Kurt really missed his friends from The New Directions, but he knew he would miss Blaine more when he left Dalton Academy. Blaine was Kurt's first boyfriend and Kurt had never loved someone so much in his life. Blaine understood that Kurt missed his friends but he wasn't sure how Blaine would handle the news.

Kurt was lying on his bed in his dorm room, reading the new Vogue magazine. He was looking at the new fashion trends for the upcoming season. Kurt didn't really bother with it when he was staying at Dalton because he had to wear the same uniform day in and day out, but going back to McKinley; this was just a small thing he was looking forward to when he went back.

There was a timid knock on the door. Kurt tore his eyes away from his magazine and turned his attention towards the door as it opened slowly. It was Blaine. Kurt got up to greet him; he threw his arms around the other boy's neck and planted a soft kiss on his lips.

"Well hello to you too." Blaine breathed, as his face lit up into a huge smile.

"Hello" Kurt said as he left his hands around the back of Blaine's neck. Blaine placed his hands around Kurt's waist and pulled Kurt closer to him. He pushed his foot against the door and softly closed it. Kurt stood there staring into Blaine's honey brown eyes. The light caught them in the most endearing way and Kurt couldn't look away, even if he wanted to.

"So how are you? I haven't seen you all day." Kurt asked as he started to play with the curls that were escaping at the back of Blaine's hair. It sent chills down Blaine's spine, much to Kurt's amusement.

"Oh I've been pretty good, just doing homework and laundry. You know the fun stuff" Blaine said sarcastically.

"I bet" Kurt mumbled as he pressed another kiss on Blaine's lips. Blaine noticed that there were a few boxes next to Kurt's bed.

"What are they?" Blaine asked as he pointed towards the boxes. He untangled himself from Kurt and walked toward them. He sat down on Kurt's soft bed, reached down and grabbed the one closest to him. Kurt walked over, picked one up and tossed it onto his neatly made bed. The box made the bedspread uneven where it landed. Kurt smoothed over the bed spread, his hand lightly touching Blaine's before Blaine grabbed his hand.

"Just some of my things." Kurt says nonchalantly.

"Why are they in a box? I thought you unpacked everything on your first day here." Blaine asked, slightly confused.

"Um, I did." Kurt said without looking at Blaine. Blaine noticed and squeezed Kurt's hand reassuringly. This was going to be hard enough to explain to Blaine without having to look into those beautiful eyes.

"You know how I went to McKinley earlier today?" Kurt asked as he started to play with a loose thread on his blazer.

"Yes..." Blaine said slowly, his eyes were staring at Kurt's face. Kurt couldn't avoid it any longer. He rubbed his thumb over the back of Blaine's hand. He let out a sigh, and then looked up at Blaine's face.

"Well Principal Figgins, Mr. Schuester, my dad, Karofsky and his dad all sat down in Principal Figgins' office and we talked about the course of action we should take to ensure my safety if I return to McKinley. It wasn't going to that well, my dad kept fighting with everyone. So I asked to talk to Karofsky alone. After everyone left the room, I talked to Karofsky and ask what he was trying to accomplish. He said that Santana and he have started a campaign called 'The Bully Whips' which helps stop bullying. The rate of bullying has dropped dramatically. He said that he wasn't going to bully me anymore an-" Kurt was cut off by the look on Blaine's face. Kurt could see the cogs in Blaine's brain turning.

"So I am going to be transferring back to McKinley by the start of next week". Kurt said as he let out a sigh of relief. He knew telling Blaine would be the hardest thing he would have to do but he was handling it surprisingly well. Well that's what he thought until he turned and saw Blaine's face. He had gone completely white and was looking at the hand that was holding Kurt's. This wasn't a good sign; Kurt didn't want it to go like this. Blaine took a deep breath before he looked at Kurt. It didn't make him feel better but he couldn't handle the silence any longer.

"So, um, how come you're packing now, if you have week before you have to leave?" Blaine asked. His eyes had a strong glint of desperation and pleading. Blaine knew he must look petulant but he didn't care. He wanted to know why Kurt was leaving. Was it his fault that his boyfriend couldn't wait to get away from him and had started to pack as soon as he got back from McKinley?

"Oh I just thought I would get in early and make sure I don't forget to pack anything. As you know I have an extensive collection of clothes." Kurt deadpanned. Blaine tried to laugh but it was pointless. Kurt turned and put his arms around Blaine and rested his head on Blaine's shoulder.

"Are you ok?" Kurt asked. His voice was laced thickly with concern.

"I just didn't think that you would be packing so soon." Blaine said as he closed his eyes and pressing his face into Kurt's neck. Kurt just kept rubbing Blaine's back lovingly. He knew there were no words that could make this any easier. Reluctantly Blaine withdrew himself from Kurt and stood up.

"I have to go. I have a math test to study for." Blaine said as he walked towards the door. But he only got half way across the room. Kurt jumped off his bed and walked towards Blaine and hugged him. Blaine untangled their arms and held Kurt's hand.

"I really have to go. That paper won't write itself and it's due tomorrow. I can't hand it in late." Blaine said monotonically and walked toward the door. Kurt followed him, he stood in front of Blaine and tried to hold Blaine's hand but Blaine dropped his hand.

"I thought you were studying for a math test?" He said with a sneaking suspicion that Blaine was lying.

"Yeah I am; but I also have a paper to write. You know me I always have homework." Blaine said trying to use his most charming smile, the smile he uses to cover up his feelings; he knew Kurt was onto him.

"Yeah well if you actually started doing the papers and studying earlier, you wouldn't have to stay up all night and get them finished" Kurt said as he started to play with the lapels of Blaine's blazer.

"Yea I guess so" Blaine said. His voice caught slightly, he kissed Kurt's check quickly. He looked into Kurt's eyes one last time. He didn't know how many times he had left of just walking down the hall into Kurt's room and spending time together. He had to get away before he started crying. Remembering everything that he loved about Kurt was beginning to become too much.

"I'll talk to you later." Blaine all but choked out. Kurt lightly grazed Blaine's forearm and looked up at Blaine.

"Are you ok with me leaving?" Kurt asked seriously. He knew even if Blaine wasn't, he would say he was and use that stupid fake smile he always used.

"Of course, you do what makes you happy." Blaine said as he firmly placed the smile on his face.

"Blaine," Kurt said in a warning tone.

"No I'm fine, just go back to McKinley, I know it's where you would rather be" Blaine said hoping it didn't sound too rude. Blaine kissed Kurt quickly on the cheek again and slipped out the door. Kurt watched as Blaine walked down the hall and into his room. Kurt thought he saw him wipe his eye but he wasn't positive. The last thing Blaine said to him kind of hurt. Of course he wanted to be at McKinley but he didn't want Blaine to be angry at him for leaving. Kurt sighed as he walked back into his room, closed the door and slumped back down on his bed. He let out a deep breath and closed his eyes. It then dawned on Kurt: it was going to be more difficult to leave Dalton then he originally thought.