Weaselys' Wizard Wheezes: Laughter is the Best Medicine
Chapter 1: Broken Punch lines
"A day without laughter is a day wasted." – Charlie Chaplin
So many magical things can happen in a joke shop, well that is if you're looking for magic. There had been many times, countless days, which George found himself dull. Sometimes a person has the right to be dull or sad, but if you are the owner of a successful joke shop happiness tends to come with the territory. George really did try to be happy because he knew that was what his brother would have wanted, and Fred would have also called him a git for being such a wimp. The poor lad could not bring himself to really smile not the fake smile he gave everyone at dinner to let them know he was all right, but the smile he felt down in the depths of his heart. No one could bring that happiness out of him again they all tried not his mum, dad, sister, no one. George Weasely was a very dull man indeed.
George Weasely woke another morning as the sun greeted him with its gentle kiss. The soft rays tenderly graced his face awaking him from yet another dreamless slumber. The young man groggily rubbed his eyes filled with sleep as he got ready for the day. He assumed his normal routine dressing himself in a humorous fashion that yet seemed to match, and when he finished everything in the small flat he lived in he headed to the shop.
Gags, giggles, and guffaws galore once again filled the empty shop. Many of the Weasely's inventions whizzed by as George made his way through the lively complex. Boys trying all the sweets in the Skiving Snackboxes, little kids playing with screaming yo-yos, and George was trying to sell more amortentia to the women because the love potion sales took a mighty dip this month.
The overall atmosphere was jovial and lively, but George could not seem to lift his spirits in even the slightest. The solemn lad had just finished removing the Headless Hat from a sixth year that began scaring the little ones when he heard it. The melodic giggle that awoke the sleeping creature inside him, the very creature that George buried himself. He turned frantically trying to find the owner of the pleasant laugh. The man turned once more when he saw her.
She stood with average complexion and soft blond hair in a small ponytail. The lass was not overly skinny, but she wasn't plump either. She was average, but her laugh could last George forever. She looked over at the little children playing a game of Gobstones. She looked up slightly as she felt a pair of eyes burn into her being. Her emerald green eyes met his copper brown ones as they shared a silent exchange.
"Are you the owner of this fabulous shop?" She questioned the may staring at her intently, which she would admit was making her feel very uncomfortable.
"Aye miss I am." George nodded as he moved his eyes off the girl, but she did not let the awkwardness continue. She silenced it with another melodic laugh. George tried to find what she was laughing at, but he could not find the source of her beautiful giggle. She just looked at him.
"Tell me sir, you own a joke shop, but it would look as though you haven't had a good laugh in a few years." She giggled at the irony in the situation, but tried to remain respectful.
'If only you knew' George muttered under his breath as he slowly began to retreat from the situation he knew would end sour, but he was soon halted in his escape.
"Wait! Wait! I'm sorry let me make it up to you!" She said as she followed the red haired lad. He stopped and sighed getting ready to politely reject her when she spoke once more.
"Okay so a warlock, and a goblin walk into Three Broomstick. The Goblin looks at the Warlock and says wands can't buy you love. And the Warlock says yeah, well they could fix that terrible nose of yours." She couldn't even finish her poorly executed joke because now her chuckles broke the words up too much.
"Blimely! That is the most terrible joke I have ever heard!" George said in between chuckles he knew that she was honestly trying to cheer him up, and clearly it worked. What this woman didn't know is that was the same exact joke his dear brother use to say.
"Well it sure did make you laugh, Mr. Joke Shop owner…." She said in between he chuckles trying to calm herself before she began to snort, which she knew would not be the greatest first impression.
"George, and you? Ms. Terrible Joke Teller?" He asked as she started to take deep breaths from her laughing episode.
"Gwen." She answered regaining the composure she once held before she told the worst joke in history.
"Gwen?" George questioned finding that that was not the average witches name, but yet again he was not dealing with an average witch.
"Well it's short for something, but you'll tease me about it I can tell. So, when I can trust you; you can know." She said with a wink as she came a little closer to the lad.
"And when will you be able to trust me?" George questioned as he leaned closer to the lass flirting back with her.
"Gweny!" A little girl screamed as she ran towards the blonde. Gwen immediately recognized her as picked her up as she swung her around in her arms. The little girl began to giggle as she found comfort in her friend's arms.
"Can we leave? I don't wanna be laaattteee!" The little girl said as she tugged on her hand.
"Of course. Let me just say good bye to my friend." The older woman said as she turned to the man beside her.
"Are you her BOYFRIEND?" The little girl asked amazed as she walked closer to George examining the tall man.
"Matilda…" Gwen went to scold her younger sister, but Matilda spoke up again.
"Gwennnnyy we need to leave! I'm gonna be late for schoooooll!" Matilda said tugging on her sister's hand.
"I'm sorry George, but it looks as though I am going to have to head out!" Gwen said as she laughed at her little sister face that now resorted into a pouting lip.
"That's okay I need to tend to the group of young men now throwing the Skiving Snacks at each other." He said as he scratched the back of his head.
"See ya around!" She said to the lad as her little sister tugged her out of the door. George knew he did in fact want to see her again, and he couldn't even fight the bubbling feeling in his stomach as he worked the rest of the day.