Can't you see? It won't mean a thing to me.


The sky was dark only blackness surrounded us...and of course the trees. If you look deep into the distance then you could see a little bit of fog fading, Scott and Stiles were blabbing about something that I didn't bother to listen to. Only thing that was important to me was when I can get back into my warm bed, but I don't like to stay home by myself alone when its dark outside. Its not that i was scared or anything I mean I have Scott...even though he is kinda slow but thats my brother.

"Where could that thing be?" Scott asked looking around himself.

Leaning up against the tree I watched as they both digged through the leaves looking for his inhaler.

"Aren't you going to help?" Scott asked looking up at me.

Shrugging I said, "You lost it, soo you look for it."

Scott glared at me and went back into digging in through the leaves, I smiled and just continued to pick my nails.

The woods was a nice place if you asked me, I'd always come here when I'm upset over anything or when I'm basically overthinking about something.

Stiles threw his hands up in the air, "Its gone man. I give up!"

Scott ran his hand through his dark hair, "It can't be gone. That thing costs 80 bucks!"

Standing next to him now I patted his shoulder smiling up at him, yeah I was only 5'3 I was short compared to everybody.

"Bro its gone. Oh, moms gonna kill you." I said smiling

It was my job as the younger sister to bug him and to make situations like this worse. Scott glared at me, "You're not helping Kennedy."

Looking around the woods I said, "You coming out to the woods when the sun is going down isn't a smart idea Scott. Just come back in the morning."

Scott ran his hand over his face and sighed.

"Not that this isn't instresting or anything..but uh my dad just called and said I need to be home. So it wouldn't suprise me if I'm getting grounded again." Stiles replied holding his phone in his right hand.

"Plus its kinda cold out here," I said wrapping my arms around myself.

Scott didn't look to pleased that we had to leave now, his ass would just have to get over it.

Stiles patted his shoulder as he started to exit the woods, I was right behind him. Then i realized that Scott wasn't behind us, and I looked at him.

"Scott come on, we need to get home now!" I said annoyed

"You go home Ken, I'm going to stay here for a little bit." He replied still digging through some leaves

Throwing my hands up in the sky I turned back around and stood next to Stiles.

"Alright stay your ass here. Don't come home if you have rabbies!" I yelled

As Stiles walked me home it was quiet, my heartbeat fluttered each time his arm brushed against mine. Looking at him underneath the moonlight his pale face lightened up more, watching the curve of his lips it made me think how would they feel if they were against mine?

"Do you think we should've left him there?" I asked my hands in the pockets of my Dr. Pepper PJ pants.

Stiles licked his lips as he stopped walking, "He's a smart guy...slow...but he's smart. He'll be fine. Night Ken."

Nodding I stood on my porch and took one look at him, "Stiles you're forgetting something."

Stiles turned his head to look at me with his eyebrow raised, "What can I possibly be forgetting?"

Stepping down my steps I stood on my tippy toes and wrapped my arms around his shoulders, his hands hugged my waist.

"Ohh. Why didn't you just say something?" He asked with a goofy smile on his voice

Pushing him playfully I rolled my eyes, "I just did. Night."

And I ran up my steps closing the door leaning up against it. My heart really needed to control itself when I was around Stiles.

Staring at the clock it read 11:15PM, mom would be home at 12AM...Scott better make it home quick.