After a lot of consideration I have made an executive decision and decided to end Living with the DEAD at this point. Now understand this will not be the last time I visit the team and Onohira Base. The crew has a lot of building and reclamation to do in the future and I already have some ideas on how that should go.

I also can't leave a certain set of Royal Marines and their friends alone. I hope in the near future to be working in conjunction with MarshalZhukov again on several fronts.

I also once again want to thank my Beta-editors and fellow Horsemen jm1681, MarshalZhukov, and Rassilon001 for the work, insight and just keeping me in line.

My thanks to Unkeptsecret from the Black Lagoon archives that keeps us ALL in line!

Also thanks to all of my long time readers/fans just a few of which I would like to list here:




Strike master ice

Jesse and his great drawing of Kohta in the outfit I put him in.


It's people like you that have made Living with the DEAD the #3 most Favorite story in the Highschool of the DEAD archives. BTW, Courtship is #5! Wohoo!

When I started these stories with Blood of the DEAD I never expected any of them to go over three or four chapters. Oh well, what do I know. They have flowed from my mind like an old much loved movie and I feel I'm better for having done them. It's been over a year since I started and they have helped me through cancer, surgery and recovery during that time.

To be honest, its very hard to close one of these out.

Once again, Thank You all. Remember to favorite, follow and as the Russian says, "As always, have a nice day!"

Draco38 (Pestilence)