HURRHURRHURR. SMUT. Yup. You've been warned. D:
This is my first shot... how do people do it? my face is flaming red! D:

Thanks for reading, I appreciate all the faves and reviews. It REALLY motivates me to write more! ^O^

Nezumi had never been a very heavy sleeper. And annoyingly, his companion had been rather restless in the past couple of days. To his irritation, tonight was no different. He felt a sudden draft drift down his spine, as his bed mate removed himself from their cramped little nest. Opening his eyes with a sigh, he turned and raised himself up on one elbow. Running a hand through his fringe, he rubbed his eyes to try and remove some of the fatigue. He watched the light filter through beneath the closed bathroom door.

He flopped down on to his back. The corner of his mouth crept up. If he thought about it, this is rather an odd situation to be in. To be honest, sharing a bed night after night with a guy wasn't he'd ever consider before. But nothing was normal or logical when it came to Shion. From the first day Nezumi's eyes focused on Shion, it was miracle after miracle. Only Shion was able to make the impossible possible, the crazy plausible. Nezumi's hand reached out and grabbed a handful of the warm bed sheets that held Shion just a moment ago. He squeezed with all his strength.

The bathroom door opened tentatively. Nezumi couldn't see for sure, but it looked a little redder than usual. The lights flickered out as Shion quietly made for the door. Nezumi watched with not a little amusement as Shion fumbled his way to bed. Nezumi reaches out and grabs his hand. Shion gasped.

"Nezumi… you surprised me. Sorry, I woke you up didn't I," Shion's voice was a little sheepish as he gave Nezumi's hand a quick squeeze. Suddenly, Nezumi's fatigue wasn't so bad any more. In the dark, his smile stretched just a little bit wider. Pulling suddenly, Shion yelped as he crashed awkwardly back to bed. Biting his lip, he went to rub his shin, but Nezumi was faster. Hooking an arm around Shion's lower back, Nezumi pulled him in close.

"Yeah, and how do you intend to make me feel better?"

Shion literally felt the dangerous grin in the dark. He gulped.

"My… my shin hurts. Let go please, Nezumi," Shion's fists hardened on Nezumi's chest. "Let.. go!" Shion pushed hard against him. Was there a note of fear in his voice? He only meant to tease Shion, but maybe he took it over board. Sighing, Nezumi released his companion.

"I was just kidding. Don't take it so seriously, sheesh,"

"Just… just not today," Shion wrapped himself in the blankets, situating himself as far away from Nezumi as he could. Now Nezumi was really starting to get irate. Not only was he woken rudely in the middle of the night, his hot water bottle was trying his best to keep away from him. Nezumi promptly flipped himself over Shion and straddled him; much like how he did the first night they met. Putting his forehead against Shion's he was surprised to find it flushed. Taken by surprise, Nezumi leaned back slightly, his stinging words dying on his tongue before he even opened his mouth.

"Are you alright Shion? Are you sick?" Brow furrowing, Nezumi placed a hand on his face. To his shock, Shion knocked him away like his hand like it was something dangerous. Taken aback, Nezumi turned on the lamp that sat next to their bed. The newly lit light flickered across Shion's flushed face. His eyes were squeezed tightly shut, his lower lip caught between his teeth. Alarmed, Nezumi furrowed his brows and shook Shion lightly.

Two scarlet eyes flew open, a harried look echoed in Shion's gaze.

"Can… can you please let go of me… I—I don't know what's happening to me," Shion's gaze slid to one side. Nezumi was taken aback.

"What's wrong with you? Does something hurt?"

"No… that's not it… it's just… I keep waking up at night with my penis in an erect position."

Nezumi froze. For a moment, his mind went purely white.

"Excuse me, but I don't think I heard you correctly,"

"I said I keep waking up at night with my pe—"

"No! It's okay I heard, it was just a rhetoric…" Nezumi's voice trailed off and wobbled, until it dissolved completely in laughter. Holding his stomach, Nezumi laughed, and laughed as he doubled over. His giggling fit was brusquely cut short as Shion kicked him in the stomach. But even that couldn't wipe the smile off Nezumi's face. He rolled back to his side of the bed, wiping away tears. Shion sat up stiffly on the edge of the bed, his back rigid to Nezumi.

"Oh come on, your way of saying things was amazing. No beating about the bush, straight to the point. I did say your language use was a bit off kilter, and it seems you haven't improved all that much,"

"But you didn't have to laugh so hard, it's a real problem for me, waking up every night like that!"

Nezumi chuckled. So innocent and unused to the ways of the world. For Nezumi, it was a trait that he both loved and hated about him. It frustrated him that Shion was so vulnerable all the time, unaware of his own allure and in a sense, beauty. It was a trait so rare in his world, that Nezumi couldn't help but want to keep all to himself.

"Do you trust me Shion?"

"What? What does that have to do with this topic?"

"Just answer me already,"

"With my life,"

That's all the confirmation Nezumi needed. Getting up, he sat down again directly behind Shion. He could feel his friend tense up, readying to struggle a fresh. However, Nezumi grabbed his waist and spoke right next to Shion's ear.

"Since your situation had been annoying me too, I'll show you how to fix this," Nezumi's hand slipped under Shion's shirt over his abdomen, whilst his mouth began work on Shion's neck. Shion made a little noise deep in his throat, giving a slight shiver as Nezumi went to work on finding his more sensitive spots.

"What… what are you doing…"

"Mmm, the results will show you," Nezumi's own breathing was starting to become slightly uneven. Shion's warmth tingled against his finger tips, his essence close enough to devour. Turning Shion slightly, Nezumi clamped his mouth on Shion's. With an expert tweak of his hands, Shion inadvertently opened his mouth in response, allowing Nezumi further into Shion. Nezumi was greedy, he wanted every last inch of Shion.

To his surprise, Shion began to respond in kind. Nezumi's breath became heavier, and more unsteady. As his hand travelled down south along Shion's body, he found it more than ready.

The next few moments consisted mostly of mind numbing moaning and writhing. As Nezumi felt Shion shudder against him, he was uncomfortably aware of his own erection.

"I see you seem to have the same problem as I do," Shion's was a little wobbly, but there was no mistaking the slight amusement.

"Well, greatly appreciated if you can return the favour,"

Shion turned around and pressed his entire body against Nezumi's.

"That's what friends are for right…"

Nezumi couldn't remember much of what happened next. He only new that Shion was working his way deeper and deeper into his soul. Intrinsically tangled, Nezumi abandoned his thoughts and simply melted into Shion's clumsy but needy touches. Too bad, he won't be getting much sleep tonight either. And if he had his way, he'd be lacking sleep a lot more from now on. Nezumi smiled.