Kidnapped Love

Pairings : Harry Potter/Tom Riddle Jr.

Rating : M

Summary : Harry Potter is kidnapped by Voldemort, who has turned back to his 16 year old self. Tom doesn't want to lose another horcrux so he must keep Harry safe.

Disclaimer : I didn't write the Harry Potter books..

A/N : Enjoy :) And comments please :) I know it doesn't go exactly as it does in the book when it comes to horcruxes.. but I hope this will work. I don't have a beta and I have a bit of a problem with placing the dots ,,,,, sorry!

Chapter one : Home is wherever I'm with you?

Harry woke up early only to find himself lying in the middle of the floor. He had just had the most horrible nightmare. He had been in Voldemort's mind again and he had seen awful, evil things happening. Hell, couldn't he sleep properly for once?

Harry was staying at a cheap motel near London. He had needed some time alone to try and figure out what his next move would be. He couldn't just run around destroying horcruxes. He needed a plan and not just any plan. He needed a plan that would actually work. He didn't want to get killed in the process nor did he want to let Ron and Hermione risking their lives for him anymore than they already had.

He looked out of the window into the dark sky. It was only 2.00 am. Harry shivered, it had been only a while ago when Snape had killed Dumbledore. He hated Snape so much and of course Voldemort himself. They were both heartless murderers.

How was he going to defeat Voldemort without Dumbledore's help? The last horcrux he had destroyed had been in Bellatrix's vault. It hadn't been easy. Luckily he had gotten a basilisk fang send to him from Hogwards.

The next horcrux was at Hogwards. He had seen it in his sleep. But he wasn't going to go there before he had made a smart plan.

Sometimes he envied the way muggles lived, so carefree, not having a clue about someone named Voldemort. But had he never found out that he was a wizard would he probably be friendless, still living with the Dursley's.

Now he had the most amazing friends, who had risked their lives for more than once to help Harry. Harry smiled. At least the war against Voldemort had brought some people closer to him.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Harry froze immediately. Who could it be? It was past midnight. Then he thought of Ron and Hermione. No way. Harry had told no one where he was.

Suddenly the door crashed open and he saw a blonde wizard pointing a wand at him. Draco Malfoy had just crashed into his motelroom.

Harry started to look for his wand put before he could even see where it was Draco was holding it.

"I'm not here to harm you, Potter. Not if you come willingly", Draco said still holding Harry's wand in his hands.

Draco was wearing dark robes and Harry to his embarrassment, was wearing only boxers. He had just been sleeping, how was he supposed to know that he'd be attacked the next second? Realizing that not having his wand anymore, he'd better obey Draco. Harry nodded.

"But for the love of god, Potter... Put some clothes on first"

Harry dressed quickly and started to follow Draco.

After a bit of walking and appareting they finally reached a big dark castle. It was quite impressive. It reminded Harry of Hogwards, only it was a bit smaller. The castle was next to a small lake. Harry wondered where they were and who lived in that big scary castle. The only thing that was for sure was that this wasn't a school. It was far too scary to be a school. There were no other houses in sight and it was quite obvious that the place was hidden by magic.

They were standing at the bars at the gate where shaped like a snake. The gate was high and the castle had high walls surrounding it at every side, it looked almost like a prison. Not that only walls would stop a wizard going in or out. Harry wondered...

Draco opened the gate, only to push Harry inside the castle's walls. Then the gate closed by itself and Draco was left on the other side.

"This is when I go away, Potter. Go into the castle. He is expecting you"

Malfoy looked almost sad when he apparated away. Harry wondered why, he had never liked Harry. Where had he left him that would be such an awful place that it would get even Malfoy to feel sorry for him?

Harry decided that there was only one way to find out, so he started walking towards the castle. The castle's surroundings were not taken care of. Grass grew long and Harry spotted several dead trees on his way to the castle. He even saw something that he could only identify as a dead large snake.

He was scared. It was very possible that these were his last moments alive.

After a lot of walking he finally reached the castle's huge front doors. Before he could open the door it swung open.

He saw the man he had most feared to see.

Voldemort was looking at him, and to Harry's big horror, smiling.

"Welcome, Harry. Welcome"

Voldemort looked different. He looked like his 16-year-old self again. Before Harry could say anything he continued to speak.

"Thanks to you, Potter, and your horcrux hunting I suddenly have started to look like I did before I had killed anyone. I guess when my soul is not split in so many parts, I somehow get my old looks and even a bit of innocence back"

"I-" Harry mumbled. Voldemort looked so odd. He was a heartless bastard in the body of a beautiful 16-year-old boy.

" I'm afraid that I can not let you run around destroying horcruxes anymore. As much as I like being like a 16-year-old again - I feel much healthier - I can not risk you eventually being able to kill me" Voldemort hissed.

Harry swallowed. Draco still had his wand, there was nothing he could do. He closed his eyes. Here goes...

To his suprise Voldemort only laughed. The castle echoed from his cold hollow laugh.

"I'm not gonna kill you, Harry. As much as I would like to. You see, I can not destroy a horcrux. You were the only horcrux I never meant to made Harry. Part of me lives inside of you"

Harry just stood there quietly. It did make sense. This is why he could speak with snakes and look into Voldemort's mind. But what did this mean? If he wasn't going to kill Harry why was he there? Could't he just leave Harry alone... As if guessing what Harry was thinking about Voldemort spoke again.

"From this day forward, you are my prisoner Harry"