"So much for being optimistic. They say love is in the air, so I hold my breath until my face turns purple."—HYFR, Drake ft. Lil' Wayne

Chapter 4

The entire fiasco with the mountain lion was soon put aside. People tried to forget it as best as they could. Papa Stiles, thankfully, wasn't severely injured and neither was anyone else.

Right now, I was with Scott getting groceries for his mom. Stiles, the adorable twat, was being kind of an asshole, and I figured that Scott needed some support from one of his friends. Even if he did have Alison.

We were each carrying a bag of groceries and walking aimlessly around the parking lot. Yup, you guessed right. We're hopelessly lost.

"Shit. Where the hell did I put my car?" Scott asked, glancing at me.

I shrugged. "I dunno."

He sighed and continued looking for the car. He suddenly stopped and got his keys out. I looked around and didn't spot the car. He clicked the unlock button on the little device, and a distinct click was heard from the car. I glanced around again, hoping to spot it, but didn't see it. I looked back towards Scott, who was trying to balance his groceries with one hand. The small bottle of milk was dancing perilously over the edge of the paper bag, but before I could warn Scott, it fell and rolled away.

I heard Scott sigh, but I was too preoccupied with watching the rolling milk bottle.

"Scott? Your milk fell," I said, looking back at him. He rolled his eyes and watched as the milk rolled under the car. Sigh, forever lost.

"Forget about it. Let's just go," Scott said and we started walking towards where the click of the car was heard.

The noise of glass scratching the pavement was heard. We turned back around and watched as the milk rolled back to us. With scratch marks. I shuffled closer to Scott.

I swallowed the lump in my throat so that I was able to speak.

"Scott, please tell me that was a cat." I glanced at him and noticed his eyebrows furrowed in an odd mixture of worry, fear, and determination.

"Don't you hate cats?" he murmured.

"Well, yeah. But at this moment, I'd rather have a cat jump me again than a werewolf. Just sayin'," I whispered.

A long, raspy, and loud growl was heard from the direction the milk had rolled to. I let out a whimper.

"Anya, sorry to burst your bubble, but I don't think that's cat." Before I could respond to Scott's side comment, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me behind a car.

"Listen, Anya," he whispered urgently. "If I tell you to run out of here, you run. Forget about me, alright?"

I hesitantly nodded after he shot me a hard look. I didn't want to leave him behind fighting this Alpha (because, let's face it, that's who it was). There were loud footsteps coming closer and closer to our hiding place, and we slowly and quietly crawled further away, using the cars as cover. Why, oh, why couldn't this be a regular grocery store with a one floor parking lot right in front? No, there just had to be a separate building for the parking lot. Freaking perfect.

We crept around the corner and hid behind a large, yellow Hummer.

"Anya, I'm gonna send the alarms off. When I do, run to the end and hide behind that white Explorer. Got it?" Scott whispered. I sneaked my head out into the isle to glance at the Ford Scott pointed out. It was all the way at the end of the isle. I looked back at Scott and nodded.

He slowly lifted himself from his crouching position and quickly leapt onto the first car. The loud, shrilly alarm sounded out and I took that as my cue.

I ran as fast as I could, mentally shouting encouraging phrases to myself. Run like the wind, Bullseye! Or, Run, Forrest, run!

I heard various alarms go off, until I finally reached the white Explorer. I hid behind it, and not a second later, Scott crouched-slash-jumped onto the ground. I was panting heavily and I cursed myself for not working out as often as I should.

"You ok?" Scott whispered, not even sweating or tired in the least.

"I'm fine," I whispered back.

When I walk in the spot, yeah, this is what I see. Everybody stops and they starin-

"Scott!" I whispered-yelled. He hurriedly pressed the end button on his cheap, loud phone. "What is wrong with you? Have you not learned anything from horror movies? See, this is why they invented vibrate mode!"

He shushed me and glanced from the hood of the car. I glanced along with him. There wasn't a soul there.

When I felt a warm, hard, and strong grip on my shoulder, I froze.

"You're dead."

I whimpered and turned around quickly, looking into the face of the Alpha…Huh. Who knew the Alpha was so attractive?

"Derek!" Scott growled. Oh, so this is Derek. Not the Alpha. Okay, good.

While Derek decided to give Scott a lecture with his strong voice, I tuned him out and observed him. His strong features and amazing body had me nodding in approval. In my head, of course. He was, like, the founder of Derek Hale: School of Broody Smoldering. …Hot.

I finally decided to tune back into the conversation. I didn't want to be too lost.

"Then teach me. Teach me how to become a better wolf," Scott growled at Derek.

"All right. Step one," Derek said. He yanked the phone from Scott's grasp and proceeded to stomp on it a good three times.

"Step two. Stay away from Alison Argent." Yeah, I had a feeling Scott wasn't going to take Step Two too well.

Derek glanced at me briefly. He looked at me with curiosity for less than a second, and then glared.

Scott managed to find the car and drove me home. I walked in, exhausted and looked towards the kitchen. My mom was cooking.

"Hiya, mom. What are we having tonight?" I asked.

"Salmon cooked in wine with baked potatoes and salad," she said, and then kissed me on the cheek.

I remembered something important and my heart sank.

"Did-uh…Did we get any mail?" I asked.

"Just bills. Why?" she answered, looking at me curiously.

"Uh, nothing. Just wondering." She looked at me suspiciously. She was about to say something, but I interrupted, saying something about taking a shower. Which, I did.

After my shower, I walked into my room, putting on my glow in the dark Batman pajamas. Awesome, huh?

"Dinner's ready!" Before I could take a step out of my room, my phone vibrated.

I got it and opened the unread message from Scott. Google the Beast of Gevaudan.

I walked downstairs towards my awaiting dinner, while researching the Beast of Whatever on my phone. I sat down and answered Scott back.

Wolf like creature in Gevaudan, France in the 1700s. Why? Curious to meet your great, great grandfather by bite? Cus it's so not by blood.

"Where's Wade?" I asked.

My mom sighed and ran a hand through her hair. "I don't know." I felt bad for asking.

I received a reply in less than a minute. Alison's ancestors hunted it and killed it. Argent means silver in French.

Different assumptions ran through my brain. Then two thoughts ran through it. First: a saying my grandmother always used to tell me. Don't assume, because you make an 'ass' out of 'u' and 'me'. Clever word play. Second: Shit, I need to get started on my family history project.

I finished eating and did the dishes. When I checked my phone, I had four missed calls, all from Scott. I went to my room and called him back.

"Anya?" His desperate-sounding voice asked.


"I'm freaking out, man! Freaking out!" he exclaimed.

"Ok. Scott, stop freaking out and tell me what happened. Okay?" I asked, keeping my cool. I snorted. Can't keep something you never had.

"Okay. Look, after I dropped you off, I went to Alison's house." I rolled my eyes. "Then I had to hide in her closet because her aunt was coming and they started talking about that family history project, or whatever, and the whole Beast of that place came up."

"Uh-huh. Then what happened?"

"Then I sneaked out when her aunt left and I got in my car. It was really foggy and then something drew a swirl on my car window."

I was confused. "Swirl?"

"Not important, Anya."

Well, then. "Something?"

"The Alpha. I'm sure of it. I felt so mad, like I was feeling what he was feeling," he said.

I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Are you sure you weren't pissed off yourself? I mean, they drew on your mom's car window. Those drawings leave streaks, you know!"


"Okay! I'm sorry. Continue."

"Well, when I got home, guess who was there?" He continued before I could say: your mom! "Derek."

Wow. I guess, now it's Derek Hale: School of Broody Smoldering and Stalking. …Still hot.

"And then he wanted to know what the Alpha said. And I told him that all he did was draw a swirl. Then he got all awkward and uncomfortable and he said that I don't want to know what the swirl means."

"Okay, that's weird," I said. "Did he say anything else?"

"Uh, yeah. He asked me about you."

Um, shock. "Me?"

"Yeah, he was all 'who was that girl?' and then I said, 'that's my friend Anya'. Then he smirked and left."

"Okay, that's even weirder."

The next day at school, Scott was wandering the halls like a chicken with its head cut off. And he was muttering to himself like a psychopath. "Stay away from Alison."

I needed to find Stiles. Fast. I needed my daily dose of Stiles—the Heart Medicine to keep myself sane. And Scotty's psychotic mutterings were not doing any good to my sanity. Or whatever's left of it.

We finally made it to Chemistry class, which we had with Stiles. I hugged Stiles in greeting and just savored those friend-zone moments. Man, I needed to get over this crush. It's taking over my life. I looked at Stiles. His adorably cute face prevented me from 'getting over it'. He was just so perfect.

"Hey, man," Scott said, expecting an answer from Stiles.


"He's mad at you, Scotty," I said, as the bell rung. Everybody took their seats.

"How mad?" Scott whispered to me.

"Yesterday, he told me that he was so mad, he could eat his own tongue," I whispered in reply.

Scott fake yawned and stretched slightly. "That's alright," he whispered, loud enough for Stiles to hear. "I'll just make Derek the Robin to my Batman."

I smirked. I know this game. "Does that make me Catwoman?"

I heard Stiles sigh from next to me.

"I have decided that I am going to teach you to channel your inner wolf," Stiles said and I smirked once again.

"Ok, so what's the plan?" Scott whispered to him, smiling.


I was confused. "What's biofeedback?"

Stiles rolled his eyes. "If you see how your biological processes work, you can learn to control them."

Welcome to Anger Management 101.

Hello, lovelies. I am SO sorry for not updating in literally forever. It's just that there were some problems and I was crazy busy and I kind of went through writer's block. But, hey it's a long update! :) I was re-inspired because I was in the supermarket. And there were these two girls behind me and they were talking about fanfiction and one of them says to the other, "Hey I wonder when unwritten is gonna update Live Like We're Dying?" and I was like :o and the other girl goes like "The Teen Wolf Story?" and the other girl was like "yeah." So then I started starring at them and they looked at me all weird because I was starring at them. And well, now you two know my identity. Haha. So yeah, THANK YOU all for the reviews (54 for only 4 chapters!) You guys are amazing and if I could personally thank all of you with a huge hug and a batch of cookies, you all know I will. You are all lovely. So I'm going to stop this author's note before it gets longer than the actual chapter. REVIEW, PRETTY PLEASE! And if you have any song lyric suggestions, please tell me. :) I listen to ANY type of music.

Also, follow me on Tumblr! My url is on my profile. Thank you! (: