A/N: The final chapter! Thank you SO MUCH to everyone who reviewed and added me to their story alert lists. Have a wonderful new year!

"Hermione, I honestly don't think this is a good idea," Draco was standing in Hermione's kitchen, adjusting his tie and looking at his reflection in the microwave.

"They asked you to come," Hermione replied, stepping over to fix the tie for him, "This will be good, Draco. It's a step in the right direction."

"This" was a welcome home party for Ron that was being hosted by the Weasleys. Two weeks after Draco's knowledge of the curse had saved his life, he was finally coming home from the hospital. Much to Hermione's surprise, Mrs. Weasley had owled her and told her that they would like Draco to be there. She wasn't sure if Ron would feel the same way, but who was she to argue with Molly Weasley?

Hermione had found it odd that Molly got in touch with her regarding Draco, but it didn't take her long to figure out how that had happened. Ginny. The girl could keep a secret like a corpse, but when it came to something she thought people should know … well, she wasn't one to keep her mouth shut. When Hermione confronted her about it, Ginny had simple shrugged.

"I thought they should sort of be eased into the idea," she said, "So I figured they should at least know that you two are … friends. You're a good judge of character, Hermione. If they know you think Draco's turned over a new leaf, they'll be far more willing to believe it themselves."

It made sense, but Hermione still sat Draco down to talk about it before she made a commitment to Molly. His life had changed radically over the past few weeks. After he saved the lives of the Aurors affected by the curse, St. Mungo's had offered him a position as a Professional Consultant for Dark Magic Gone Awry. It was on an as-needed basis, and it was clear that he still made some of the healers very nervous, but Draco had jumped into the position with gusto, and Hermione felt prouder every time she looked at him. Facing down the workers at St. Mungo's was one thing, though. Facing down the Weasleys was another.

At the time of the invitation, Draco had thought it was a good idea – a way to begin to make up for the wrongs of his past. But now that the day had finally arrived, his courage seemed to be waning.

"What if Ron punches me?" He asked, "I mean, he's sort of scrawny. I could take him. But still…"

Hermione laughed, "I hardly think he'll punch you, Draco. He's barely able to get up and walk around. And I'm sure Molly told him you would be there. He owes you his life, whether he likes it or not – and if he really didn't want you there, Molly would have taken back the invitation."

Draco looked slightly reassured. "How do I look?" he asked, stepping back and holding out his arms.

"You're perfect," Hermione replied. And he did. She wondered if she would ever get tired of looking at him, and figured that the answer was probably no.

"Far from it," Draco replied with a rueful smirk, "But you…"

He didn't finish his sentence, but instead crossed the short distance between them and swept Hermione into his arms, covering her mouth with a kiss. Hermione knew they were in dangerous territory – once she got started with Draco, it was hard to stop herself. And they were going to be late.

"Later," she said breathlessly, pulling herself away from him, "You don't want to be late, do you?"

Draco rolled his eyes, "I think this would be an excellent reason to be late."

He moved toward her again, but Hermione put her hand on his chest to stop him, "No," she said jokingly, wagging her finger at him as though he was a dog.

Giving an aggravated sigh, Draco relented. "All right," he said, "To be continued."

"And remember," Hermione said as they prepared to apparate, "For the afternoon, we're just friends. I wouldn't want anyone dying of shock just as Ron is getting better."

"Right," Draco replied. Then an ounce of insecurity crept into his voice, "I don't have to … worry about this, do I? You and Ron seeing each other again. I mean, you did save his life. And you two were together for awhile…"

Hermione turned to Draco, placing her hand softly on his face, "You have absolutely nothing to worry about," she said softly, "You're the only man I want to be with."

Draco relaxed, and Hermione smiled at him.

"Off we go?" she asked.

"Off we go," he replied.


A large banner emblazoned with the words "Welcome Home Ron" hung across the front door of the burrow, blowing in the cool winter air. Hermione couldn't help but smile when she saw it. Getting through everything with Ron had been difficult – almost impossible – but she couldn't imagine a world without him.

"In we go," she said, giving Draco's hand a squeeze.

Inside, as usual, it was chaos. Molly was busily waving plates this way and that with her wand, Harry was trying (and failing) to help Ginny finish the cake, and the rest of the Weasley clan was running around like a group of chickens with their heads cut off. Ron was easy enough to spot, because he was the only person who wasn't moving. Instead, he sat on the couch, watching all of the activity with a joyful smile on his face.

"Ron," Hermione said, hurrying over to him, "How are you feeling?"

She leaned down and gave him a hug, relieved to see that he really did look as though he was getting healthier.

"I'm okay Hermione, thanks," Ron replied, giving her an uncertain smile, "Harry told me about everything you did for me while I was at St. Mungo's, and I just …" He paused for a moment. "I'm sorry, Hermione. About everything … Friends?" He asked finally.

Hermione smiled, "Friends. But I wasn't the one who saved your life, you know, in the end. It was Draco."

She motioned for Draco, who had been doing his best to blend into the wall, to come over to the couch.

"Hey," Draco said, "I'm glad you're doing better."

"Yeah," Ron said, "Yeah. My mum told me that you were the one who … figured it out."

He stuck out his hand, "Thanks."

Draco shook it, "You're welcome."

Hermione beamed at the two of them, "Well good," she said, "It doesn't appear that anyone is going to hex anyone else. Come on Draco, we should see if Molly needs help with anything. Ron, are you all right?"

"Actually," he said, "I think I'll just take my seat of honor at the table if you wouldn't mind giving me a hand."

Hermione helped Ron up, and he leaned lightly on her as they walked over to the table.

"So, Draco Malfoy saved my life?" Ron asked quietly, "Never thought that day would come."

Hermione shrugged, "He's changed, Ron. Trust me. Everything that happened … he can't undo it, but he's trying his best to make things right."

Ron nodded, "Well, at least he's trying. But I don't have to like him."

Hermione gave a small laugh, "No, no you don't. But you could try."

She helped Ron sit down in his chair, and turned to find Draco putting the finishing touches on the cake. Ginny was looking on, clearly impressed by his handiwork. Harry was glowering in the corner.

"Sorry sweetheart," Ginny said, giving him an apologetic smile, "It's just that the finer points of frosting a cake seem to have alluded you."

"They don't allude him," Harry replied.

Draco laughed, "If frosting a cake is the only skill I have to be proud of, I'm pretty sure you're still winning this one Harry."

Harry rolled his eyes, but a small smile crept onto his lips. Ginny looked at Hermione and winked.

"I knew this wouldn't be so bad," she whispered, passing by Hermione to put the cake on the table.

"All right, everyone, all right. Let's eat!" Molly announced. They all took their seats at the table, and Hermione felt her heart swell as she looked at the beloved faces around her.

"I would like to propose a toast," Molly said, "To Ronald. We're so lucky to have you in our lives, sweetheart. And to you, Draco. It's been a long, difficult road for you, I'm sure. But my son wouldn't be alive without you."

Hermione raised her glass enthusiastically, and everyone offered a "cheers". Judging by the faces of the people sitting around her, they were all in varying stages of accepting Draco as someone good, someone who could be part of their lives. She hoped that eventually, they would see him the way she did.

"I told you everything would go well," she whispered, squeezing his hand under the table.

"I'm finally starting to believe it," Draco replied, giving her a smile, "Especially now that I have someone like you."

The End