Hey guys! I'm way too overly excited for this story... So here's to high hopes of not screwing this up! I got most of the ideas in this story from my actual life so it's kinda crazy writing them down. Anyways, im rambling, Enjoy. The. Stinking. Story. :)

Oh, and.. I don't own Sonny With A Chance..or really anything, ehh whatever.

Sonny's POV

I lower my head onto my locker.


This is bullshit. Okay.. Okay... Sonny calm down.

I stare down at my final report card and disappointment washes over my face all over again. Exams were such a bitch.

How in the hell could I completely fail? Mrs. Auberry is completely unfair. I just...I just want to take her head and slam it into this locker.

But then I'd get expelled, probably won't be able to get in another school, and then have to serve Burger King to fat and grouchy people all day.

Not a smart idea.

At least its summer. Junior year = complete.

I shove my report card into my white messenger bag and head out the east doors of Washington High. I hate high school. Let's just say Sonny isn't so Sonny right now… Oh, bad joke.

I make my way through all the stuck-up preps and druggies, getting knocked in the shoulder a couple times, and start my way home and out of this hell hole. Summer vacation here I come.

I start to feel a tingling rub up against my leg, so loud I can hear it.

My phone. I fumble around in my skirt pocket and finally grab ahold of it. I sigh and press the 'talk' button without even checking the caller id. I don't even care.


"SONNY!" I move the phone away from my ear due to my best friend screaming in it. "Where are you? I told you specifically to wait by your locker and we could walk back to my house. I've been waiting forever! And Tawni Hart waits for no one! She only-"

"Tawn" I cut her off, not wanting to hear the rest of her lecture. "I'm already halfway to my house; can't you just call Portlyn or someone to come over instead?" I yawn.

"Well… someone isn't in a very good summer-y mood."

"I failed my Chemistry exam."

"Good one." She snorts.

"Not funny. Why don't you just drive to my house in a little bit?"


I end the conversation and push my phone back in my pocket, not even bothering to say bye. God, I'm bitter today.

Don't get this wrong, I love Tawni. She's my best friend. I'm just, I don't know, being a teenager and overreacting.

I turn from the sidewalk into the driveway of my normal brick suburban house, checking our white mailbox with "Monroe" labeled across it as I walk by. I smile sadly at the old little garden that runs across the side of the house; poor thing never stood a chance. As usual, Mom and Dad's cars aren't here. Most teenagers would be overly excited, throw a 'small' party, it gets out of control and they have to clean up the insane mess afterwards. Typical. Yeah, uh, no thanks. I barely ever see my parents thanks to their demanding jobs. Also typical. They're both auditors and tend to be gone for a few weeks, not usually at the same time but lately.

I fish into my bag for my key and walk into the foyer.

"HOM- UGH!" One second standing up, next millisecond later, on the floor. The body of my older brother Brian is hovering over me. This is why you don't run in the house, idiot.

I groan and hold my head, sending daggers up at him.

"Oh hey, sorry Sun, I'm just heading out for work and then the senior party. Don't wait up!" I jump back up to my feet, without his help whatsoever.

Brian Monroe- Noun; Annoying older brother; is just graduating this year; can be completely stupid sometimes; yet I still love him. Sorta.

"Wait! Where's mom and dad?"

"Business trips, like always." He shouts without looking back as he jumps in his polished car. Unbelievable.

I quietly close the door, throw my bag on the floor, kick off my shoes and sink my butt into the couch. Sooo, this is where I'll probably be spending most of my summer. Peace and quiet, I smile.

"HOME!" Tawni just busts through the door and continues walking through the living room into the kitchen with her blonde hair bouncing up and down.

"Hey Tawn." I sigh and sit up. Peace and quiet – gone.

She reappears a minute later with some Oreos and peanut butter. "So, what's the plan for the first day of summer? Pool time?" She wiggles her perfectly shaped eyebrows at me.

"Can't we just... Stay in the nice air conditioned house?" I look around the room for help, "and play Monopoly or something?" I point over to the neatly sitting Monopoly set by the bookcase. I don't even think I remember how to play. How sad.

She looks at me with a scolding look and I whimper under it.

"You're pathetic. No. Now go get your lazy butt in that bikini. It's scoping out cute boys time!" She yells at me with a mouth full Oreos, basically spitting them all over me. Gross. Yeah that'll definitely get the cute boys Tawn.


We got home from the pool around 10 at night. After Tawni trying to hopelessly flirt with the lifeguard for hours he finally bluntly told her that he was gay. He was obviously lying and just trying to turn her down but I swear, funniest expression she's ever made. I took her out for ice cream to sob over her defeat at our favorite hangout, Madigan's.

Our little Wisconsin town doesn't have very many options for teenagers - considering most of the residents are aged 35 to 50 – so Madigan's always has teenagers lounging around all over the place.

I creep into the dark house alone with my towel draping over my shoulder.

"Brian! You home?" I yell, already knowing the answer.

Complete silence.

"Perfect." I run up to my room, take a quick shower and change in my cozy blue flannel pajamas. I grab a pillow from my room and skip happily down the stairs into the living room.

My butt once again met the couch as I turn on 'That's 70s Show.' God I love Ashton Kutcher.

And my couch.

Chapter 1 = Complete. :)

So, you guys should tell me if i should even go on. And i know that its short but...yeah.

And this is the time you ever so nicely hit that review button down there!