Due to people freaking out about the cliffhanger, worked quickly to come up with the next chapter! XD

Ashlierthw: Read on to find out...

dreaminsapphire: ;) Heeheehawhaw... wait till you read this one...

Hollyp13: Read on and find out for yourself...

Okay I do not own Tangled...

"Eugene! No!"

Rapunzel struggled in her chair, trying to get to her boyfriend. It proved to be in vain, as she's not strong enough to break the chains.

She glared angrily at Adele, "You! How could you do this? You… you…"

"Killed him?" Adele finished, "Please, I did not kill him… yet. That powder I threw at him just put him in a deep sleep for… about an hour. That will get me enough time to get you out of here."

"You didn't even give us a chance to explain ourselves! We-"

"Did you give my sister a chance? That flower that now flows in your hair was MY sisters! It was hers, I gave it to her! Not yours."

"I'm sorry that your sisters flower was taken away, alright? Nobody knew that she kept it hidden at the time. The only thing they cared about was saving their Queen… my mother."

Rapunzel paused and just stared at Adele. Adele's expression turned from anger and rage, to a soft caring look.

Rapunzel took a deep breath, "Look… believe what you want… but I… we did NOT kill Gothel. It was an accident. She tripped and fell out of the window after my hair was cut. I'm very sorry you lost your sister… I really am sorry."

Adele's look soon turned angry again, "I don't need your compassion, I just need your hair."

With that being said, Adele unchained Rapunzel and started dragging her down the stairway. Rapunzel started crying out, and looking back at her unconscious boyfriend, hoping silently that he would wake up.

When they reached the bottom of the tower Adele dragged Rapunzel outside and threw her to the ground.

"Stop struggling girl!" Adele yelled, "I'm ten times stronger then you, and I'm ten times faster. So don't even think about running."

Rapunzel sat up in the grass and looked right at Adele. Before she could say anything, a sound of horses galloping started approaching. Soon she could hear the sound of the Captain's voice calling out some orders.

Adele's face turned white, "No… no I'm not finished yet…"

She turned to Rapunzel, and pointed a finger at her, "Fine! You won this round princess. But my sister will be avenged! Mark my words; I shall get my revenge on you both! Just wait and see… until then…"

Adele curtsied, "Farewell Your Highness…"

With a flip of her cape, Adele disappeared into the woods. The horses and their riders had just missed Adele as they arrived at the castle. The Captain jumped off of Maximus and rushed over to Rapunzel,

"Princess… are you alright?"

Rapunzel nodded, "Yes… I'm fine…"

"Where is that woman? I'll skin her alive with my blade! Wait… what happened your hair-!"

"No! She's gone… you just missed her."

The Captain grunted and called over two of his riders, "Go into the woods, look for the lady who kidnapped the princess and bring her back to the palace."

The guards saluted, and rode off into the woods.

The Captain helped Rapunzel to her feet, "Ryder…?"

Rapunzel nodded to the tower, "He's up there… unconscious."

After collecting Eugene's limp body, the guards escorted the safe princess back to her worried parents. Each guard took some of her hair and lifted it up the ground to keep it from dragging.

Her father and mother both embraced their daughter when she returned.

"We're so glad you're safe Rapunzel." Said her mother.

"Yes," spoke her father, "I just can't believe that woman…" he didn't finish.

Rapunzel smiled, "It's alright now… I'm fine!"

Her mother sighed, and stroked her daughters hair, "So um… do you want a little trim, or do you like it really long?"

"No mom… I want it cut. My hair has been nothing but trouble. I don't want people coming after me because of it."

Her father smiled, while handing her a pair of scissors, "It's your choice daughter."

Rapunzel took the scissors, and thought on it for a moment. Then wielding the scissors, she cut it all with one snip.

Eugene awoke, sitting up straight in the bed he was in.


He looked around the room, and saw he was back at the castle. But where was…?

He jumped out of the bed and stumbled to the floor. His mind might be awake, but his legs weren't. He growled, and forced himself to stand up. When he got his hands on that woman he'll-

Just then, he door opened up. The missing princess stood in the doorway, smiling at him.

"Hello there sleeping beauty." She said, mockingly.

"Ra… Rapunzel?" Eugene asked, "Is… that… wait what- what happened?"

She giggled, and went over to hug him. He stood still a little stunned, but soon returned her tight hug.

"Adele…" he spoke, "is she… dead?"

"No Eugene, she got away. But… I don't think she will be bothering us anymore."

Eugene pulled her back and looked her in the eye, "I still have half a mind of going out and finding her myself."

Rapunzel shook her head and pulled him in for a kiss. Eugene closed his eyes and kissed her back. When it ended, he had a half smile on his face.

"Okay… now I only have a quarter of a mind to go after her."

"Let her be Eugene, she's not worth it." Spoke Rapunzel.

Eugene sighed, "You're right… she'd have to be stupid to try and come back here again… well now that's over with, there's uh… something I would like to talk to you about."

Rapunzel's smile faded, "Is… is something wrong?"

"No, no, no… everything is good…" Eugene grinned, "Blondie?"


"Uh… I want to ask you something, and I hope you say yes."

Eugene got down on one knee, making Rapunzel gasp,


"I'm not sure if this is the right time, but I wanted to ask you for a long time now. I love you Rapunzel, I'd throw down my life for you. I want to see your bright and shiny face in the morning beside me when I wake up… so I guess what I'm trying to say is…"

He took out a small box and opened it,

"Rapunzel… would you make me the happiest man on earth, and be my wife?"

Adele ran all the way to where everything had started. The place where the flower was whisked away from her sister. As soon as it was taken away, it had sealed Gothel's doom. She needed that flower more then that stupid Queen… and more then that spoiled princess.

Adele ran her fingers around the grass that took the flowers place. This wasn't over yet… oh no, it was far from over.

She glanced up at the shining kingdom in the distance and snarled. Just wait and see… that city and its people… it shall burn to the ground. That's what it deserves! That's what all those people deserve. Next time she strikes… there will be no survivors.

And they all lived happily ever after! The end! So what did you guys think!

Ok... ok... I'm kidding. This IS the end of this story, but I shall work on a sequel after I catch up on my other stories. So seriously though, what did you think? I need everyone to PLEASE leave a response. That way I know that I won't be wasting time making a sequel that everyone hates. SO as always... review!

And thanks to everyone who has been there for me on this story. XD Adios for now!