Kiss the Blarney Stone, Now Kiss Me

Chapter One

The Invite

The kiss was both gentle and electrifying at the same time. It was passionate but wasn't the type where you were both making out and trying to rip yours or the other persons clothes off. They just stood there toe to toe. Harvey's hands rested on Mike's hips and Mike had his hands pressed against Harvey's chest.

And they kissed.

When it was over they rested each others foreheads on the others and kept their eyes closed and just breathed in each other. Harvey let out a low chuckle and kissed Mike's forehead. Mike cracked his eyes open and looked up at Harvey to see his smile.

A gentle and loving smile.

Mike returned it.

Harvey wrapped his arms around the rest of Mike's body and began to rock in place.

This was peaceful.

To just stand here in each others arms.

They had been going out for a little over a month now. They've kept their relationship, as Harvey had said, not a secret but quiet.

Mike was glad he decided to stop by Harvey's place to drop off those case files.

Mike too wrapped his arms around Harvey and lay his head on Harvey's shoulder.

That night they slept together in the same bed but they didn't have sex. Some might find that hard to believe or just crazy, but they wanted to take it slow. Mostly being that they were first timers on dating a guy and this was the first night either one stayed over the others place. Mike learned that night that Harvey is a rather restless sleeper. They fell asleep in each others arms but obviously drifted apart in their sleep. Mike curled up in a loose fetal position and Harvey was spread out amongst the sheets. Mike noted that he got up once or twice during he night and wonder if it was because of him being there.

However, he could've sworn he heard Harvey talking to someone.

"Were you okay last night?" Mike asked as he buttoned up one of Harvey's shirts.

Harvey flat out told Mike he was not wearing the same shirt he had on yesterday.

"Yeah, why?" Harvey questioned as he tried to decide on a tie.

"Just heard you get up a few times," Mike said leaving out that he thought he heard Harvey speaking to someone.

"Sorry if I woke you," Harvey simple said. Mike just said it was okay and let it go.

"And my brother called."

"Your brother?" Mike asked. He grabbed his skinny tie and wrapped it around his neck.

"Yeah. He forgets about the time differences."


"He's living in Ireland." Mike raised his eyebrows and nodded. "Ireland? What's he do?"

"He's a photographer."

Ray raised an eyebrow when he saw Mike trailing behind Harvey, but smiled when Harvey smiled at him.

The paranoid side of Mike felt like Ray knew.

Mike spent most of that day at his cubicle doing paperwork into the late hours of the night. Mike noted that Harvey spent most of his day in his office as well. By 9:30 the office was close to completely empty. When Mike looked back at the clock it was 11. He rubbed his eyes and grabbed his stuff. He also grabbed the paperwork he was working on to drop off on Harvey's desk. So when he saw Harvey laying on his couch with an arm over his eyes he looked down at the files in his hand.

He opened the glass door slowly. When Harvey didn't stir he placed the files on his desk and began to head out, but looked back.

He went over to the couch and knelt down next to his and shook Harvey gently.


Said man let out a groan and squinted in the light.

"You were sleeping," Mike said.

Harvey just looked at Mike deadpanned.

"No I wasn't I was practicing my dancing moves for the play How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying." Harvey rolled his eyes and sat up. Mike sat down next to Harvey. "Sorry, just tired."

That night Mike went to his place because he needed to change his suit. He felt if he wore the same one again for the third day in a row and came in with Harvey again people might start thinking things.

But who said they weren't already?

When Mike got in his bed he couldn't help but feel lonely.

The next morning as Mike headed into Harvey's office he saw the man cover a rather large yawn.

"Tired?" Mike said as he stood in front of Harvey's desk and pocketed his hands.

"My brother needs to learn the timezones," he said as he took a sip of coffee.

"Is something wrong?" Mike asked. "I'm mean since I've known you this is the first time your brothers been"

"Active?" Mike shrugged. "No, he's fine."

"Then why is he calling so much?"

"He wants us to go visit him in Ireland."