to talk.
"Down boy." She simpered, pushing him back playfully. "We still got talking to do." He huffed.
"It can wait…" She leaned back for his attempted kiss, grinning all the while.
"Uh, uh, not yet. Talk first." He closed his eyes, willing away his arousal. Sookie bit her lip as he calmed himself, unable to do the same. Damn him!
"Very well, what's on your mind?" She bit her lip, looking down and fiddling with her shirt for a moment.
"I'm afraid, I'm gonna need a new job." He frowned, tilting his head inquisitively.
"Was Merlotte in on this as well?" She shook her head.
"No, no. But I quit Merlotte's after tearing into everyone. So, I need to find somewhere to work…" She looked up at him, teasingly. "Does Fangtasia have any vacancies?" He grinned at her.
"I'm sure I could find something for you to entertain yourself with."
"Other than you."
"You're no fun." She swatted at him with a grin, before standing up and looking out over the scenery. He stood up behind her and slid his arms around her waist. "What's on your mind?" She sighed, shaking her head.
"Nothing, it's just going to be my last night here, I've realised." He smiled, placing a kiss on the top of her head. Her breath hitched a tiny bit as his hands slid up her stomach to her breasts.
"Then, let us make it a night to remember." She sighed, leaning her head back onto his shoulder as he kneaded her breasts through her shirt, squeezing and rubbing.
"Yes…" she breathed, as he nibbled just under her ear, causing her thighs to rub together. "Let's…" he smiled, adding his tongue to his little nibbles as she whimpered and sighed under his ministrations. She could feel his hardness through his jeans and began to grind her ass him, causing him to groan in her ear.
"Sookie…" he breathed, as she shimmied against him. "Remind me, did you say you had left Merlotte's?" she hummed against him.
"Uh, huh." He grinned, realising she wasn't catching on to his game. He trailed his hands up her front.
"So, will you be needing this anytime in the future?" She ground against him a little more, her hands dropped to his hips as she writhed against him, like a dancer.
"I don't think so no…" that was all he needed.
A loud rip echoed around them as Eric tore the Merlotte's shirt down the middle, exposing her white lace bra. Sookie began gasping, her eyes wide at his actions as she turned her head to look at him. The expression of pure, animalistic desire on his features, caused dampness to pool between her thighs. She continued to gasp as he yanked the ruined shirt down her arms and dragged her to him.
She met his lips with a loud moan of wanting, his dominant actions having provoked her savage desire for him.
He backed her up until she was against the porch to the steps, kissing ferociously as his hands moved down to her shorts. Suddenly, he heard something off in the distance and his head snapped up, looking to the side. Sookie whined in distress as he scanned the surrounding area, depriving her of his attention. She reached up and began biting his neck, knowing it would be the best way to get his focus back on her.
He continued to watch the surrounding for a few moments, before turning back to his lover. Pushing her back a little, he reached around to the back of her shorts. Another rip sounded around them as he tore them open from back to front, dropping the ruined garment onto the rags that had been her shirt, leaving her in her white, lacy lingerie. His hands dropped to her bare buttocks, squeezing and groping, causing Sookie to give out a sultry moan.
He lifted her up, hands holding her firmly by her ass, as their lips crashed together again. Eric cast a final glance out into the tree line knowing there was someone out there, as Sookie began unbuttoning his shirt, scratching her nails down his chest. With a grunt of approval, Eric turned and carried his lover into her house.
He stumbled across the threshold and Sookie let out a lusty giggle, still raking her nails down his torso as he kicked the door shut behind them.
There you go guys, like? Not like? let me know. Next chapter will contain lemons, forwarning haha