Short, sweet and to the point. :P Well, short, anyway.

Review replies;

TweenisodeOrange: Patrick arrived afterwards. Thanks for reading!

SOLmaster: I think he deserves a lifetime's worth of Krabby Patties. XD Thanks for reviewing!

aslan333: Thanks for the review!

Zim'sMostLoyalServant: Well, it's his mind, after all. :) Thanks very much!

Chapter Eleven: Exit Stage Left

Not ten minutes later, Jimmy and Danny sauntered in the door, none-the-worse for their experience. Jimmy even brought a man from BTSO with him, who gently explained to the crowd that what had happened to them was 'just a part of the play.'

When Willoughby and Bickles questioned this excuse, Jimmy and the Agent had pointed at Timmy and made a hasty retreat.

And thus, Timmy won an obscure theatre award.

Speaking of Jimmy and Timmy, the boy genius begrudgingly congratulated his friend for his part in saving him. Even more begrudgingly, he admitted that he was grateful to Cindy as well. Then he washed his mouth out with disinfectant soap, but it was good enough.

The small group stood in the backyard of Jimmy's house, underneath a starlit sky. They had returned here immediately after the play – there was supposed to be a party afterwards, but frankly, they were all done with the play by now.

Danny and Dani were talking to each other – both relieved that the other was okay, and upset that the other had gotten themselves harmed in the first place. Jimmy and Cindy were having a loud argument over something or another, so everything was normal over there. Timmy stood to the side, occasionally adding remarks that visibly annoyed the boy genius.

Spongebob, Patrick and Sandy were standing by the clubhouse.

"Pat," sighed Spongebob, "I'm sorry I yelled at you. I shouldn't have said that stuff…"

"Eh, it's cool," shrugged Patrick, "We all get demonically possessed sometimes. Like, this one time, my sister got possessed by…"

Spongebob turned to Sandy as Patrick began to ramble.

"Sorry you had to go into my head," apologised Spongebob.

"Hey," replied Sandy, "Friends don't let friends get their brains all scrambled. Besides, I knew I weren't never in any danger in there."

"How'd you know that?" asked Spongebob.

Sandy put her arm around her friend.

"'Cause it was your head, Spongebob," said Sandy, "No-one else's. And there ain't no way you'd let anything happen to me in your head."

Spongebob smiled.

"Ah, thanks Sandy," he thanked, pulling her friend into a hug.

"We hugging?" asked Patrick, glomping his friends in his own hug.

Spongebob laughed.

"You guys are the best friends a sponge could ask for!" he exclaimed, "Thanks for everything."

Timmy glanced at the friends and raised an eyebrow, tapping Jimmy's shoulder to get his attention.

"Ain't that adorable?" he grinned.

"Yeah," nodded Jimmy, "Good to see everything's okay…"

He paused, furrowing his brow.

"There a problem, Neutron?" asked Cindy.

"…yeah," replied Jimmy, "What happened to the Man in the White Suit?"

"He probably just left," shrugged Timmy, "Don't worry about it."

"But I asked Principal Willoughby about him," replied Jimmy, anxiously, "And Bickles, a-and even Danny!"

"What'd they say?" asked Timmy.

"They don't even remember he existed."

Timmy involuntarily shivered. It was as if a cold breeze drifted over the backyard.

"So they did it," nodded the Man in the White Suit, "Just as I suspected."

He, Calamitous and Crocker were gathered in the dark lair, watching a screen which displayed Jimmy's yard.

"So, you were just…testing them?" quizzed Crocker.

"Why yes, Mr. Crocker, I was," nodded the Man, "Looks like there's hope for you yet. Now, we begin the main phase of the plan."

He turned to Calamitous.

"Professor? Is it done?" he demanded.

Calamitous nodded.

"The signals you wanted have been inserted into historical broadcasts," he nodded, "I did the Moon Landing, Churchill's speeches, the Brady Bunch…"

"Yes, yes, very good," nodded the Man, "Now, who wants to go door-knocking?"

He walked over to a table, covered with maps of Bikini Bottom, Amity Park, Dimmsdale and Retroville.

"I hope you like to be isolated, my Nicktoon friends," he said to himself, "Because you're about to find out what it means to be alone…"

The End

Buuuun nun nun nun. Buuuuuuun nun nun nun naaaaaah!

Well, that's another fic done. The next fic's going to be a bit of a breather in comparison, but to honest, I think these guys need a break from action and drama. :) In any case, I wish you all good luck and thank you for reading, and I'll see you in the next fic - A Day in the Lab.

See you round!