He stared at her broken body, knowing he did this. Knowing it was his fault. Because he loved her, they decided to kill her. Every bad thing they did to her, it was because of him. He stared at her chest seeing it hardly move. He looked at her bruised and bloodied face. The blood that poured from her nose had dried. His eyes moved down, to her neck. Where dark red and purple splotches and lines were going down her neck, until it reached her chest. The movement was barley there. The up and down movement, breathing. He did it now, not even thinking about it. He could see her wince every time she breathed. Broken ribs. Three to be exact. Her vanes were a dark purple, some black. Symptoms of the cruciatus curse. He stopped looking knowing that her broken bones would make this feeling worse. He had sat there for hours. Not eating or sleeping, hoping that she would wake, because he needed to see her warm chocolate brown eyes. He wanted to know that she was going to live. That his father had not killed her. He knew how Lucious Malfoy enjoyed the torture. He was the subject of it for seventeen years. He knew the pain she was in, more pain in fact. He could feel sleep trying to take him over, but he fought it. How could he sleep when she was in pain? He took her hand, swollen and red, in his as he begged her to wake.

He remembered how Dumbledore had called him to his office. He was sitting in the head common room, waiting for Hermione to walk into the room. She had gone to Hogsmead with Harry and Ron. He chose to stay because he had no one to go with. He would not go with Weaselbe and Scar face and all the Slytherins wanted nothing to do with their old prince, since they found out he was dating a muggleborn. And not just any muggleborn, Hermione Granger. He had been waiting a long time; it was now eleven at night. He had a sick feeling in his stomach but blamed it on eating too many sweets with Hermione before she left. He heard the door open but when he looked up it wasn't who he thought it would be. Professor Snape greasy head had appeared in the doorway. He didn't meet Draco's eyes but instead looked at the floor of the room. "The headmaster wants to see you, Draco." He looked at his godfather's appearance, something was off but he couldn't tell what. He picked himself off the couch and made his way to the door. He saw out of the corner of his mouth Snape open his mouth but then close it. He was confused. Was this Head business? That would explain why Hermione wasn't back yet. He made his way to the gargoyle in silence waiting for Snape to say anything, but when he didn't he turned around and went on his way to the headmasters office. Looking back Draco couldn't tell you if it was the longest walk or the fastest walk of his life. Something felt wrong. He couldn't explain but the intense feeling he felt all day had just become ten times worse. When he walked into the headmaster's room, he knew something was terribly wrong with Hermione. Potter and Weasley where there with their heads hung low, shoulders shaking, and tears running down their faces. When they heard the door open, they looked up with such sorrowful faces that Draco's first reaction was to give them pity. But instead horror filled him. He looked to Dumbledore with every emotion he had written on his face. The twinkle that was always present in Dumbledore's eyes had disappeared and he had never looked so old. "Draco would you please sit down." He barely registered that he did do what the headmaster had asked him to do; he barely noticed that tears were starting to run down his face. "My boy, Hermione Granger was kidnapped." A sob ripped out of his chest. He felt an arm go around his shoulders. He looked to Potter, who was trying to comfort him and whispered, with an emotion filled voice, "how?" Potter looked down right depressed. "We lost track of her." He whispered. "We were going to get butterbeers and when we sat down she wasn't there. She was right next to us the whole time, I don't understand how she disappeared, she knew not to wonder alone by herself. But then we heard a" he stopped and took a long deep breath. "Then we heard this blood curling scream. I knew it was her and we just started running. But by the time we got there, she wasn't there." He started crying and instead looked at Weasley who took something out of his pocket. Draco knew what it was; he gave it to Hermione last week. A heart shaped locket. She never took it off and always wore it wherever she went. Draco brought his shaking hand out and took the locket from Weasley. Dumbledore started talking. "The Aurors got there seconds after Ron and Harry. There were signs of struggle, some blood and this note." Draco took the note from the headmaster. He took it and read what it said, "The Mudblood will pay for your sins, son." Lupin walked in at the moment. He looked worn and torn. While they started talking Draco looked at the locket. He gave it to her for their 6 months anniversary. It was simple, like Hermione liked it. It only had three words carved into the front. I Love You in curly letters. He fisted it into his hand, it was cold.

Hermione was cold, wet, sore, and tired. She could feel the blood run down her face, from her nose. "You are so stupid, Hermione! Of course it wasn't a student asking help from the head girl!" She heard the door crack as someone opened it. She looked up to see the grey eyes that looked so much like Draco's it was astonishing except there was no love in this man's eyes. There was only hate and the want to make her hurt. Lucious Malfoy kept walking forward towards her until there was only a foot of cold grey cement in between them. He spat in her face. "You filthy little Mudblood, how dare you!" he yelled in her ear. "My son, you are not worthy for my son."A hit in the face was delivered. "I raised him." Hit. "My son." Those two words were each punctuated with a hit to the face. "You have ruined his reputation. How will the Dark Lord except him now!" Hermione's face was burning but she didn't give him the satisfaction of letting him see her cry. She didn't expect what came from him next. "Crucio!" Hermione crippled over, screaming. The pain was so intense that she had no choice but to let it out. When the curse was removed the pain stayed. She sobbed and in her mind wished for Draco to come soon. "You are going to pay for what you did to my son!" There was more pain and eventually the darkness took over.