His blue eyes were piercing right through my heart. I hated him, he was the only man who had ever reached my heart and he had crushed it, burned it, incinerated it. I hated his beauty, I hated his sexiness, I hated the good sex, and I hated how smooth he was acting right now.

"Sonny? My god, you look great," he said and then winked at me, very deliberately. I immediately glanced over to Chad who was watching the scene with an… amused expression? Amused! Was this funny to him?

"Chad, are you aright?" I asked angrily but he simply snapped his eyes down to the table, and I could see his cheeks going a bit pink. That's right little boy, you keep doing that.

James must have noticed my intense glare and cleared his throat, suddenly he was back into his fake professional mode.

"So sir, what would like today?" but I could see that he was immensely uncomfortable with Chad's appearance. He probably thought that he was a boyfriend or something, or at least I hoped he'd think so. Chad, unfazed, recited enough for us both and waited until James left the table to burst out laughing. Lovely.

"Oh My God Allison, no wait, Sonny?" Oh great, so he caught that.

I shrugged it off, "It was a pet name he used to call me. He was my ex back in High school. Didn't end too well." He also raped me, but I didn't mention that. Chad didn't have to know all the details.

Chad simply nodded in understanding, he wouldn't dare try to cross the co-worker boundary. He seemed to notice how comfortable I was around him and must have sensed something bad. It was within around 10 minutes that James was back and had served our dishes in silence, he left but had managed to leave a note within the tissue that was by my dish.

Meet me around the back. Now.

I gulped, I was not ready for another beating, not again. He had taken my purity, my happiness, and he was not going to do it again.

"Mr. Cooper, may you excuse me for a moment? I must patter my nose," Classic.

The backdoor led into a clammy New York alley, it wasn't dark, but bright daylight, giving me the view of the graffiti walls and the crawling rats. Ew.

"Sonny." I snapped around, my eyes widening in fear. The last time I was alone with James Marsden I was getting pounded, against my will, against an alley wall, very similar to this one. I immediately looked around and let out a sigh in relief when I saw an old lady watching us. She could be an eye witness.

"James, why did you call me here? I'm pretty sure you'd want nothing to do with me after that date of ours."

He slowly took a step closer to me, followed by me stepping further away from him, until my back hit the wall of the alley, wonderful.

"But Sonny, you've gotten so damn sexy since I last saw you. It hurt me so much to see that blonde at your table. You can do better that a rich stuck up business."

"Anyone is better that you," but I realized that it was the wrong thing to say. He slammed both his hands onto the wall, one on either side of my face, trapping me and I could feel my blood going cold. But his eyes softened when he noticed my fear and he slowly pressed his forehead to mine, both of us breathing heavily. I was suffocating.

"Sonny, we could start again, differently. We could have so much fun. No strings attached, just mind blowing sex, all the time. Don't you want it?" his voice was desperate and I could feel his filthy hand travelling up the curve of my body, reaching closer and closer to my chest.

I spat at him. Violently, and then kneed him in his balls. He yelped and bent down in pain cursing at me while I stomped back into the restaurant, pleased to Chad already waiting by the door with a worried face.

"Allison, you took a while, are you alright?"

"Yes Mr. Cooper, I'm fine."

The drive back was short and silent. I was not in the mood to make conversation and I knew that he knew it too. How dare James come back into my life like that? And want me for sex? Who did he think I was? Back in Chad's office, I was briefed with my new assignment which Nico had already started on. Work went by slowly, I tried to go to Chad's office before I left to go home, but he had already packed up and left. What a waste of a day. I need a drink.

Going home, I slipped on my sexiest outfit, starting to feel confident and more like myself again and headed off to the nearest club. I was already on the phone with Nico, inviting him too. I needed a night off.

The barman seemed interested, he might be a good lay. He had a brilliant body and beautiful eyes, but he was nothing much. I was not in the mood at all, but I knew it was what I needed.

"I'll have a Sex on the Beach please," making sure my cleavage was pooling out and my sexy voice was on. I inwardly rolled my eyes when I saw his eyes dart to my chest and he immediately got to the drink.

"Sex on the Beach? Rather cliché don't you agree?" A sleek voice said from behind me, Oh hot damn. I spun my chair around and was met with a Greek God.

My eyes travelled up his black Armani suit and almost bugged out of their sockets when they came across the stubble on his high cheekbones. His full lips and heavy green eyes were enhanced by his dark brown, almost black, hair. He was perfect, and judging by his suit? Rich too. Subconsciously I licked my lips and almost squealed when I noticed his eyes follow my tongue. He wants me too.

"Cliché? A martini is cliché, or maybe even a vodka dry, but a sex on the beach? No, that's not cliché. It's hot." He smirked and sat next to me cockily ordering himself a drink.

"You know what would be awfully cliché? If we exchanged names and numbers."

I cocked my head to the side and agreed, it was quite mysterious, sleeping with a stranger.

"I agree."

The next thing I knew, he was slamming into me inside my garage and then again in my bedroom. It was pure bliss, along with the alcohol and was definitely exactly what I needed to get my mind of James and Chad Dylan Cooper. The night felt as though it was lasting forever, until when I woke up in bed cold and alone, don't get me wrong. I enjoy waking up alone, but not with a splitting headache. I went downstairs to get some medicine only to notice that he was making breakfast for me downstairs, naked.

"Good morning," I said in confusion and I saw his back muscles tense. Wow.

"Good morning, before I head off to work I thought you'd want something to eat. After all you must be very tired," he said. Cocky bastard. However, for some odd reason I giggled, uh-oh. Giggled? You must be falling for me him. NO SONNY. Back away.

"I've had better," I said while I stuck my head up high. He simply smiled and shook his head. Instead he placed some steaming hot pancakes on the table, kissed me goodbye and left. Sigh, best one night stand ever.

Work was boring, I still managed to look exquisite though. Chad was so involved with his work that it made me invisible. I had to get my game on, fast. Maybe If I bought him some lunch? That might help initiate a non-professional conversation? I knocked on his doors, and heard a Come in, although he sounded agitated. So I slowly stepped in and peeped around the door, only to see he had a guest.

"Oh god, I'm sorry Mr. Cooper, I'll come back later."

"No Ms. Taylor, please come in, you're not disturbing anything," and I slowly stepped in but almost dropped the plate at what I saw.

There, in Mr. Cooper's office was Mr. Cliché from last night. Still as handsome as ever, in all his glory. His eyes widened when he saw me and then slowly broke into a wide grin. Mr. Cooper noticed our exchange and suddenly fixed his eyes on me, very harshly. Oh god, I'm in trouble.

"I wasn't aware that you two knew each other Allison."

"It's only a recent meeting Mr. Cooper," I looked down at my shoes.

"Either way Ms. Taylor, I'd like for you to meet Skylar Thompson."