Thanks for the reviews Robyn, Selene86, Sunnypunch, christiangirliemiranda, BookWorm77071, Rh3a, turttlehp, mrandmrsweasley and bekkahtee18!
Ready for some smut?
For The First Time: And The Second
"Oh, Hey Hermione" said Ron, playing off the awkwardness as if he had been sitting on her bed skimming through her copy of Hogwarts, A History all afternoon.
"Hi Ron" she replied, heart thrumming at the pace of a hummingbird's wings.
He had obviously put on a production (as had she, she admitted honestly to herself). He was wearing a very nice pair of jeans, not hand-me-downs, and the green shirt that she had once told him set off his red hair and freckles well. She had not mentioned that the shirt also showed off his well muscled forearms in a way that made her somewhat weak. His hair had been tousled in a 'I'm not really trying to be tousled' way, and she could almost smell the fresh clean scent of his deodorant from where she stood. Or maybe she was just imagining it.
The thing was that neither of them had actually christened today as 'Sex Day'. Hermione had invited Ron over, mentioned that her parents would be out, and asked him to arrive in her bedroom. The rest had been implied, and for once in what seemed to be his whole life, Ron had easily understood the implication.
She'd read enough romance novels to know what had to happen now. There had to be a spark, there had to be some handsy kissing and from there...from there they'd figure it out. She took four full fearless strides across the room, planted her hands on either side of Ron, and locked onto his lips.
Ron's response, understandably, was to fall over. He tumbled backwards onto the bed, laying the wrong way, and he brought Hermione with him. His lips were warm and wonderfully familiar. She could feel his smile under hers and opened her eyes a fraction to find him half grinning up at her. She pulled back and they paused a moment, Ron running his hand up and through her hair, a familiar motion. "You look really nice Herm" he said. She didn't give him a verbal response, just dove back in and kissed him with a fervor. The kiss quickly transformed into a very intimate affair, her arms in his shirt, his hands cupping her butt, his tongue running trails across her lips...
"Shirt. Off." gasped Hermione, who had been struggling with where Ron's shirt caught on his armpits for easily three minutes.
Ron wiggled out of his shirt easily and tossed it somewhere, then turned his attention back to Hermione, tugging hopefully at her shirt hem. There was a moment where Hermione just gazed down at him from her vantage point. Of course she had seem him shirtless before. At the beach, in the tent year 7 looking for horcruxes, in other similar heated moments...But he was ten times more attractive to her today for some reason. Now his hair was actually tousled, his mouth was red and wet, the veins in his arms and neck were standing out in sharp relief, and his freckled chest was somewhat flushed. Hermione pulled her own shirt off in a rush of desire for him, then, without much deliberation, her pants followed.
"Holy Hell Hermione." breathed Ron, ogling her underwear with extreme jubilation. He hooked his pinkie through her lacy knickers and grinned at them, somewhat spellbound.
"Not that these aren't bloody fantastic" said Ron, "but I never imagined you owning anything of the sort."
"I didn't have them until rather recently" admitted Hermione. She could feel herself blushing scarlet. "But I rather like them, what do you think?"
Ron's response wasn't exactly English, and his eyes had become a very arousing dark shade of green/grey. The finger hooked in her underwear pulled her back down on him and suddenly she found something even more arousing about him. This particular part was pressed right up against her, and with a shift of her hips (which elicited a very satisfying moan from him) she settled into a very comfortable place indeed.
She thought only briefly and with some mirth about the smutty romance novel excerpt buried underneath the mattress.
Hermione had started rocking her hips somewhat subconsciously, but the response she was getting was awfully hard to ignore. Ron's hands had locked onto her hips, right at the level of her underwear, and he was guiding, somewhat. His head was thrown back against the mattress and his eyes were half lidded, desire not masked in the slightest. This was about the point that they had gotten to previously in their sordid affairs. They were usually pressing helplessly against each other when they were either interrupted or one had to leave. Not this time, thought Hermione gleefully. No, this time, his pants were coming off.
She shimmied off of him slightly so she could pull them down, and Ron's eyes widened a little in curiosity, and then upon realizing where she was headed, an expression akin to fear crossed his face.
"Uh" he said, and Hermione was suddenly worried what she was going to find.
He didn't stop her though, and didn't indicate that he wanted to stop. After a moment's pause in which she tried to gage what he was thinking, she pulled his pants over his hips. She was still looking at his face, but she couldn't help but register what had sprung free from his pants. She looked down.
Perfectly normal male anatomy. Pale, a few freckles across his thighs, red hair...hard as heck.
She looked up again to meet his eyes and suddenly could pinpoint the emotion there. He was nervous, his ears very red and his expression unsure. Without really thinking about it, Hermione reassured him with the question she really didn't have an answer to.
"Wow, are they all that big?"
It was the right thing to say. All traces of insecurity melted off of Ron's face to be replaced by a downright smoldering look. "No way Herm, I'm one in a hundred" he teased.
Pulling her back on top of him, he worked (with momentary frustration) at her bra before freeing it and sending it arcing across the room. He didn't give her time to worry about her breasts but moved straight down to her underwear saying something about "bloody brilliant" under his breath. And then, after a moment of confusion with her ankles and the red knickers, she was naked above him on all fours.
A glorious moment passed where Ron skated his hands gently down her sides and she almost sighed out loud, then they were back at it. She leaned down to kiss him again, letting her breasts touch, then her stomach, and then, finally, her lower regions.
"Fuuuuuuuck" groaned Ron into her mouth. "Why didn't anyone ever tell us how much better this is without clothes?" Hermione couldn't agree more. His skin felt fabulous below hers, and that was even before the addition of his very warm erection.
A few more feverish minutes of grinding and trailing kisses, Ron rolled them to be on top of her. "Lets..." he said "Let's do it."
It would have been hard to argue.
"There's a spell we have to do first", said Hermione, desperately trying to think past her muddled brain. "I wrote it down, I just don't remember...where could I have...?"
"Contego" Ron muttered. "Contego...something. Bollocks, why can't I remember?"
"Oh!" Hermione said, and jammed her hand under the mattress to produce the notebook. There on the inside of the front cover in her neat writing was the spell.
"It's Contego Femina! Have you got your wand?"
Ron's attention had focused on the notebook. "What's that?"
"Oh, it's nothing, just, er, notes. I'll get my wand then, it was just here on the table..." Hermione hopped awkwardly to her feet and felt for her want on the table. Ron half rose from the bed (where he had still been laying the wrong way) and fished his own wand out of his pants pocket.
"I've got mine here" he said, the flush of desire still clear across his face and chest. And nether regions.
Still unsteady from her own desire, her embarrassment at the notebook and her sudden movements, Hermione took two steps back towards him, tripped over the corner of the rug, and proceeded to topple into him. He fell back, sprawling across the bed, and she face-planted in the soft skin of his stomach, just inches from the object of her current interest.
"After all my clumsy years, who would think you'd be the one to fall over?" he asked from somewhere above her.
Lifting her head and ignoring her vicious blush, Hermione started to work her way back up his chest to his head.
"Oh, you're leaving already? You could have stayed there as long as you-" Ron was cut off by Hermione kissing him fiercely.
Between the two of them they managed the spell and Hermione felt a curious warmth spread through her limbs. Ron's dick was resting, more like pressing really, against her, and she didn't want to keep it there much longer. Taking a deep breath, she gave him a nod which she was pretty sure he returned, then eased onto him.
It seemed to go in, but then she wasn't sure. Wasn't she supposed to explode with satisfaction at this point?
"Is it in?" she asked quizzically. She shifted her hips a bit.
"Yo..You shouldn't have to ask." hissed Ron between gritted teeth. He was clearly struggling not to remedy the situation very roughly.
He took her by the hips, gave her one warning squeeze, and then thrust his hips up against her.
Oh, now it was in. Hermione let out an audible yelp that might have been "Ow", it could also have been "Ron!", and now that she had a moment to think about it with him big and hard inside of her, she thought it may just have been "Oh yes please!"
She began to move above him, tentatively at first and then with increasingly less abandon. Ron was alternating between groaning and gasping, running his hands all over, squeezing her butt, her boobs, her hips. If he kept this up, she thought fleetingly, he was going to give her one mighty orgasm. When it did happen, it wasn't quite mighty, but it sure was there. She paused in her rocking to fall limp against him and breath in short gasps. His hands, surprisingly gentle, came up from her butt to run through her hair.
"Do I get a turn on top now?" he asked thickly in her ear.
Hermione rolled easily, regretting the loss of him inside of her as soon as she had turned. After a moment of confusion with her legs and his aim, he was back in, and she was being pounded back into the covers of her childhood bed by the man she loved.
He came quickly, less than two minutes later, and then apologized foolishly for not lasting longer. He rolled off of her sweatily, shaking a bit, and mopped them up with a washcloth from the bathroom. Finally he crawled back into the bed with her, wrapped his arms around her and kissed her sloppily on the top of the head.
"How was it for you?" he asked.
Hermione shifted so she could slip her legs between his from where she was laying on her side. She nuzzled her head in close to his shoulder and replied affirmably.
"Good." He quipped as he slipped off to sleep. "Because I thought it was bloody brilliant."
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Hours later she woke as he leaned away from her in the bed to retrieve something from the floor. Assuming it was his wand he was after, she closed her eyes again only to have them snap open again as he started reading aloud from her sex notes.
"...He pinned her against the wall with his arms, tongue running down her-"
"Ron!" She made a snatch at the notebook, but he had always been taller and quicker and he danced it just out of her reach, reading on, undefeated.
"...belly and towards her quivering breasts, not stopping when she moaned his-"
Hermione got the stupid thing at this point, though her momentum sent her tumbling off the bed.
For a moment she sat the floor, only just realizing that she was still very much naked. Ron, propped up on his elbow grinned down at her from his perch on the bed.
"You took notes." It wasn't a question.
"Well!" she said, a bit defensively "I didn't quite know what to expect, you know?"
"And here I thought you were just naturally so freaking sexy" His eyes were teasing.
"What if I am?"
"I'd believe it." Ron was sitting up on the bed now, inching towards her. "After all, you wrote the book" he indicated to the notebook hanging in her hand.
He slipped off of the bed and onto his knees, gloriously naked and took moved closer. He pulled the notebook free from her unresisting hand and tapped her lightly on the knee with it. He was on all fours, nose to nose with her, grinning like she was the best thing that had ever happened to him.
"Let's try page three."
And, she thought as their lips met, the feeling was mutual.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
And that's all, folks. Thanks for reading, please drop a final review to let me know what you think of my smut, and keep an eye out for new stories!