My latest and most favourite pairing.

1st chapter is very much tame, but not so the next. It's my first time writing smut, so please be kind. ;_;
Will tweak and change here and there, later on. But probably not, since I am lazy, and am embarrassed by talk of such... intimacy. LMAO;; D:


EDIT: Thanks for the many favs guys


The bitter of cold of the wind whipped across Shion's face. With it came a flurry of snow, sharp and tangy against his rapidly numbing lips. As usual, the crowd tumbles against each other, hard and unrelenting. Shion was getting better at navigating the crush, but sometimes he slips on the unfamiliar and pitted road. His feet, used to the smooth pavements of No.6, meant that the dirt roads of the Western Block were treacherous at the best of times. Wiping the snow from his eyes, he paused momentarily.

"Hey, kid, don't block the way," a passer-by chided sharply.

Shion mutely moved along. He has learnt to attract as little attention as he possibly could. One Nezumi's earliest lessons, had after all been about self preservation.

Shion's mouth quipped up a little at the thought of his friend. Ever since his rescue, Nezumi had been shielding, feeding and looking after him closely despite his constant diatribe about self sufficiency. Shion wasn't sure why his friend behaved the way he did, but to him Nezumi's actions spoke much louder than any words could have. And so, Shion wanted to give something back, anything he possibly could. That's why Shion had saved up a little here and there between jobs for Inukashi in order to buy a little something for Nezumi. Just as a little thanks.

With that thought in mind, Shion came to the doors of the little run down theatre. Being the last session, it wasn't hard for Shion to sneak in for the last few minutes. For a roughly spoken and unrefined young man such as Nezumi, he was down right entrancing on the stage. It surprised Shion when he first saw him on stage, but more than anything, it was the his beauty that took his breath away. Such elegance and poise, in sharp contrast to everything around them. He loved watching Nezumi shine beneath the single spotlight. He was proud to be his close friend. Only Nezumi could make him feel alive, have his heart pounding a million miles an hour.

Shion knew Nezumi disapproved of him coming to the theatre. But he was way too excited to go home and wait for Nezumi. Besides, he had finished late for Inukashi and after going by Rikiga's to pick up his precious parcel, it would be roughly when Nezumi finished. If he hurried, he'd get to watch a little of the play. As he neared the theatre, he was disappointed to see that it had already ended, people were filing out haphazardly. Dodging to one side, Shion evaded the flood of humans and entered a run down alley with a single lit door.

The next moment was a little hard to describe. Just as he near the doorway, someone grabbed him from behind, just as Nezumi stepped out. Although surprised, Shion wasn't as defenceless as he the doll he resembles. With adrenalin pumping through his veins, his muscles moved almost on their own as he elbowed his attacker, and butted his head against their face. With a satisfying grunt from his opponent, Shion took the shook him off and ran towards Nezumi. With out a word, he grabbed his hand and ran. Hard.

Judging from the voices behind them, there was obviously more than one assailant. And from the loudness of their voices, not as far behind as Shion would have liked. As they ran on, it became clear Shion was fast running out of breath. With out much ceremony, Shion found himself thrown roughly into a narrow and box filled alleyway, with Nezumi pushing him down amongst the half rotten crates, the strong sickly smell of over ripe apples hung about his senses.

"And I suppose, you have no idea why they're after you," Nezumi's sharp grey eyes met his own. It wasn't a question.

"No, I guess I don't," Shion shifted slightly, rustling the package. It was uncomfortable, being pressed between the stone wall by a taller boy who was almost as solid.

Looking down, Nezumi's eyes focused on the neatly wrapped package.

"What's that?"

"I went to get it from Mr Rikiga. It's a present for you," Shion answered. "Obviously I would have liked to have told you in a different situation,"

"Shion, you're a real big idiot, I thought I've told you that already?" Although Shion expected that answer, it still stung his pride. "Not only did you go and do something for other people again, you go and parade it around for the world to see. It's a wonder you made it to the theatre in one piece!"

"What? But it's just a paper package..."

"Around here, only the rich can afford any kind of "package". You could have at least tried to disguise it as groceries or something-"

Nezumi cut short his icy admonishment as his ears picked up a yell.

"Shh, don't make a sound," Pulling off his grey shawl, he threw it over the heads. His fingers lingered against Shion's lips. "Don't move a muscle," Nezumi's voice whispered by Shion's face, tickling the fine hairs on his neck. Shion swallowed inadvertently. Nezumi pressed himself closer.

Not an instant too fast as rushing footsteps clattered past, choice swearwords punctuated the air as the pursuers ran out their near vicinity. Nezumi had apparently chosen a good hiding spot, none of them decided to look in here closely. However, it wasn't the most comfortable situation Shion had been in, for an altogether different reason. Silence began to close it on them, as the thugs drew further away.

It was a warm, stuffy silence. Shion shifted, moving his legs slightly as he became uncomfortably aware of Nezumi's nearness. Nezumi pulled back slightly, his grey eyes glinted in amusement. Shion was finding it harder and harder to hold his gaze. He could feel the heat spreading up his face, and somewhere else he was not used it going. Shion wasn't quite sure of what to think of this. His eyes slid away from the enchanting ones that were far too close for comfort.

Nezumi leaned in. All Shion was aware of, is the hot mouth pressed on his own. Their demanding need, an all consuming passion barely held back as their breaths mingled. Shion's hand moved on its own again, finding its way to Nezumi's neck, pulling him in and holding him place with no little strength. Shion's body pressed itself tightly against Nezumi's.

A sharp pain jolted him alert. A coppery tang flooded his mouth, returning him to his sense all to fast.

"Nezumi, what..." Shion grimaced as he felt the injury to his lip. "What, was that for?"

Nezumi pulled him up.

"That's for dragging me running around the block pointlessly,"

"Well should I have left you at the mercy of those thugs?"

"They didn't know I was with you, you fool," The parcel rustled as Nezumi shoved it in his jacket as he headed off towards their home. "I'll take this as compensation, as your kiss was hardly satisfying,"

Shion's face blazed red. "You- what- That, was...!"

"It's okay, you're still learning. I'll let you off today!"

"NEZUMI!" Shion's exasperated yell reverberated off the concrete walls.

Suddenly, the snow wasn't so cold. The wind wasn't so chilly. Shion's breath flashed by in haze as he ran after his best friend, suddenly unaware of anything but the tall figure walking before him. The pang throbbing in his lip, reverberated an unquenchable heat through his entire existence.