Title: Chance Meetings
Author: Razorbackgal0225
Rating: PG-13-A little language, but that's all...for now
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters, cars or situations from Suits, but I sure wish I did. Anything you don't recognize is mine.
Author's Note: So, I'm slightly obsessed with this show. And as you'll be able to tell soon enough, one character in particular. So after much thought and meditation, I started this. It's my first story in a long time, so I ask you to let me know what you think; I might be a little rusty.
The First Time
The first time I saw him had been at the end of a particularly shitty day at the office. I had been working long hours for a couple of weeks now, as my firm's services seemed to be more and more in demand. My best friend had convinced me to leave the files on my desk for a night and go out for a drink. The upscale bar was exactly half way between my apartment and Becca's, so we had agreed to meet there.
When I walked through the door, I knew I was going to like the place. Plenty of televisions showing the ongoing baseball and pre-season football games with a decidedly low-key atmosphere. While the clientele did trend more towards the masculine, enough women were present to not make me feel out of place. Almost all the tables were taken, so I made my way to the bar and found two seats together. I ordered two vodka tonics, one for Becca and one for me, and started to relax. While I waited, I surveyed the crowd. Typical New York Thursday night crowd; a lot of suits, a few couples scattered about and women dressed to the nines. Nothing and no one that specifically caught my eye, until I saw him.
He was sitting across the bar from me, talking with a man who was probably five years younger than me. While the younger guy was cute and had a friendly face, I barely noticed him. My attention was riveted on his companion. He was almost ridiculously attractive, hair combed and slicked back to showcase his handsome features. The crinkles around his deep brown eyes gave him an appearance of intelligence, not age like with some men. A slight scar at the corner of his generous mouth caused one side to turn up slightly, almost in a permanent smirk. It was obvious his suit was custom made and worth more than my first car, but the attitude with which he wore made it that much more…extravagant. Anyone who saw him knew he was successful and that they were all lucky to be in the same room as him. I was fascinated immediately and had to work to keep from staring.
"That's the Harvey Specter," Becca whispered as she finally joined me at the bar. I blinked a couple of times, trying to break the spell that had been cast over me. I unwillingly turned my attention to my friend.
"Who's Harvey Specter?" I asked, keeping my voice as low as possible, in case anyone around was listening. I was also trying to act as though I hadn't been out and out ogling a stranger.
"The guy you're practically drooling over. Don't think I didn't notice."
I rolled my eyes in response, hoping to convince myself as well. "Whatever I don't drool."
"Right, well, if you had been, I would tell you that he," Becca gestured in the man's direction across the bar, causing me to almost cringe from the obviousness of it, "is who I've been negotiating with for two weeks for this recent merger. And that if you think he's distracting from across the room, you should try and sit across a conference table from him," Becca added as she took a generous drink from the glass waiting on her. "Not only is he hot as hell, he's terrifying as hell too."
Before I could stop, I glanced back his direction. He was still talking with his companion, but his eyes were now trained somewhere near our seats. It was impossible, because of the noise level in the room, but it was almost like he knew someone was talking about him and was trying to find who it was. As he scanned the bar, I saw a flash of recognition in his gaze when he saw Becca. He raised his glass in salute, a move Becca acknowledged with a reluctant wave. He then said something to his companion, which caused the younger man to look up, see Becca and smile broadly. Even though it wasn't directed at me, I felt a matching expression grow on my face. The guy's grin was infectious. So I was still smiling when we made eye contact.
In those three seconds, my mind stopped racing with thoughts work for the first time in weeks. All I could focus on was how commanding his eyes were, how he managed to convey strength, confidence and heat at the same time. His attitude couldn't have been clearer if he been holding a sign stating "Yeah, I'm a badass." And for a girl who had a thing for cocky, good-looking man, he was practically a beacon to a path of bad decisions and awkward morning-after situations. So I acted out of complete self-preservation and turned back towards Becca.
"Yeah, I'm not really feeling a lot of sympathy towards you for having to look at that during your case," I said quietly and then quickly changed the subject, but not before casting one last glance in his direction. The smug grin he wore, knowing I had looked back, told me that I had made the right decision.
The Second Time
The second time I saw him was in my boss's office. I was trying to deliver the latest report on my current assignment, but I stopped before entering the room when I saw a familiar face in the waiting area. Something about the messy light brown hair and innocent expression sparked my memory, but I couldn't figure out why. Not seeing my boss's secretary anywhere around, I approached him.
"Hi, are you waiting on someone?"
He answered without looking up from his cell phone. "I'm here with Harvey Specter, he's talking to Mr. Matthews." He finished typing and looked up. I saw a flash recognition in his expression as he stood and held out his hand. "Oh, hi. I'm Mike Ross. You work here?" he asked, as though we did know each other.
As I took his hand, I processed the name he had mentioned first. Harvey Specter, the face and name that had floated through my daydreams for the past three weeks. That's why I recognized him, he was the younger man that had been with Harvey that night at the bar. Mentally shaking myself, I remembered my manners. "Nice to meet you, I'm…" I was interrupted by my boss exiting his office.
"Ms. Walker, your timing is perfect," Mr. Matthews said as he walked towards me. "I have a new assignment for you. Mr. Specter," my boss inclined his head to the man following him, "needs to find the origin of these transactions and he needs it by the end of the day." Matthews handed me a folder containing a few sheets of paper. "I'd like for you to get started on it right away."
Before I could respond, Harvey was in my line of sight. My imagination had created several scenarios for how we would see each other again. Sometimes it was a chance meeting at a restaurant or ballgame. Many times it did involve work, but generally I was wearing my best suit and killer heels, instead of the pants and ballet flats I had picked today because of the rainy forecast. However, none of my fantasies included him looking me up and down with absolutely no sign that he had seen me before. He then grimaced faintly and turned to my boss. "Where's David? He normally works on my cases."
"David is on vacation this week, but don't worry Harvey," Mr. Matthews answered. "Ms. Walker is one of the best forensic specialists on staff. You can trust she'll find the information you need."
Harvey turned his attention back to me and this time I was a little more prepared. "I'll have the report to you by the end of the day, Mr. Specter," I said, and if a little emphasis and sarcasm crept into my voice when saying his name, it was only self-defense. I am damn good at my job and don't appreciate someone who didn't know me assuming I'm not. And when I was alone, I would then, and only then, admit that I was a little hurt our brief eye contact in the bar that night obviously hadn't been as memorable for him as it had been for me, damn it. So I was all set to march off in high dudgeon when he grinned at me.
Okay, technically it was a smirk, but still, it wasn't the reaction I had been expecting. And to finish completely throwing me off balance, he nodded and moved to leave. "I'll be looking for it, Ms. Walker," he threw over his shoulder, his tone matching mine exactly, right down to the extra emphasis on my title as he sauntered to the bank of elevators. Mike, who I had temporarily forgotten, gave me a friendly smile as he followed after his colleague.
I narrowed my eyes at his back as he left, wanting to stick my tongue out at him, but holding back. In the last two minutes, I had decided I didn't think the third time would be the charm with us. Maybe I would get lucky and this would be the end of our meetings. But I somehow doubted it.