Sick Day FSA

Disclaimer: I do not own The Legend Of Zelda series.

Disclaimer: I do not own Nintendo DS.

Disclaimer: I do not own Game Boy Advance.

Disclaimer I do not own Nintendo.

It was a semi-normal day at the Four Swords FanClubHouse. Well, about as normal as several Legend Of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures obsessed fangirls (and occasional fanboys) could get.

The several fans were going on about there usual chatter. Some where eating, some where playing, some where on Nintendo DS's and Game Boy Advance's, some were reading, some were writing, a few were even working on cosplay, etc. etc..

Two particular fangirls Alana and Rissa were just watching the whole thing. Rissa was the one who helped build the Club House and settle some of the fights over which Link was better than the others.

Alana was her cousin, who visited sometimes from Wisconsin. Today was one of those days.

Rissa had her upper back pushed up against a tree trunk half lying down, her blue eyes half closed watching the different fangirls/boys play. She shook some of her messy, long, brown hair out of her eyes, letting it fall down onto her sky blue T-Shirt, which matched her sky blue sweatpants. All that she had on her feet were her white socks, her white and blue sneakers kicked off to the side.

Alana sat propped up against the same tree trunk, wearing a darker blue T-Shirt and jeans. Her blue-green eyes were also half-closed, but instead of out of tiredness like her cousin, it was more out of boredom.

Not that she minded the peace and quite though. It was a nice change from the usual meaningless arguments.

Which Link is the best? Is Navi a help or a nuisance? Why does Link always have the floppy green hat? Why do Dodongoes not like bombs? Especially if they can breathe fire?

Though Alana admitted that sometimes she did ask similar questions herself, she got tired of hearing it day after day.

Swishing her medium-long length blonde hair aside she was about to follow Rissa's example and try to snooze a bit when...


Of course...

"I'll get it!" Rissa shot up, throwing her sneakers on in the progress.

Alana sighed and yawned, stretching out her half asleep muscles.

So much for snoozing, she thought.

Alana chased after her cousin into the Club House.

She found her just as she started to grab the phone.

"Hello?" Rissa answered in her sweetest I-hope-that-this-isn't-my-parents-calling-asking-where-I've-been-for-the-last-few-hours-voice.

"Rissa?" Alana asked.


"Wrong phone," Alana pointed to another phone with the Triforce mark on it.

"Oh!" Rissa went to pick that one up instead.

"Why does that one have a Triforce mark on it?" Alana asked.

"'Cause it's the Hyrule Hotline, silly."

"Hyrule Hotline?"

"Yeah, it connects straight to Hyrule!"


Alana rolled her eyes. Ever since the fangirls 'stumbled' onto/into a portal to Hyrule a while ago, it had been nothing but chaos for the FanClubHouse.

"Hello?" Rissa asked in the same tone of voice as before, just to annoy people.

"Hello?" a scratchy voice on the other end asked after the static had cleared.

"Is this Rissa?" It asked.

"Yup, that's me!" Rissa answered.

"Who is it?" Alana asked curiosity and boredom getting the better of her.

"Shh," Rissa shushed her cousin trying to hear better.

Alana moaned a bit at being shushed, but didn't say anything more.

"Who is this?" Rissa asked, still confused at who was calling.

"It's Shadow Link."

"Shadow Link? Are you sure? What's wrong?"

"Rissa... Uhmm..., "


"I'm sick..., " More staticky coughing interrupted, "And we've got an um... we've got um... a little 'problem'."

Rissa was about to speak again when she heard shouts from the other end.

"Blue! Vio!"

"RED! Don't touch that!"

"What kind of problem?" Rissa asked.

"Actually it's more of a- *CoughcoughHackhack* Actually, it's more of an emergency," Shadow sounded like he was getting worse.

Rissa was about to speak again when-

"Can you get over here? Like, now?"

Rissa was about to say more when she decided against it and said,

"Okay, I'll be there in a bit,"



Rissa quickly explained the situation to her cousin, who said that she would go home and let their family know.

Alana wanted to get back to her younger sister, Naty, and Rissa younger brother, and her cousin, Greg.

Naty was twelve-years old and Greg was ten-years-old. Rissa was thirteen-years-old. Alana was fourteen-years old.

Alana started to walk back after she handed Rissa her stuff.

The Fangirls/boys dispersed for home. Once the place was empty, Rissa opened up a swirling portal that slowly showed Hyrule.

Rissa slipped through, bag in hand as the portal closed behind her.

Rissa's last thoughts before leaving were, This is going to be a long day.