AN: Sorry for those who read my story, school, getting really sick, and pottermore have gotten in my way of finishing this baby!
Hermione was floating in and out of the strangest dreams! She would be somewhere nice and peaceful and a while later she would be in tremendous pain and seeing Draco look at her with worry and heartbreak. A couple of seconds later she would be sitting on a beach or reading a book by a lake. But while the dreams were peaceful she could tell that it was not real and all she wanted was to be in Draco's arms.
Draco looked at her broken body, knowing he did this. Knowing it was his fault. How could his own father hurt someone he loved? He stared at her chest seeing it barley move. He looked at her bruised and bloodied face with dry blood under her nose and then some. His eyes moved down, to her neck, where dark red and purple splotches and lines were going down her neck, until it reached her chest. He could see her wince every time she breathed. Broken ribs, they were a pain to fix and you could see it by the way she twitched every time she took a breath. Her vanes were a dark purple, some black; symptoms of the cruciatus curse. He stopped looking knowing that her broken bones would only make the feeling of helplessness worse. He sat there for hours waiting for her to wake. He took her hand, swollen and red, in his as he begged her to wake.
Hermione could feel a pressure on her hand. It wasn't pain, like she was used to for the past couple days, but rather one of pleasure. Her head was spinning but the pain was less than it had been for however long it had been. Hermione opened her eyes and blinked three times to get used to the light. When she got use to her surroundings she looked at her hand, what she found brought a huge smile to her face. There was Draco Malfoy holding her hand fast asleep on the side of her bed. She must have been out for a while because Draco had dark rings under his eyes, messed up hair, and what looked like dried tears on his face. Hermione took her hand that was not connected to her boyfriend and started to play with Draco's hair. Draco stirred but didn't wake and Hermione stayed there content and happy. She stroked and twisted his hair for about fifteen minutes before he woke. At first he was a little slow and looked at her for a while before he registered that she was awake. He jumped to his feet and slowly took his hands and stroked her face. Hermione put her hands over his and watched as she smiled at him. Hermione moved her hands to his face, pointedly ignoring the bruises on her hands, and pulled him until his forehead touched hers. Their breaths mingled and soon Draco Malfoy whispered apology after apology. She shushed him by putting her finger by his lips and said to her lovely boyfriend, "Draco it is not your fault. It is not your fault that your father does not like that we are dating. I love you and your father can torture me all he likes but he is not going to talk you away from me." Draco started to cry and brought his lips to her. Their kiss didn't last long because he soon pulled away. "I thought I lost you." Hermione gave him a quick kiss. "I thought my father killed you." This statement brought another quick kiss by Hermione. "I can't lose you again." Like the other statements Hermione kissed him. "I love you." The kiss that followed was longer. This time Hermione pulled away. "We will get through this together Draco."
It took about two months for Hermione to get close to her old self again. But Draco and Hermione lived life by getting through life together; through the war, through marriage, through kids, and anything else life through at them.