Garrus was beyond pissed. How could she let that bastard get away? Ten good men had died because of his cowardice yet he got to keep his life no matter how worthless it might be.

He angrily paced the main battery. He'd thought there was something between them. That she might have some interest in him that was less than professional, but now he had very heavy doubts. He swung at one of the walls and he glared at the dent, his anger not even slightly subsided. His gaze fell on the crate that Shepard often made her chair whenever she visited him. He picked it, turned to the door and threw it. The doors slid open and the crate struck one of the mess hall tables knocking over chairs and causing the crew to scatter. One man nursed what looked like a broken nose. Garrus couldn't find it in himself to care as he turned to stare at his console again.

"Alright that's how you fucking want it?" She was angry, but Garrus would bet money that she didn't have anything on him right now. "You want to fight then get your alien ass down here and we can settle this the old fashioned way." Garrus truly was shocked. He looked over his shoulder and glared at her.

"I don't want to kill you Shepard. If I do that then there won't be anyone to stop the reapers." Garrus turned away and was about to close and lock the door when a chair glanced off his shoulder. He spun around with a roar and Shepard stood there pulsing with blue energy.

"I dare you to try Vakarian." She bared her teeth at him and Garrus wondered if she knew exactly how much she looked like a turian at that moment. He charged at her, rage blinding him. She created a biotic shield around herself just before Garrus crashed into her and pressed her back against the wall, his gloves preventing his talons from tearing through her shirt and into her skin.

"Shepard, why can't you ever just shut the fuck up?"

"Garrus, why can't you throw that goddamn pole away?"

Shepard pushed with her biotics and Garrus flew through the air for a few feet before hitting the mess hall counter. He used the momentum to roll head over heels and back onto his feet. He met Shepard's gaze and saw red at the sight of her smirk. She was fucking enjoying this. He charged again, this time intent on pinning her down. He hoped that he could choke her out and then go beat the shit out of Grunt for a while. At least he wouldn't have to worry about causing any serious damage then. Suddenly he was frozen on the spot, mere inches from Shepard. His glare fell on Miranda.

"I would have expected more control from both of you." She said unsurprised. She glared at her commander and then at the stasis trapped turian.

"My kids misbehave and I punish them on the spot," Shepard said reflecting Miranda's glare back at her, "spectators be dammed."

"That isn't the way Cerberus does things."

"I'm not Cerberus."

The women faced off for a moment and finally Miranda dropped her gaze. "Take it somewhere else." She said releasing Garrus from the stasis.

"Cargo hold." Shepard said turning on her heel. "Five minutes or I'm coming back to drag your carcass down there." She disappeared into the elevator without a backwards glance.