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Disclaimer: I do not own anything x-men.

Sophie Ann's Pov

"Happy St. Patrick's Day!" Wade's voice was ringing through the halls. I let out a groan that meant no fucking way I'm leaving this bed.

"Hey kid it's time to train. You can sleep when you're dead." Jimmy's voice surprised the hell out of me.

"Uh where is Zero? This isn't normally your duty Jimmy." I was full of puzzlement.

"He's not feeling so hot today. He left clothes for you on the dresser." I heard the door shut and then I knew I was alone again. Hope he's not hurt or anything. He had come back from the last mission a little broken. Like part of him was disappearing.

I got dressed and opened my door. I hand grabbed my wrist; Jimmy of course was making sure to start the fighting before we even got to the gym. He's always trying his best to keep me on my toes.

He dodged my punches and I blocked his. I was getting better about using my senses. I still lost every fight but I was improving with every day I practiced. We continued our sparing until a door slammed opened.

"Fuck itz all." It was David and his words were slurred. I walked to where his voice was coming from. When I got close to him I smelt vodka on his breath.

"Sopha." His voice almost sounded like a cry and he pulled me into a very unsteady hug. His wet lips meet with my right cheek. At that moment I could stop my gifts from working. His pride was hurt, he felt like he had lost his purpose.

His soul seemed cracked and something inside of him was slowly getting smaller. He was angry at himself and angry at the people who told him the truth.

"You better get out of here kid. John and me will help him out." Jimmy's voice broke the frosted moment. It felt like forever since I had moved. David let go of me but my legs still wouldn't move. I felt someone touch my arm which caused me to gasp.

"Soph come on." It was Chris; he took my hand and led to my room. I sat on the bed quietly. I could feel the weight of Chris's body sink in on the other side of me.

"I am sorry Chris. I didn't mean to." My voice cracked. He put an arm around my shoulders. He knew what I meant.

"You can't keep your guard up all the time. You're bound to slip up just like Zero and just like the rest of us. Sometimes your abilities just go on the friz." Chris's words sounded like they came from experience.

"Zero is struggling with some inner issues and he is always like this on St. Patrick's Day. Its day some can get completely smashed guilt free and forget about life.

Any other day he would tell you he's just following orders when we do the shitty part of the job. We all struggle with the things we have done and the things we do.

Zero use to drink and go through this all the time. Hating yourself, regretting all the terrible things you've done. You just want to forget about it all for a while.

I ask god to forgive my sorry ass every night and hope one day the world won't need us to do this job. Even Wade has his coping mechanisms." He seemed really genuine about what he was saying.

A small smirk crept across my face. David had always helped me; I wish I could do the same for him.

"Aha there is that smile that everyone adores." Chris chuckled. I could feel my face slowly start heating up.

"Shut up Chris." I stated in a joking way.

"Ouch Soph that really hurt my feeling." He tried to make his voice sound as pathetic and sad as possible.

"I bet I can prove that it didn't." I giggled. Chris was like my brother. If David wasn't around me he was. He said I reminded him of when him and his sister were little.

"That would be one unfair bet." He teased.

Stryker's Pov

"Sir, Zero's powers seem to be decreasing every day now. He should be almost human soon." One of my grunts gave me the report.

"Good, that means the serum is working. The mutants won't even be able to tell. It will be in everyone's food killing the mutant contamination before kids even reaches puberty. If we stop putting it in his food will his powers go back to normal?"

I still needed the man to take other mutants out and help me find more of this Adamantium.

"Over the course of six months yes since he is an adult. If it were a child I would say the powers will probably stay the same and never fully developed if not given the serum every day." My grunt stated.

"What are your plans for Sophie Ann?" He asked me. I smirked, this girl opened up many new doors for me.

"I want her to help with figuring out where the military stands and pick out the strays. She can help me gain the trust of many people who have what I want.

Plus she keeps the team from asking questions. Zero will always follow my orders and I want to keep it that way." I couldn't help but let an evil grin come across my face.

"Sir, you have a meeting with the military leaders tomorrow. Who do you want me to put on the guest list?"

"Put Zero as a body guard, Greta as my lead scientist in the projects we've been working on. Sophie Ann will be passed off as Greta's daughter that she could never leave uncared for.

Call everyone down to my office so I can brief them on the next mission." This time I would know for sure if the leaders were on board or not.