Emmett and I had picked up my parents last week from the airport and it was amazing to see them since I hadn't seen them in so long and they decided to stay long enough to see Emmett, Jasper, Alice and myself off when we leave for tour which is only a week out. "Are you excited?" mama asked me as we sat on the back patio. "I am mama. We are going to go to every state. And then a few countries over seas and I'm so ready for it." I said and she smiles. "What about your record deal?" she asked and I nodded again. "I will start recording just like Emmett and Alice which will start once Jasper's tour is over and then the plan is that over winter break Alice and I will co-headline a tour." I said. "Just never forget where you come from baby. We all miss you in Forks and no one can believe that you are going to be on tour. You are the first person to leave Forks and actually make something of yourself." she said and I smile. No one really leaves Forks but I couldn't wait to leave. "I know mama." I said.
We walked back in and looked around but couldn't find Tori, dad, Jasper, Alice, or Emmett. "I bet I know where they are at." I tell mama before heading toward the game room. Mama followed closely and laughed when we both saw that dad, Jasper, and Emmett where playing a video game and Jasper and Emmett were getting beat by my dad. Tori and Alice were playing pool and laughing as well. "So I leave you for just a few minutes and you are playing a video game and beating by your daughter's boyfriend at it." mama laughed before sitting next to dad and to figure out what he was doing so she could help the boys get ahead. I walked over to Tori and Alice and we switched off on playing pool.
After what seemed like two days it had been a week and tomorrow morning Alice, Jasper, Emmett, and I will bored a plane with Emily and Phil and head off to the first stop of the tour and it seemed like time was just flying and we were standing still. Emmett and I lay in bed together spooning and just humming to each other. Since my signing he and I have written a few duets and he has also helped my write a few of my songs and I have helped him write a few. Alice and Jasper helped too of course but he and I were the ones that always heard our songs before they were ever written.
"So how is this tour really going to work?" I asked him not turning to face him. "Well we will be on a tour bus and in and out of hotels across the country. Then when we go over seas we will have a private jet and then another tour bus and more hotels and then we have another private jet back and then we go home." he says into my hair. "But will we be sharing hotel rooms?" I asked and he laughed. "I think Emily and Phil have set that up for us already." he said and I laughed. "That was a stupid question wasn't it?" I said and he shook his head. "No question is stupid when this is your first time going out on tour. But when you headline it will be a little different." he said and I couldn't help but smile. "I guess we need to get some sleep because tomorrow is going to be a lot of traveling." he said and I nodded and closed my eyes but couldn't really sleep knowing that tomorrow I would be with my friends and only my friends for just a few months.
The next morning was busy. Making sure that I have everything that I will need and helping Emmett pack. My mom tried to help me but in the end I did it all. Breakfast was quick and soon Jasper and Alice were here and we hung out with Tori and my parents for a little while but soon it was time for us to head to the airport to meet up with Emily and Phil. "Bella send postcards to us and make sure to call everyday or everyone in Forks will be worried about you." dad said as we were getting out of the car. "I know daddy. And I promise to call and send postcards from everywhere we stop." I said as we got the luggage out of the trunk of the car.
We walked in silence to the front of the security line where Emily and Phil stood waiting for us. "Alright group picture before the babies leave." Tori said pulling out her camera and my mom did the same. Jasper and Emmett where in between Alice and myself as we posed for the picture. "Alright now hugs before you go." I went to hug my mom and dad before hugging Tori. "We love each of you. Take care of each other." Tori said as we all stepped back. "We will mama." Emmett said. We all waved before going through the security check.
Once we were done with security Emily, Phil, Jasper, Alice, Emmett, and myself headed for the tarmac to meet with our private plane. After waiting for about thirty minutes for our luggage to be loaded we were headed onto the strip to take off. "Welcome to the crazy ride ladies and gentlemen hold on tight." Emily said to us making us all laugh. I sat close to Emmett and fell asleep with my head on his shoulder. We might have found love in college but nothing will measure to the crazy wild tour of the world that we are just starting on.
A/N: I'm sad to see this end but the next installment will be coming soon. I'm thinking of calling it the Crazy Wild World Tour McCarty Style. What do y'all think? see you next time!
Much love, Lover1420