Phineas Flynn sat under his and Ferb Fletchers' tree. Phineas had grown so much since he was 10 years old. He was finally 17. He finally graduated yesterday. He was finally going off to college with Ferb. His red hair had grown, but it only fell to his jaw line. His orange and white striped shirts were thrown away and traded for plaid shirts and tees. His shorts were all traded in for dark jeans. His blue eyes were still shimmering with excitement and hope. Something didn't feel complete, though. Ever since he and Ferb became "below overly average", he never felt right. When he stopped working on practically useless inventions, he started noticing things he normally hadn't. Isabella had moved 3 years earlier after admitting she loved him. Even if he couldn't reciprocate her emotions, he didn't feel guilty for denying her love. He'd only found out he was gay a year before. She knew that. She wouldn't have it. Hell, he'd found out he was in love. With someone unthinkable.

"Phin," Ferb called softly from the doorway. Phineas opened his eyes and sat up. He hadn't even realized he'd lain down. He looked over towards the evergreen colored haired boy.

"Yeah, Ferb?" Phineas asked. Ferb fidgeted. He didn't exactly like being watched. Sadly, over the years, people only paid more attention to him. He had turned out quite handsome. His hair had grown down to the nape of his neck. His shimmering blackish eyes had made many fall into a trance while looking into them. He started wearing normal tee-shirts, colorful jackets, and dress shirts. Albeit he never lost his fashionable purple jeans, they did get skinny. That was just the way Ferb rolled. Just like his step-brother, Ferb was gay. They'd admitted it to their parents, and they were fine with it. Candace was even fine by the idea that her brothers liked boys. She'd gone off to college and ended up marrying Jeremy. They're another story, though. Ferb was a man killer. A player, to put it simply. He'd dated around, but none deemed his type in the end. Only one was. He would never be allowed to give back the emotion, though. First, he didn't love Ferb like Ferb did him. Second, their parents would find Ferb insane. They'd get rid of him. He couldn't handle that type of rejection. Phineas would find him disgusting. He couldn't lose the most important person in his soul-yes, soul- to something so stupid.

"Mom's ready to drop us off…" He said after a while. Phineas stood and sighed.

"Alright. I'll be there in a minute…" He confirmed. Ferb went back inside. Phineas sighed again and pet the tree one last time.

"You were the only thing that kept me from admitting anything to Ferb…" He whispered. In other words, the tree was the only thing keeping Phineas from ruining his and Ferb's brotherly bond, and making it something more. It held all their adventures. He couldn't let his emotions get in the way of their inventions and BROTHERLY love just then. He pat the tree one last time before going out the car.

After the 5 hour long drive to the college, Linda cried and said her final goodbye to her last babies. Lawrence hugged each boy and bid them farewell. He drove off and the boys went to the registration office.

"Phineas Flynn and Ferb Fletcher," Phineas announced. The lady found them their room keys and they left with their schedules in hand. They unpacked and dressed their beds for the next 6 years. Phineas stretched out on his bed and yawned.

"Wanna get something to eat?" Ferb asked. Phineas nodded. They headed down to the on campus cafeteria. They got what they wanted and sat down at a table in the far back. Two giggling girls walked by and stopped in front of them.

"Hey there, cuties," One purred in her attempted sexy voice. She leaned on the table and tried to show her barely visible chest. Ferb cringed inwardly. He almost threw up.

"How're you doing?" The other asked. She was obviously the better flirt. Phineas sensed his step-brother's discomfort and spoke for them.

"Sorry, ladies. We're gay," He stated. The girls gasped.

"Are you two dating?" They screamed at the same time. As much as Phineas wanted to say yes, he knew he couldn't.

"No, we're just step-brothers." Phineas answered cheerily. The girls looked sad, and strutted off. Ferb sighed.

"Thanks, Phin," He said with a small smile. Phineas had a full grown grin on his face.

"No prob!" He said cheerily. When they finished their lunch, they headed back to their apartment. As Ferb went back to his room, he stopped. Phineas noticed and asked the troubled looking man.

"What is it, Ferb?" Ferb turned around and walked quickly over to Phineas. His head was down.

"Just step-brothers, huh?" Ferb asked curiously.

"Yyyyyeeeeessss?" He said, unsure. What was Ferb asking that for? He knew they were-

Before Phineas had any clue what was going on, Ferb has pecked his lips gently, and was already opening his door.

"Thank you for getting those girls to back off…" He muttered quickly before entering his room. Phineas lifted a hand to his mouth, then the other. His eyes were wide. Just like Ferb, Phineas was blushing madly.