A/N: Im so sorry I haven't updated in forever. I guess my heart just isn't into the story anymore. I feel the need to wrap it up, though, so here it is. The last chapter of the story.

Adam POV

"Adam!" Eli called to me.

"Hey, man. I gotta go do the radio show."

"I know, but I gotta tell you something first. I think if you want your chance with Kat, you should take it now. I think she likes you," he said, and I tried to hide my excitement. But then we arrived at the radio room and my excitment was forgotten. Dave had locked himself in and wanted to say something. Probably just more tranny nonesense.

"I have something you're going to want to hear!" he said. "Look, last time I was on, I used some offensive language and offended a lot of people, including my totally awesome co-host Adam Torres. It was dumb and stupid, and I'm sorry. So Adam? Do you accept?"

"Depends," I said. "Will you be pulling any other skeletons out of my closet?" I would never admit this out loud, but it was good to be joking with him again.


Of course I was listening to the radio. I had to cover it for the school newspaper. How Adam Torres was doing, as a host for his own show. The genious duo, now just one. Then I heard something that shocked me.

"So. What makes you a guy?" Dave asked.

"No, a better question is, what makes you a guy?" Adam laughed. "Look, you know you're a guy, I know I am. I act like a guy, I'm interested in things guys are, and I like girls. One in particular."

"A certain, red tipped black haired girl who writes for the Degrassi Daily?" Dave asked.

"The very same," Adam replied without hesitation.

After the show, I approached him about it. My face was probably as red as the ends of my hair.

"Why did you do that?" I asked.

"I like you, Kat. Is that a problem?"

I paused. "No, actually, but really? Do you know how many people I've seen point me out to other people? Do you know how many people, Clare and Eli included, that came up to me saying that we'd be cute together?"

"Is that bad?"

"You know how much I hate attention, Adam Torres," I said playfully.

He didn't answer. He just kissed me. It was sweet and hesitant, but he got his point across just the same. "Be my girlfriend?" he asked.

"I think you can guess the answer to that," I said.

"Oh, dang it!" he replied jokingly. I smiled and he kissed me again.

A/N: Im sorry for all of you who want me to continue, but my heart isn't in the story. It just took me a month and a half to realize this. I had more planned, but it just turned out terrible because I didn't want to do it anymore. So this is the end.