A/N: I'm baaack~ Lol, I think I'm going to start this as a weekly thing. From now on, Every Saturday, I shall update~

Shout-Out Time~

Sia: OMG HI. We haven't talked in FOREVER, you know? XD XD Lol, yeah, Ikr? Lol one is more than enough, but two is like, WTF. Yay~ Lol, that's how I come up with nicknames! I don't want them to be generic, so i think of stuff and rearrange letters and SCHTUFF. NEITHER CAN I. Lol, *died with you* ...Lol, OKAY. :D :D :D lol, I think you missed it again...DAMMIT. Oh well! :D :D Lol I wasn't thinking of you SPECIFICALLY, but yeah, you should TOTALLY update soon~! DAT TOMATO *bites lip again*

Don't be afraid to review~ I almost always reply, and I won't bite~! :D

Alfred froze. Hesitantly he said, "My name is Alfred Jones." The other Alfred's hand dropped to his side, and his face blanched, becoming totally devoid of color. The deep color in his eyes and the golden blonde of his hair being the contrast.

'Alfred' started to shake, and he took a small step back.

"Hey, dude, you okay? Is something the matter? Do you need anything?"

"Wh-what did you say your name was?" said the frightened Alfred.

"My name is the same as yours, buddy. Hey, that's really cool! We look alike, and we have the same name! It's like we're related or some shit like that! Awesome!"

"I-I have to go now. P-please excuse me!" And with that, he ran away. Alfred pouted, and Arthur walked over to him.

"What did you do to the poor chap? He looked as if he was about to pass out." Alfred just shrugged, unsure of what else to do.

Then he noticed something fluttering to the floor from the corner of his eye. It was a small piece of photo paper. It had worn edges, and it looked faded with time. Alfred picked it up, and tried to find the other Alfred. He had disappeared into thin air.

Alfred huffed, and looked at the picture he held in his hands. And then he froze. However, he was almost imperceptibly moving forward, leaning into the small photograph.

He knew this photograph. It was so familiar, and yet so foreign at the same time. Conflicting emotions bubbled up into his being, and yet all he could do was stare at the picture like it was his only link to sanity

It was a picture of him. But it was not only a picture of him, oh no. Along with his was an entire family. A mother, a father, and another little boy, that looked the same as he did, except for the curl hanging out in front of his face.

Then memories started to swim through his brain, but they weren't his memories. No, not at all. He didn't have a brother or a mother or a father. Did he...?

"C'mon Mattie! Hurry up or you won't get any of the pancakes! I'll eat them all myself, and take all the maple syrup, too!" Then as fast as a bullet the younger of the two bolted out of his bed, and full out ran downstairs. That always had been the easiest way to wake him up.

The little boy laughed, and followed suit, running down the stairs. He ran to the dining room, and saw Matilda. She smiled at him, and beckoned him over.

"Young master Alfred, it's nice to see you this morning."

He giggled. "You see me every morning Matilda. What makes today so special?"

"Well, you and Mattie make every day special for me. Now come over here, and eat your food before it gets cold!"

Alfred happily obliged, and ran over to the table where a still steaming breakfast awaited him.

Then another one.

Wow! Look at Berlin, mother! It's so old looking! Everything is so nice! We should come here more often!"

"Yeah, it's super cool here!" Mattie agreed, clutching his bear, Kumajiro, close to his chest.

She smiled at her two sons. "Well, I certainly agree with you, but how does you father feel about all of this?"

She looked over to father, and he let out a dark chuckle. "Well, it is nice here, but I think that we should get in and get out. There is a foul essence in the air, and I would rather not be tainted by it."

Alfred stuck out his lower lip, and puffed out his cheeks, huffing as he did so.

"That's not a very attractive pose for a young hero, now is it, Alfred?" asked their mother.

He perked his ears a little bit. "What did you call me?"

"A little hero! You're my little hero, Alfred. It's a big responsibility to be a hero, you need to think of others before yourself, and you need to work hard. I think you can do it though."

He brightened instantly. "I'm gonna be a hero! Oh yeah, I'll be the best hero ever known!"

And then another one.

He looked up at the little boy with big, no huge eyebrows, and pretty green eyes.

"And you're sure you remember nothing?"

"No. I know nothing at all... 'cept for my name. Hey, maybe if I try really hard...," he trailed off as he started to focus.

A man...there was a...No! No! Stop! You can't hurt them! No! STOP!

He clutched his head and moaned. Then his head snapped up, and he grabbed the British boy. "NO! You can't let them kill him! Stop! No! No! Please! Stop it!" he cried.

And then he folded to the ground.

His vision was a gray tunnel. It was weird, and his head hurt. Slowly, the tunnel widened, and color slowly started to seep back into the world. He was being carried by someone.

Then he heard the piercing wail of a siren, and he moaned at the sound. His head was throbbing, and everything was blurry.

"Holy shit, Alfred are you okay?"

"'M fine, whas happ'nen'?"

"Alfred, how many fingers am I holding up?"

He looked closely. "Um, three?"

"Great. No there is only one finger."

"'M kinda tired, 'M gon' go ta bed, 'kay?"

"Oh, no you don't. You are going to stay awake with me, okay? Your pupils are dilated, and you can't see straight. The ambulance is coming, okay? You have to stay awake." Said a slightly panicked Arthur.

"Aw, you do care!" slurred Alfred.

"Shut up, you bloody wanker."

"Arthur, m' head hur's real bad," he punctuated the sentence with a pain filled groan.

"Yes, that tends to happen when you fall to the floor and on the way hit the corner of a grocery cart."

"Wha' happ'n'd?"

"I will tell you after you see the doctor. And there's the ambulance."

He heard one last blare of the siren, and a car turned off. He heard people joggin towards him, and he heard some tsk noises.

"Ah, we'll take it from here, monsieur," said a voice laced with a French accent. "Oh, what a pretty rose."

Arthur was stunned for a moment. "Francis, is that you?"

"Arthur? What a, hm, pleasant surprise. How are you, today."

"Whas happ'nen' no'?"

"Shush, Alfred. However, Francis, you frog, I will not allow you to stay alone with him, you disgusting ball of slime."

Francis held a hand to his heart. "You wound me so, Arthur. Very well, you are family after all, are you not?"

"Yes, I am considered family. Now, keep you nasty, perverted hands away from him."

"Whatever, just let me get him on the stretcher."

With that another man came out with a prepared stretcher, and they put Alfred on it. The other man was a creepy albino, and had a smug smile on his face. "Another person saved by the awesome me."

"Shush, Gilbert, we have another rider with us." Francis pointed to Arthur, and Gilbert nodded politely. Then he did a double-take. "Woah, dude! It's like you have a pair of caterpillars where your eyebrows should be. That's weird."

Arthur was steaming. "I'd watch your mouth if I were you," he threatened menacingly.

Gilbert took one step back. "Whoa, man, no need to be so uncool. The awesomeness of me is intimidating, I know, but you really don't need to take it out on me."

Arthur could feel the veins in his temple throbbing, and he took a calming breath and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Let's just go already."

With that they all climbed into the back of the ambulance and drove to the hospital.

A/N: Did you like it? How about you TELL me how much you like it! By reviewing! I'm a review whore, I know...I REGRET NOTHING.

You can PM me, too! :D :D

-Sammisaur *rawr*