A/N: Been a while. I would suggest re-reading the previous chapter/chapters.
I don't own Chuck!
Chapter 9 - Through The Forrest
Ellie was sitting on the couch, her nerves getting the best of her and she was never nervous. Of course when one has a potentially enraged Demon who has the strength to destroy the earth all for one man, sleeping in said man's bedroom, well of course your nerves would be shot.
Casey had already instructed her what was going on and to be honest, she was a little pissed off at this Forrest Demon Spawn that was sent to check on her brother and his fiancé. Just like the unlikeliness of the relationship between Sarah and Chuck, it was probably even more unlikely the relationship Ellie had formed with Sarah. They truly were just like sisters now and where not long ago, Ellie would've been upset and irate at the fact Sarah was pregnant, now she'd die to keep the baby safe.
She knew besides Chuck and until earlier today, Casey, Ellie was the only one that could talk sense into Sarah. They talked all the time now and she just hoped that Sarah would listen to reason. Her breathing paused as she suddenly felt the chill in the air emanating from her Brother's bedroom.
Here we go, thought Ellie as she heard a steadily growing rumble coming from down the hall. Ellie jumped a little as the door to Chuck's room exploded outward, sending debris everywhere.
Sarah stormed out of the room, rage filling her with such power that she was blinded by her own blood lust. She needed the taste of Forrest's blood and she would destroy anyone that came between her getting back to Chuck. She would rip her own Father to pieces if it meant having Chuck back.
Sarah was breathing hard; she hadn't changed forms yet, still in her human form but she was close. She turned her head as she saw Ellie now standing near the couch. Her anger subsided only slightly at the look of concern on her soon to be sister.
"Sarah please listen to me." Ellie reached out her hand for Sarah to come to her but Sarah just stood there, her blonde curls in disarray as they covered the front of her face.
"Where is Chuck?" Sarah was steadily increasing in power as the longer she was away from him, the angrier she got.
"He is safe for now, Casey is watching out for him."
Sarah cringed at the mention of the Arch Angel. She had enough; she headed towards the door as she was too enthralled in her own desire to shed blood to think of anything but destroying those that came between her and the chosen one.
"Sarah honey, please calm down, we need to talk." Ellie reached out a hand to grab Sarah's arm, knowing that there was a strong possibility she may never use that hand again.
Sarah just stared down at the hand on her arm. Normally the hand, along with the person it was attached to would be ripped to shreds by now, but this was Ellie. "Ellie, I have to find Chuck."
It broke Ellie's heart to see the sudden change in Sarah's eyes. It wasn't anger or the need for blood anymore; it was unconditional love and concern. "Sweetie you have to listen to me. You are with child."
Sarah just shook her head as she look to each side of her. What was Ellie talking about? There were no children standing next to her.
Ellie just gave a loving, concerned look. "Sarah, you're pregnant."
Sarah stopped suddenly, looking down towards her belly. "What… what did you say?"
Ellie brought up both hands to the side of Sarah's arms. "Sweetie, you and Chuck are going to have a baby."
Sarah couldn't help herself as she reached a hand and placed it on her stomach. She instantly felt the connection and suddenly her body felt as if it was consumed by warmth. I'm having Chuck's baby. Sarah repeated to herself in her mind. "I'm having Chuck's baby?" Sarah got enough courage to look into Ellie's tear filled eyes.
Ellie just shook her head as she pulled Sarah into a hug. Her heart filled with love as she felt Sarah cling to her.
"I'm going to have Chuck's baby." Sarah couldn't help her own tears as she was held by the closest person to family she had besides Chuck. She was scared, she was worried, she was concerned, but most of all, she was… happy. Her and Chuck had created a life which means that she carried part of Chuck inside her. She couldn't contain her excitement thinking of what that meant.
"We need to keep the baby safe okay Sarah? Which means you have to be careful on what you do next." Ellie had to make Sarah see there would be consequences now for her actions.
"What should I do Ellie?" Sarah really didn't know what to do.
Ellie stepped back a bit, making sure to bring Sarah's face so that it looked at hers. "Sweetie, it's what are we going to do? You know you and Chuck are not alone in this."
Sarah had always been independent in everything she did. Of course that changed when she met Chuck, but still, to know that she had Ellie with her, helping her, it just made her feel like nothing could stop them now. Her baby would have a chance and that made her happier than she could ever imagine.
"I want to see Chuck." Sarah pleaded with Ellie.
Ellie looked to the door, "Okay, I'll tell you what. Let's go over to Castle I have a plan. Casey and Forrest will never expect you to be there, they'll think your still at our house." Ellie brought Sarah around to stand in front of her. "But whatever you do, you must stay calm and let Chuck come to you. If you do something to Forrest now, you could destroy everything." Ellie gave her own smirk; she wasn't the protector for nothing. "Devon and I will handle Forrest."
"I really love you you know that?" Sarah hugged her sister close.
"As crazy as it is, I love you too Sarah. Now let's get you to Chuck."
{* * *}
{Castle later that Evening}
Chuck had never been more depressed than he was now. It had only been 24 hours and his entire body ached to be with Sarah. He missed her, he needed her and it was like he was going through withdrawal.
Forrest was such a bitch and he hated having to work with her. She wasn't Sarah and it affected the whole team.
He was heading down the stairs of Castle while Casey and Forrest were out destroying a nest of Fallen in the hills of LA. He was relegated to the Castle dungeon because if he tried to go over to Ellie's to see Sarah there would be heaven and hell to pay according to Beckman.
All he wanted to do was see her, tell her about their baby, hold her, kiss her, just be with her. He was trying to hold down his emotions as he walked back to one of the back rooms where he would sleep. Who was he kidding; he wouldn't be able to sleep, not without Sarah.
His shoulders slumped as he couldn't hold back the lone tear that fell, surprised himself at the depth of his loneliness. He punched in his code and entered the room still looking at the floor trying to wipe his eyes. He never saw the dark figure standing in the corner near his bed.
Sarah instantly felt a million times better as Chuck's smell filled her entire body with a warming feeling. Seeing his face and the tears coming broke her heart. She knew he missed her as much as she missed him.
"Hey honey." Sarah smiled as she saw Chuck's head pop up.
Chuck started hyperventilating. "Please be real; please tell me you're real." Chuck was afraid to move, thinking that a slight vibration here or there could cause his current dream to disappear.
"I'm real… Daddy." Sarah couldn't keep the distance as she crashed into Chuck. She knew he'd probably need healing after this but she didn't care. She needed every ounce of him, she craved his entire being and she wouldn't settle for anything less. It was a good thing the walls were sound proof as her screams of ecstasy filled the walls of Castle as the entire building seemed to shake with the power of their love.
{* * *}
"I'm sorry baby, is your shoulder okay?" Sarah really didn't mean to dislocate his shoulder but at least it wasn't his hip again.
"It's fine, just popped it right back in place when you had me…" Chuck blushed a little thinking about the position they made love in for the second hour. "You know, when I was behind you."
Chuck was rubbing circles on her bare stomach; he still couldn't believe they created a life together.
Sarah ran her hand through his hair as she held his head near her bare chest. His breath blowing ever so gently against her nipples just drove her to the edge once again.
"I don't want you to leave me Sarah. I can't let you leave me." Chuck used his arm to hug her waist tightly.
"I'm not going anywhere Chuck. Our baby is going to be safe and it will have its mommy and daddy with it always." Sarah bent her head forward to kiss Chuck on the top of the head. "But we really need to find Orion. If he can help us, then my father will have no control over me."
Chuck knew she was right. It was one of the benefits of being human. God had put amnesty between the devil and human beings since the beginning of time. A human could only be possessed if they allowed evil in through giving into temptation. But if they denied the influence and overcame temptation, then Satan couldn't do anything.
"What about Forrest?" Chuck looked up to Sarah, accidentally rubbing his chin against her breast. He felt her squirm a little at the touch.
"Ellie and Devon are taking care of that. After tonight, Forrest will not be a problem."
"What's Ellie going to do?" Chuck suddenly got really concerned for his sister.
Sarah looked directly at Chuck, a seriousness in her eyes instructing him that there would be no doubt. "Whatever it takes."
{* * *}
Forrest was just now awakening. The last thing she remembered was Casey got a call and had to leave. She was heading into a building of Fallen and then she blacked out. Now though she was awake and couldn't move.
"Hey Forrest, welcome back."
Forrest strained to turn her neck at the sound of that female voice. "The Protector?"
"Yeah, that's me. How you feeling, a little… tied up huh?" Ellie smirked as she saw the demon secured to a chair in the middle of the Demon Circle that Devon and she created on the floor. It was a way to enslave demons if they walked into it.
"Get me out of this you bitch. Do you even know who I am?" Forrest was practically spitting out each word with venom on her tongue.
"Yeah I know who you are and you know who I am don't you?" Ellie came and stood before her, seeing the slight glance of fear in the demon's eye.
"I'd like to introduce you to my fiancé' Devon. He's a protector now to, I'm sure you've heard of him." Ellie stepped aside as Devon came around.
Forrest suddenly lost almost all of her resolve. She'd heard the recent stories of Devon and it was so not awesome for her kind.
"Hey Forrest, nice to meet you." Devon punched her hard across the mouth, causing blood to pour from her busted lip. "I think you chose the wrong family to screw with."
Forrest tried to break free but it was no use, the circle would not let her move.
Ellie brought out a long syringe with clear liquid in it. "So Forrest, you know what this is?"
Forrest suddenly started breathing heavy, the fear exploding within her.
"Yeah, I thought you did. This is holy water. You demons don't really like this much do you?"
Forrest was about to respond when she felt a sudden pain in the side of her head. She turned to see Devon removing an injection device. "What did you just do?"
Devon walked around so the Demon could see him. "This is just a small device that I created to help control your kind. It's a small explosive device that contains ultra violet light, mixed with holy water and salt. Sort of a Demon destroyer concoction."
Forrest continued to struggle trying with all her might to break free. It was no use.
"The device is linked to Sarah's biometric readings. At any time that her heart rate stops." Devon leaned in close. "You go boom."
Forrest eyes shot wide open; how could this happen she started screaming to herself.
"So this is how this is going to play out. You're going to go back and tell Beckman that everything is fine with Sarah and Chuck. You will tell your Father the same and that there is nothing to report. If you don't, well Sarah's heart rate is not the only thing that causes the device in your head to go boom." Ellie smiled as she held a small device in her hand.
Devon took the syringe from Ellie. "And just so you remember what we told you." Devon injected the Holy Water into the Demons neck. "Here's a little something to remember us by."
It was then the Demon began to scream and never stopped as the darkness filled her vision once again.
{* * *}
{Next Morning at Castle}
"So let me understand this correctly, you have determined that it is in the best interest of the one to stay with Walker?" Beckman couldn't believe the report from the somewhat distressed looking demon.
"Yes." Forrest could barely speak it out loud, still remembering the pain from the protectors.
"Very well then. Sarah you are reinstated to continue your protection of the One. Have a good day."
Sarah was holding Chuck's hand as she turned to Forrest, such hatred in her eyes. "Don't ever come back here do you understand me?"
Forrest almost made a move but then remembered the device in her head. She hated being here, she hated everything about this place and even though she didn't quench her thirst for the blood of the only begotten, she'd at least live to fight another day. With that, she just nodded and left Castle.
Sarah then turned to Chuck, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. "Honey, will you please go wait for me in the back room." Sarah really wasn't asking.
Chuck quickly looked to Casey who for the first time didn't have such a confident look on his face. "Everything okay Sarah?"
Sarah just nodded her head as in a sing song voice she replied, "Of course sweetie. I just need to talk to Casey for a bit."
"Oookay." Chuck gave her another kiss as he gave Casey a sorrowful look. "See you later?" And then he left to the room where he and Sarah spent last night… well where they ended up sleeping.
Chuck reached for the handle and that's when he felt the entire building start to shake. He had to steady himself as it felt like a giant earthquake was hitting castle. The last thing he heard as he quickly entered the room was a pain filled yell from Casey as the lights suddenly went out. "Oh boy."