Me-Hiya! Welcome back to Love Comes From The Heart!



Me-I'm doing great, Cilan! *high fives him*

Iris-What are we up to today?

Me-Well, Ash decides to help you, Cilan, and Ryu in getting Dawn back while Dawn gets into some trouble with Zekrom.

Iris-Oh my.

Ryu-Is that why Dawn is not here at the moment?


Iris-Well, NightcoreAddictXx does not own Pokemon!

Me-And please read on! But first, here's the replies to the reviews, the last two sentences, and a summary of what went down last time!

stars90: Probably so. Virtual Vulpix! :)

Momijifan Low-Ki: I know. But, I wanted to kind of develop Iris's character, if you know what I mean, and kind of get rid of her jealousy. As for Sabrina...*sighs* We'll see her one more time later on in this story (when I say later on, I mean Pokemon League later on). Virtual Vulpix! :)

ultimateCCC: Good question. I would say that it's more Dawn's Judgement Day than anyone else's because of what she's done throughout the course of this story up till now. Virtual Vulpix! :)

Halo Ash: It's indeed the first one. Ash had no idea that Dawn's in there, but even if he did know, he probably wouldn't save her. Virtual Vulpix! :)

DGWM: Thanks so much! Virtual Vulpix! :)

pearlshipperlover: You'll see which Pokemon Dawn saw right now. As for Ash, Ryu, Iris, and Cilan, they are where she is. They're just outside the headquarters. Virtual Vulpix! :)

AshxDawnaddicted: Yeah, they're in the same spot as Dawn. Virtual Vulpix! :)

Link jr: The next chapter is coming out right now! Virtual Vulpix! :)

P I K: ... ... ...o.o O...Okay? I kinda knew that myself, but still. But, I'm not adding Serena in this. I have been writing this story since before X and Y came out. And I do not think this comment is anywhere near offensive (I've had people bashing Dawn already, tbh), buuuuuut it kinda weirded me out a little. :/

Last two sentences:

"A barrier?" I asked myself.

I turned around and that was when I came face-to-face with the biggest Pokemon I had ever seen.

Summary of what happened last time: Dawn and her Pokemon wake up to find N behind the gate. N takes Dawn out of the cage as she begins to fight him. She manages to get away, but run into Jessie! She takes Dawn and dresses her up in some weird outfit that was all black. As for Dawn's Pokemon, N now holds them in captivity. Meanwhile, Iris, Ryu, and Cilan depart from the Lighthouse. They finally get to the headquarters of Team Rocket/Plasma. They peek behind a few bushes next to a mysterious person and they see that their HQ is buried in a mountain. The mysterious person says something and they turn to see that the mysterious is Ash! Back with Dawn, Jessie carries her to a courtyard and throws her in it. Dawn tries to get Jessie to open the door when she hears a loud Pokemon roar. She goes to find the Pokemon and then finds out that she is trapped in a barrier. As she turns around to continue her search, she comes face-to-face with...?!

Me-And read on!

Iris' POV

"Ash?!" we all exclaimed.

"Shhhh!" Ash pressed his finger to his lips, telling us to keep silent. We kept our mouths shocked.

"Ash..." I whispered.

"Hm?" he questioned.

"Why are you here?" I asked, confused by why he bothered to come up here when he should've been at the next Gym.

"They're holding a Legendary Pokemon here." Ash replied.

"Really?" Cilan and I questioned in unison.

"Yeah." Ash looked back at the rock that Team Rocket/Plasma had just gone through. "As I was traveling, I saw Zekrom." he said.

"Zekrom?" I questioned.

"Yeah. Team Rocket/Plasma was in the process in capturing it and I tried to save it. However, I got knocked out and they left with Zekrom. Even now, I still regret it." Ash explained.

"Oh..." I looked away from Ash. "I thought you came because you somehow knew Dawn was being held here..." I trailed off.

Ash whipped his head in my direction a little too quickly, his chocolate brown eyes as wide as saucers.

"Dawn...?" he questioned.

For a second, I thought I saw the Ash I used to know. However, the twinkle in those eyes disappeared and Ash snorted.

"Huh! Well, it's expected of a ditzy girl like her." he stated in a snarky voice.

"Ash?" Cilan questioned, obviously as confused as I am.

"What? It's the truth." Ash gave us a smirk that I knew didn't belong on his face. "I mean, when you're as stupid as her, you're going to end up in this kind of situation. Honestly, I wouldn't save her." he stated.

"Ash, what is up with you?" Ryu asked.

"Ah, would we look here. It's Mister Ryu, the guy I have problems with." Ash stated.

"Ash, can you please stop?" I asked.

"Yeah, please stop. Your annoying cockiness is starting to bother me." Axew said as he poked his head out from in my hair.

"Well, look. It's the truth. I'm not going to help you no matter how much you plead." Ash told us.

"What?!" I nearly exclaimed.

"But, Ash! We really need to get her back!" Cilan shouted.

"My main priority is Zekrom." Ash stated.

I gritted my teeth in anger. I was starting to get tired of Ash's sudden snobby attitude. I suddenly stood up, causing Cilan to eye me curiously.

"Iris? What are you d- - -" I rose my hand and a slap echoed throughout the air.

Ash's cheek was slightly red and his head had whipped to the side, his cap flying off. He slowly brought his hand up to his cheek as I began to scream in his face.

"WHAT THE HELL, ASH?!" I screamed.

"Iris, calm down..." Cilan trailed off.

"Shut up, Cilan!" I whirled back around to glare at Ash, my eyes filled with tears. "I just can't believe you! Before, you'd be running in head first just to go save Dawn! And now, you're acting like some snide bastard who feels like he's on top of the world! God, and to think that I used to love you!" I screamed.

Ash's eyes grew wide in surprise.

" used to love me?" he asked.

"You used to love him?" Ryu and Cilan questioned in unison.

"USED TO, you idiots. I like someone else now." I stated.

I couldn't help but sneak a quick peek at Cilan, who then blushed a little.

Ash stared at me for what seemed like centuries. Then, Ash decided to break the silence.

"Fine. How about we make a deal?" Ash asked.

"What deal?" I asked.

"I'll help you find Dawn if you help me find Zekrom." Ash proposed.

"An eye for an eye, eh?" Cilan guessed.

"In more ways than one." Ash replied.

"Will you live up to that, though?" Ryu asked.

"I'll live up to it this once. However, after this, do not ask for my help again." Ash told us.

I rolled my eyes.

"We never asked for your help in the first place..." I muttered angrily.

"Okay. So, we're going to have to sneak in when another bunch of goons come back. Then, we'll split up and look for Dawn and Zekrom." Ash explained.

"Cilan and I call Dawn." I stated firmly.

"Then, I'll take Ryu and go for Zekrom." Ash said.

I nodded.

"Okay." I replied as we quietly waited for our opportunity.

Dawn's POV

This Pokemon was pretty tall, that's for sure. If I had my Pokedex on me, I would use it to see what this Pokemon is. However, Jessie took it from me when she was dressing me up in this weird get up.

"Wh-Who...?" I was speechless.

"I am Zekrom." the Pokemon replied, making me squeak.

"E-Eh?! You can speak?!" I exclaimed.

"Of course I can. What kind of legendary Pokemon can't speak?" Zekrom asked.

"Well...I..." I didn't know what to say.

Zekrom snorted as it turned its back to me.

"Follow me. You have something you need to do." Zekrom stated before walking off.

I gave Zekrom a confused looked.

"What the heck? Since when did a Pokemon have to order me around?" I asked myself.

I decided to just shrug it off for right now and I followed Zekrom. We walked through the courtyard until we reached the center. There was a cream colored pedestal in the middle and the center was surrounded by huge hedges laced with flowers. I gave it a weird look as I walked over to the pedestal.

"Why am I here?" I asked.

"Why do you think you're here?" Zekrom asked.

"U-Um..." I nibbled a little on my lip nervously. "I don't know..." I trailed off.

I swore that I heard Zekrom snort.

"You ignorant human. Do you not know of the sins you have committed?" Zekrom asked.

"The sins...I've committed?" I questioned.

"YES!" Zekrom stomped on the ground and almost instantly, this searing pain hit me in the head. I screamed loudly, falling to the floor as the scenery around us changed. My head hit the floor, making me hiss in pain.

"Shit..." I murmured as I slowly sat up. The whole room was black and everything else was a vibrant neon blue color. The floor, the pedestal, everything. I looked up as Zekrom spoke.

"Your first sin is that you had fallen in love with Ash Ketchum, a Pokemon Trainer from Pallet Town whom you had traveled with in the past." Zekrom stated.

"What?!" I nearly exclaimed as I stood up suddenly.

My head began to throb, which made me grit my teeth as I brought my hand to the pedestal, trying to support myself.

"You heard me. Your first sin was to fall in love with Ash Ketchum. He is a pure boy who would give himself up for everything. However, you just took it all for granted. You don't know what it's like to lose someone, to lose a precious person that you hold dear in your heart." Zekrom said.

"Wha...What do you mean?" I asked, obviously confused.

"What do I mean? Hah! You're so foolish, Dawn." Zekrom snorted in annoyance.

"Stop messing with me!" I snapped angrily.

"Your second sin is cheating around with all of those various boys." Zekrom stated.

"Wha...?! I would never cheat!" I exclaimed.

"Or so you would think." a crystal ball suddenly appeared on the pedestal. "You say you love Ash, but why did you kiss them?" Zekrom asked.

I was about to question Zekrom when flashes of my memories appeared on the crystal ball. My eyes grew wide as I saw when Barry had kissed me before I left, when I had kissed Ryu after he had won the Trio Badge, when I had accidentally kissed that guy named Trip, and other memories. Then, I saw a flash of when I had kissed Paul and Ash pummeling him in the pool.

"How..." I looked up at Zekrom. "How do you know this...?" I was rendered speechless at this point.

"I may not be the Pokemon that controls time, but at least I can see into your mind. You are truly a despicable woman." Zekrom's piercing gaze met mine. "And your last sin is your existence." Zekrom stated.

My blood ran cold at that statement.

"My...existence...?" I breathed out.

"What, do you think I'm spouting nonsense? Do you think I'm PRAISING you? NO!" Zekrom stomped around, its footsteps making the ground vibrate under me. "Because of you, this world has gone into complete shambles!" Zekrom roared.

I was too stunned to react. I looked at Zekrom as we both heard a loud rumble.

"What was that...?" I asked.

"The headquarters...It's falling apart..." Zekrom let out a loud screech. "You see, you little bitch?! You have ruined my home!" he shouted as he stomped once more.

I let out a loud scream as I fell to the floor, my head colliding with the floor. My eye vision was beginning to grow blurry. The last thing I saw was the headquarters crumbling into pieces as everything went black.

Ash's POV

I eyed Ryu as we continued to walk throughout the headquarters. Why did I have to be paired up with him, anyway? Oh, yeah. Iris wanted to go with Cilan.

Oh, how life can be such a bitch.

"Can I ask you something, Ash?" Ryu's voice brought me into reality.

"Huh?" I questioned, turning my gaze to him.

"What did you do to Dawn that made her act like this? I had never seen her so emotionless like that." Ryu said.

I barked out a scoff that came out a little crueler than I had intended it to.

"Simple. I told her the truth." I stated.

"The truth?" Ryu questioned.

"God, you ask WAY too many questions." I crossed my arms over my chest as I stopped walking, staring Ryu dead in the eyes. "I loved Dawn. I truly did. But, she had been going off and kissing other guys. I may not be her boyfriend, but that doesn't stop me from being jealous. When I saw Paul kissing her and her enjoying it, that totally made me snap. I beat the living shit out of him and then I dragged her off. I mean, do you just go kissing other people like that? Do you?" I sighed. "All I did was tell her how much of a slut she was and how she was so disgusting. I fell out of love and here I am." I explained.

Ryu watched me with what might've been pity as I resumed walking off.

"You still love her, don't you?" he said.

This made me stop. My heart tugged a little, my eyes wide.

"Do I really?" I asked myself.

I then snorted.

"Screw that. Like I ever would." I replied in a cold voice.

We then approached a dark room, excluding the pink light glowing in the center. In the middle of the room was a pedestal with a Pokeball floating in midair.

"What the...?" I breathed out.

"What is that?" Ryu asked.

I shrugged.

"Like I would know." I stated.

"Well...aren't we going to go check it out?" Ryu asked.

"Geez, like I said, you ask WAY too many questions." I looked at Ryu, winking at him. "But, I guess it wouldn't hurt to listen to you for once." I said as we made our way over to the pedestal.

We stopped in front of it and I looked at it.

"What kind of Pokemon is it?" I glanced down at the ground, trying to think of the many Pokemon that would catch Team Plasma/Rocket's interest. "Normally, Team Rocket would just come after my Pikachu and that's the end of the story. But...these kinds of organizations want legendaries like Zekrom." my eyes widened. "Wait a couldn't be that this is...?!" before I could finish my thoughts, I heard crumbling sounds.

"What was that?" I asked.

I whipped my head over to Ryu and saw that he was now holding the Pokeball in his hand. I saw that the pink light had disappeared and as I connected two and two together, I figured out what was making the headquarters come apart so.

"You...Why did you remove the Pokeball from the pedestal?!" I growled.

"What?! I thought we might need it." Ryu said.

"To hell with that! Because of you and your stupidity, the headquarters is coming apart!" I snatched the Pokeball out of his hand. "Let's just get the hell out of here." I snarled as I marched off.

"W-Wait!" Ryu hollered as he ran as fast as he could to catch up to me.

Iris' POV


"Hm?" I replied.

"Did you really like Ash before?"

"Yeah." I turned to look at Cilan, who seemed worried. "Why do you seem so worried about it?" I asked.

"Well..." we continued to walk down the hall. "You've never said anything about it, so..." Cilan trailed off.

"Cilan, those aren't the kind of things that should be said." I told him.

"Then...what about me?" I stopped in my tracks. "Am I worthy of you?" he asked, his firm voice bouncing off of the walls.

My eyes widened. I slowly turned to look at Cilan, his intimidating green gaze meeting my startled brown one. I was shocked beyond belief, but I tried my hardest to formulate an answer.

"Um...I- - -" Before I could give him my reply, the ground shook furiously as the walls and ceiling began to crack and crumble.

"What the...?!" I nearly exclaimed.

"The headquarters is collapsing?!" Cilan asked.

"Are they planning on burying us in here...?" I wondered out loud.

"Oi! You idiots!" we heard a familiar voice shout out to us.

We looked to the end of the hall and saw Piplup spin around the corner with Quilava and the others coming from behind. My eyes sparkled while Cilan's jaw nearly dropped.

"Piplup!" he exclaimed.

"We gotta get outta here. Quilava and I just fought off N, but things are going to get worse if we stay here." Piplup explained.

"But...! What about Dawn?!" I shouted.

"Forget that! Isn't Ryu going to look for her?!" Piplup asked.

I looked at Piplup.

"No...We were going to look for her. He's with Ash- - -" Piplup cut me off.

"ASH?!" Piplup roared.

"Oh god, the world has just ended." Buneary said before fainting into Piplup's arms.

"Pft. Whatev." Gothita grumbled in annoyance.

"Anyway! We got to go! We can see if we spot Dawn in the process." I told them.

They nodded as we rushed down the hall and over to where the exit must've been. Cilan was holding my hand the whole time as we ran. My heart was beating twice as fast and I swore that Cilan might've been able to hear it over the loud cracks and crashes around us.

We ran past a pair of double doors that had a painting of two Pokemon on it with one on each door, not knowing that someone was actually in there...

Me-And that's it! Part 2 of Judgement Day!

Ash-Part 2?!

Ryu-What up with dat?

Me-I was going to wrap it up here, but then I decided against it.



Me-I dunno.

Ash and Ryu-*facepalm* Goddamn, you're stupid...

Cilan-Well, R&R please! If you do, you get a virtual Sylveon! :)