I own the plunny and Matt.

"Oh the kids are at the ice cream parlor."
"Hey! That's Matthew. Wally told me all about him."
"Who's Matthew?"
"The blond haired kid. He's always working whenever the kids go to that place. Wally said Matthew sometimes give them a little more ice cream."
"He looks like a wimp."
"He's a good kid."
"Wow… you approve of him Bruce? Okay I have gotta meet this kid."
"The store has good vanilla ice cream."
"You too Big Blue?"
"The guy needs a girlfriend."

"Is that Roy?"

"Yeah it is."

By now it had become a habit for The League to gather in the living room area to spy watch the kids and their various missions and little drama moments. Usually someone was always watching the kids because frankly something was always happening.

"He's not supposed to be there," Batman deadpanned.

"I'm sure he just wants to visit his friends," Dinah said. "It's a shame Ollie isn't here. He's always worried about Roy."

"Didn't he request you make a mobile camera to follow Roy for him, Bats?" Barry asked.

Batman growled.

"Roy!" Megan exclaimed. She was the first one to come across a sulking Roy. One look at the angry teen and she knew exactly why he was here. She flew over to him and dragged him over to the couch. "Oh my gosh," she said. "What did Ollie do this time? Wait, I'll get the cookies."

"Ouch. She automatically thinks Ollie is the cause," John remarked.

"There's no need for that," Roy said, grinding his teeth. He handed Megan a box. "There are cookies in there."

"Wait, so Roy likes Megan? Why does he have cookies?" Diana asked.

"Quiet you guys!" Hal hushed them.

Megan opened the box and held up a cookie. "They're arrowheads?" she said in a confused voice. "They're red and green arrowhead cookies."

"Ollie sent them this morning," Roy stated as calmly as he could.

"Oooo, he's still trying to apologize isn't he?" Megan said. She patted Roy on the arm.

"Wait Ollie sent those cookies?" Orin asked.

"Why arrowheads?" Barry questioned.

"Hey, Dinah," Hal asked. "There's nothing going on between them right?"

Dinah punched Hal and didn't answer.

"Oh god, why are you here?"

The league looked to see Artemis standing a few feet away from the couch. "None of your business," Roy snapped.

The two archers looked like they were ready to gear up for a fight. Before it could break out, Roy was tackled by a yellow blur. "Roy!" Wally shouted, hugging his friend. Behind him Kaldur, Superboy and Robin showed up.

"We were not expecting you," Kaldur said.

"Is Green Arrow annoying you again?" Superboy asked. He crossed his arms and frowned.

"He thinks cookies are a good way for apologizing," Roy said. Then he saw the crushed looked on Megan's face and he quickly amended his sentence. "Cookies are a perfectly good way to apologize, just not from Ollie."

"Recognized Green Arrow 08."


Speaking of the devil, Ollie had just appeared. He didn't even make it all that way into the living room before Robin grabbed him by the collar of his hood and began to drag him away. "Oh no you don't," Robin said. "He doesn't want to see you right now."

Immediately Ollie released his hood and slipped away from Robin's grasp. "Not today Robin!"

He barely took two steps further before Wally and Kaldur grabbed them by the arms and proceeded to drag him away.

"We insist, Green Arrow," Kaldur said firmly.

"Yeah. Roy doesn't want to see you," Wally pointed out.

Ollie tossed the both of them and made a dash toward the living room until he ran into an invisible wall.

"Ah, M'gann finally mastered the invisible wall technique," J'onn commented.

"What was that for?" Ollie snapped.

"You need to calm down," Megan shot back. "While we understand that you want to make up with Roy, you're really going about it the wrong way."

"I am?" Ollie asked.

The team shared a look. "Yeah you are," Robin commented.

Superboy picked Green Arrow up. "Come back in a few hours."

The rest of the team ushered Green Arrow out of the room, leaving Artemis and Roy in the living room. "He's such an idiot," they both chorused together. The two archers looked at each other.

"It seems we do have something in common," Artemis pointed out.

"Yeah…. Let's never speak of this again."


"Poor Ollie," Dinah remarked. "He's trying so hard to get Roy to come back."

"Perhaps a little too hard," Diana muttered.

"Well at least Artemis and Roy are starting to get along," Barry said.

They were all amateurs.

Batman stood behind his fellow League members watching as all of them watched the tv screen. He ducked as Dinah threw a pillow in frustration and shook his head when Orin shouted, "GO KALDUR GO!"

"Ahem," he cleared his throat. "The kids just called, requesting for backup from the League."

"They're interrupting my favorite program for what?" Ollie shouted.

Batman shook his head. He left the room. As he approached the Zeta Beam, he began to count down in his head. '5…4…3…2…1'


The chorus shout was heard from loud and clear. Batman stepped to the side, as there was a mad rush toward the Zeta Beam. He has no desire to be trampled by the raging worried, concerned mentors.

Flash skidded to a stop in front of Batman. "Bruce! Why didn't you say anything earlier?" he shouted.

Batman stared at him. "I did. All of you were so wrapped that none of you heard me."

Flash actually looked a little sheepish. "I guess we got carried. The kids' lives are so interesting. How do you not go flipping over every little thing?"

Batman was silent for a moment. "First rule of spying," he said. "It's really happening, try not to get caught up in the moment. Second rule of spying, they will hate if it's ever discovered that you're spying on them. So that prevents the urge to jump at every little thing, unless of course you're known for spying, like me."

Then Batman smirked. "Lastly, spying creates good blackmail, so does watching other people attempt to spy."

Flash paled at the implications of Batman's words. "Bruce," he said. "You didn't!" Batman didn't answer him.

"You did! All this time? Dear god, that means, holy… WHY?"

Batman's smirk grew wider. "For when the kids ask for a more dangerous assignment and I actually feel like they're ready but with everyone's new found protectiveness, no one in the league will agree with me, so I created leverage."

He stepped into the Zeta Beam and was whisked away.

"Oh god, we are so screwed," Flash moaned.

Oh Batman. 8D This is the end! Thanks for reading!

Please Review! 8D