Dear readers, your support means alot! Lol, keep em coming so I can make you guys happy! ; )


I've been doing this too long .


The next day couple of days I've been dead to the world...I didn't understand...I was a wolf? Personally I thought it was funny so I just laughed it off and I didn't believe Scott Or Stiles. But Once Stiles brought up about Jackson grabbing my ass yesterday, my gray painted nails turned into claws, my vision turned red, and my body had this burning pain that went through my body. And It felt like I was going to kill Stiles, in that matter of seconds...he wasn't Stiles anymore...he was prey. Before I could even tear his skin off of his body my body was knocked into the expensive ugly ass lamp that my grandmother brought for mom one christimas. That was a stupid move because that just made me even angrier, Scott had to hold me down and practically yell at me to get a grip. Did I tell Stiles, sorry? Well..I kinda forced it out but you never really say sorry if you don't mean it right?

Anyways today was a thursday and I was going to go to school late, I had to pratically argue with my mom to let me stay home. I wasn't a morning person either, so I almost told her to fuck off...but I had to bite my tongue. Looking at the clock it read 12:45PM, no point on going to school now. Reaching my foot up I rammed it right into the 5th punching bag making the chain break. Smiling I moved onto the other punching bag and started punching, upper cutting, ducking, and punching from the sides. Thinking I got to excited, my claws cut into my skin. "Shit." I mumbled looking at the damage. The bleeding cut slowly started to fade, and I stared at it amazed.

"I've seen you've been finding a way to control yourself. You're actually smarter then your dumb ass brother, Scott." A voice said

Turning around fast I glared at the person, it was just Derek. Rolling my eyes I turned back around and started punching he came over to my side and watched me for a little bit as I aimed for the punching bag. Suddenly the punching bag went flying into my mom's garden, rasing an eyebrow I looked at Derek.

"That's how you fight. You need to put more force into your hits."

Resting my hands on my hips I started to feel heat rushing through my body, taking a deep breath I rested my pointer finger and my thumb on the bridge of my nose.

"Haven't you seen the last 5 punching bags, I broke the chains to that shit?" I said pointing at the punching bags.

Derek's eyes traveled to the damaged Punching bags on the ground, "Thats good...for a newbie."

Turning my eyes into slits I started to get pissed, "First of all you don't know who you're fucking with. And second I don't like that fact that everytime Scott or I am somewhere your ass always has to be there!" I screamed in his face.

Derek looked at me as if it didn't phase him he licked his lips, "Are you done yet?"

Crossing my arms I nodded, "Yeah I'm done. Now get out."

Derek rised an eyebrow, "You really are different from McCall."

Nodding my head I rolled my eyes, "You said that twice already. Of course i'm different from Scott, hes nice. I'm not."

Derek smirked and looked at me, "You're young and you have a temper. Use it on me."

Raising an eyebrow I smirked, "You want me a 5'3 15 year old girl to hit you?" I asked just making sure.

Derek nodded, "Yeah, hit me."

Smiling I raised my fist, "Alright."

And right when I aimed for his cute little face, he grabbed my fist in his, his eyes locked with mine.

"First rule, never let the enemy know your exact move." He replied

Snatching my hand back I looked at it, "Alright, Damn. Your grip hurts, dude."

He smiled at me, "Come at me again."

Giving him a evil look I moved from in front of him to behind him and rested my hand on his shoulder and he flipped me on my back. Gasping I didn't wait to catch my breath, his arm was still on my wrist as I looked up at him. The next move I didn't even realize I had it in me, my legs were around his neck and I sent him flying into a plant that was nicely planted in a pot. Derek looked at me and gave me the thumbs up, and I smiled brightly.


From a mile away I heard Scott's bike rolling down the pavement, Sitting in the corner of the animal shelter; I continued to write whatever it was that I was supposed to be writing when the door opened.

"You're three mins, late." The vet said

Contining to write with my feather pen, I looked up when Scott replied.

"I know, sorry." He said and gave me a look.

Grinning I waved at him.

"Scott, I guarantee your one of the least kids in this town that slacks off, that I know," The vet said giving me a warning look

Shrugging my shoulders I said nothing, I was too calm to react on anything he said.

Maybe because I had to much weed in my system to say anything, opening my vintage bag I pulled out some goldfish.

"You can't eat that in here." The vet said looking at me.

Blinking at him I grabbed a handfull of goldfish and opened my mouth putting them in slowly, "Oops."

The guy just shook his head and walked to the other side of this cramped place, then I noticed Scott stop moving the boxes.

Looking up at him I frowned, "What?" I whispered

And i leaned down from my postion on the floor and looked to see Stiles father, Sheiff S.

"Hey there Scott, you staying out of trouble?" He asked

Scott hesitated before he spoke and I poked his leg, he watched the dog before he opened his mouth:


Sheiff S. bent down and spoke to me, "Hello, Kennedy. Hows the ground, chilly?" He asked and started laughing

Frowning I shook my head, that wasn't even funny.

"You know..because the ground is usually hard...and cold...?" Sheiff S replied

Faking a smile I let out a laugh, "Oh yeah. I get it."

I see where Stiles gets his jokes from..

When the bald guy and Sheiff S brought up the wolf situation, I rushed to my feet just as Scott did.

Standing in between Sheiff S and The guy both Scott and I help work for, I grabbed the paper and looked at the bite.

Yeah that looked the same as mine, Turning my back on them I unbuttoned my sleeves and pulled them down trying to cover the bite.

Smoothing my hair out I tried to pay more attention to the conversation.

The vet guy told the Sheiff that it wasn't a wolf that could of attacked this guy, because the wolf would of aimed for his throat.

Smirking I knew I had to keep that in mind when we beat that Alpha's ass.

Scott kept looking as if something bothered him while the guy said this, but I knew it wasn't just me.


"It was nothing, just some dream that I had about Allison." Scott said walking through the automatic doors of the hospital holding some food for mom.

Rolling my eyes I started walking backwords so I could look at Scott and talk to him at the same time.

" gross Scott. I don't want to hear about your wet dream about Allison," I replied

Scott raised his eyebrown his face turning a slight shade of pink underneath his tan skintone, Smirking I patted his shoulder.

"N-No. It wasn't like that..." He started

Holding my hand up, "Please. I'm just a child, I don't want to hear anymore."

Scott rolled his eyes as we approached mom, she stood up smiling at both of us.

"Uh, its my beautiful and talented children. And they are bringing me dinner?" She asked suprised

Plopping myself up on her counter, I smiled at her how beautiful she was...I mean I had to get my looks from somewhere.

Scott leaned up on the counter and replied with, "I thought you'd like to skip the cafertia tonight."

Then my mom finally came out with, "You are soo not getting the car tomorrow night."

Scott looked at her with shock expression, and I started laughing pointing at him.

"Mom," He started pushing me off the counter, I caught myself.

"What, you have a curfew. But I will take this." She said taking the lunch she kissed me on my forehead, "Love you guys."

Smiling I turned to Scott,"Looks like you can't go on your little date with princess."

Scott started walking off, and I ran next to him laughing grabbing his arm.

"Oh lighten up. You can spend your friday night, with me."

Scott shook his head and mumbled, "Thats exactly why I'm trying to get away from you."

Glaring at him I punched his shoulder and he exactly rubbed his shoulder and looked at me shocked.

"Have you been working out, Ken? Damn." He said


"That means I can go out with Allison," Scott said smiling at Stiles

Sucking my teeth I kicked my feet up on the seat and started to pick my nails, I wasn't there when Scott went to go see Derek.

So I really didn't give a fuck, now he was talking about Allison.

"I was going to say now you won't kill me." Stiles replied

Scott froze, "Oh yeah. That too"

Chuckling I just shook my head at these two idiots.

Once Stiles stopped a red light he turned in his seat to look back at me with those adorable light brown-hazel eyes of his.

I couldn't help but smile when I was around him, "What?"

"D-do you think you could hang over at my house" Stiles asked

Shrugging I played with my phone, "You sure you want me over your house, last time I was there you dad told me not to come back."

When cars started beeping at Stiles to go he pressed the pedal and my head slammed back against the carseat, giving him a glare I rubbed my head.

"Yeah you should hang out with Stiles." Scott pinched his cheek, which caused Stiles to push his arm away.

, "Is Lydia going to be there?" I asked with a cold tone.

Scott turned looking at me, "Oh come on. Your still mad at her because of middle school? And no she's hanging out with me and Allison"

Pointing my finger in his face I yelled, "If Stiles backstabbed you in the back I bet you would of broke his face...but then again your the nice child."

Scott rolled his eyes, Stiles looked at me through his rearview mirror.

"What could Lydia possibly do to make you so angry?" He asked

Sighing, "Can we just drop it?"

Looking out the window, it was quiet for a min then we pulled up to the house.

Scott climbed out and wouldn't let the seat up, I was about to punch the seat so it could go flying but I had respect for Stiles old beat-up jeep.

So I jumped into the frontseat and right when I was about to climb out, Stiles grabbed my wrist.

Swallowing I turned looking at his eyes, "What?"

"Can you come..please for me?" He asked seriously

Crossing my arms I smacked my lips, "Why should I?"

Stiles smiled, "Because I'll order you those crunchy cripsy fries..." He said pointing my side

Still being ticklish my body jerked away from him I giggled?

"S-stop...alright...but you have to promise me something else," I said seriously

Stiles looked at me grinning, "Anything?"

"Buy me those honey chipotle wings too?" And with that I gave him my famous smile, Shutting the door to his truck I made sure my hips swayed because I knew he was watching ; )


Scott banged on my door as if he was the fucking police or something, I pulled my door opened qucick thinking something happened to mom.

"Is mom alright?" I yelled

Scott raised an eyebrow, "Uh, no I was just telling you i'm about to leave."

Rolling my eyes I sat on the edge of my bed, and pulled on my heels. Standing in front of my mirror I smiled and leaned into the mirror as if I was going to kiss it.

"This is the only thing you get to make out with." Scott teased standing behind me.

Pushing him playfully, "Shut up. So are you excited to see Allison?"

Scott smiled, "A little bit...hey why do you care?" He asked looking at me funny.

Shrugging, "I just thought it'd be nice to ask...don't get used to me acting like I care."

Scott rested his arm over my shoulders and stared down at my outfit, "You look nice. Trying to get cute for Stiles?"

Then I blushed a little bit, "N-No. I don't need dress to impress you should already know this."

Scott rolled his eyes, "Yeah I know. But you look nice."

Looking at my outfit again I could say I did good, I had my white eyeshadow lightly smeared making my funny colored eyes pop, a jean vest on with a tan tube top shirt underneath, and I was rocking my black skinny jeans that rested nicely on my hips, and of course I had to have my hoops in. Grabbing my black LA Snapback and my HELLO KITY snapback I turned to Scott.

"Which one?" I asked

Scott looked down at both symbols, "I'd go with the hello kitty."

Smiling I placed it on my head then I heard a horn beep, "Thats for you, idiot of mine."

Scott laughed, "Later, and tell Stiles not to put his hands on you too much."

Glaring at him I threw my beanie pillow at him but he ran to quick, sighing I took one last look and told Stiles I was on my way.


Stiles was teaching me how to play some zombie game, I had the pink controller even though I would of perfered purple.

"No! You keep cheating!" I yelled standing up from my spot

Stiles laughed at me, "I just beat your ass for the 3rd time."

Throwing my snapback down I glared at him pointing in his face, "No, rematch now!"

Stiles scratched the back of his head, "Give me 10 mins my thumbs hurt."

Rolling my eyes I plopped back on the couch, and popped a fry in my mouth chewing.

And I mumbled a, "Punk bitch." To him

He raised an eyebrow as he leaned on his knees looking at me, "What did you just call me?"

Leaning into his face I smiled, "A Punk Bitch-

His lips were on mine In that second, Stiles pushed me back on the couch slowly. My hands held his face in my hands as his tongue slipped into my mouth, liking this feeling I pushed him back to get a breath.

"I'm sorry-

Smashing my lips to his again I was now straddling his lap as his hands slid down to my ass slowly, smirking into the kiss I started to feel heat rise up my body. My claws were digging into his arm and he let out a yelp in pain. Forcing my body away from him I slammed myself up against the wall, his forearm was bleeding really bad it actually made me want to cry. He stared down at it and then looked at me.

"Stiles, I'm sorry I have to go-" And i ran out of the house.