I woke up slowly. Blinking my eyes awake, I sat up, yawned, scratched my neck, stretched, and hopped out of bed.

I picked up my phone off of my bedside table.

It is Friday, 11:03 A.M. One new text.

Leo: r u awake yet? how about that round of unreal tournament…

Time Received: 9:46 A.M.

Well. He woke up early. Not surprising since he went to bed so early.

I texted back.

Aeris: Sure.

Leo: about damn tiem you wake up

Aeris: When did you wake up?

Leo: around 6;00

Aeris: That's a little… strange.

Leo: well come ober already

Aeris: Fine. Would it kill you to text with grammar? You know that shit bugs me.

Leo: grammer nazi

I rolled my eyes. I put the phone down, took off my night gown, took a shower, put on new clothes, and picked up the phone and put it in my pocket.

I was wearing a purple jacket, lavender (Light Purple) t-shirt, and purple jeans. I also had the Triforce necklace on.

I walked out my door, got on my bike, rode for about two minutes, before I got to his house. (The addresses in the prologue are real, and you can clearly see they're close by. A lot of you already know this, but maybe some of you didn't notice.)

I left the bike in his yard, and walked to the door.

I walked into his house. I didn't bother knocking, he was expecting me anyway. He never locks his door either. He's a thief's dream.

I walked into his house, I saw Unreal Tournament 3 on TV, with my profile set up as 2nd player.

I walked to the couch, to find Leo sleeping on it with his controller still in his hands.

How did he fall asleep so fast?

"Hey! Leo! Wake up!" I shouted.

He shot up, noticed the controller in his hands, the TV, and me…

"Oh… Hello… Why are you here?" He asked.

I gave a confused look.

"Because you asked me to play Unreal Tournament…" I told him.

"When was this? Oh yeah, yesterday. But you asked me."

"What? You just texted me a few minutes ago."

"No I didn't. Wait, why am I on the couch? I went to sleep in bed… And in different clothes as I recall."


"…Eh, whatever. I see you already set up the game."

"What? No. You set it up, I just got here."

"But I was asleep."

"You set it up before you fell asleep!"

"I don't remember doing that."

"Uhg. You know I hate it when you do this." I told him, annoyed.

"Do what?"

"Just shut up and play the game." I said, as I grabbed a controller.

Leo just shrugged, and set up instant action.

After a few minutes of gameplay, Leo was winning. Slaughtering me. I was beginning to get mad, every time he killed me, I would kick him in the shin, and that would make him grin harder. At one point I swear he was doing the 'troll face.'

And every time he blew me up with a rocket, he would make a penis joke.

"You know, I almost figured that head injury would make you worse at this, not better."

"Or maybe I'm just unbeatable."

"Pfft, you wish." I said, before blowing his ass up with a missile.

"Ka-BOOOOOOM!" I said in a Scottish accent, mimicking the Demoman from Team Fortress 2.

"I call hacks!" He instantly shouted.

"This is split screen!"

"And you hacked it." He said, sticking his tongue out.

Then I sniped his ass.

"Aw, aimbot!"

"You're just mad because the tables have turned now!" I said triumphantly.

"Aw hell no!" He said, as he came at me with a minigun.

…And I blew him up with another rocket.


"Dammit!" He shouted.

Then an AI character killed me from behind with a rocket.

"Hah." He said, sticking his out tongue at me.

"Aw mother fuck."

The game went on for a while. We eventually stopped, Leo went back to whatever he does when I'm not around, and I went home, played some Zelda, updated my fanfictions, and played other various games. I went to bed around 3:00 a.m. Like I always do.

I woke up to the sound of my phone buzzing. I blinked my eyes awake, and I grabbed the phone off of my bedside table.

Leo: how about a round of unreal tournament

Aeris: Not right now, I just woke up. Let's play something online.

Leo: fien, what did u have in mind

Aeris: I'll decide in steam chat.

I texted back and closed the phone. I didn't bother going through my morning routine, I wasn't going anywhere.

I sat at my desk, opened my laptop, plugged in my portable mouse and mic, booted Steam, and called Leo.

Calling 0v4ry_Punch3r…

"Alright, what game?" Leo asked over the mic.

"How about that new one Terraria?" I asked.

"You mean that copy of Minecraft?"

"It's not a copy, it's 2D."

"You dig, you chop down trees, you build… LIKE MINECRAFT!"

"Just shut up and play the game. Start the server."

I created my character…

Pink fur, white face, purple clothing, character name: Aeris.

Looks like a little cardboard cutout of me.

I joined Leo's server, to see… Leo?

Well, his character name is F4GG0TRY, and he is a blue thing in complete green clothing.

"… Really Leo?" I asked. He just laughed over the line.

Leo continued to bitch about how much this game is like Minecraft…

"Look! I'm digging up blocks! Like Minecraft!"

"Look! I'm chopping down trees! Like Minecraft!"

"Look! I'm placing blocks to make a house! Like Minecraft!"

"Look! Zombies come out at night! LIKE MOTHER FUCKING MINECRAFT!"

I rolled my eyes as he continued to rant about how alike this game was to minecraft… until he got killed by a flying eyeball of some sort.

"What the fuck was that?" He shouted.

"I'm sorry, but does Minecraft have flying eyeballs of doom?"

"No, and that's what makes it better than this shit. How does an eyeball hurt me anyway? What is he gonna do? Butterfly kiss me?"

"You need eyelashes to do that, Leo."

"… Whatever."

We kept playing to the point where Leo got bored, and made a giant pit of lava… in which he fell in… every time…

"I'm starting to think that head injury gave you brain damage… oh wait, you've been this way since birth." I laughed.

"It's not my fault the doctor slipped when he pulled me out of the womb! …And that I was choked by the umbilical cord… and was dropped by my mother approximately 20 minutes after my birth."

"… How do you know that?"

"It's on YouTube…" We both laughed.

"Oh… And before I forget… I dropped some TNT in your house." He said.


"It exploded… Along with your merchant… and half of your house…"

"Leo! What the fuck!"

"Problem?" He said, in his 'troll voice.'

Another hour later, he left to do whatever he does, I did my morning routine, went on with my day…

Let's see… What can I do? I'm too lazy to continue my fanfic… No video games I want to play…

Suddenly, my phone buzzed.

I looked at the texts…

Leo: how abuot that round of unreal tornament

Aeris: We did that yesterday, and you already asked this morning…

Leo: we did/ I did/

Leo: i dont remember doing that

Aeris: You're serious?

Leo: ya

Wait… I'll bet this is due to his head injury… Possibly short term memory loss? No, that isn't short term…

Aeris: Hold on, I'm coming over.

I put on a jacket, and put my phone in the jacket pocket.

I walked outside, got on my bike, rode to Leo's house, and walked inside of his house.

He was in the kitchen, making a sandwich.

I walked to the opposite side of the counter he was sitting at.

"Alright, Leo…" I began.

"What do you remember about yesterday?" I asked.

"I fell down the stairs-"

"That was a day ago." I interrupted.


"Yeah… and just this morning we played Terraria."

"… I don't remember that either."

I thought for a minute… He's done this before… Yesterday… When he fell asleep…

"Alright, I want to test something." I said.

"What?" he asked, as he took a bite out of his sandwich.

"Go to sleep."


"Go to sleep. Lie down on the couch."

"I can't just go to sleep just like that! I need to be tired." He complained.

I slapped him on the back of his head.

"OUCH! Watch where you hit me!" He shouted, while rubbing his head.

"Feeling sleepy yet?" I said before grinning mischievously at him.

"Well now that you mention it, I am pretty tired…"

"Yeah, that's what I thought." I told him as he walked to the couch.

He lied down, and I sat in a chair near the couch.

He closed his eyes… And he opened them, and started staring at me.

"Can you not just sit there and watch me? It's uncomfortable." He asked.

"Just close your eyes and go to sleep. I'll wake you up in a minute." I said.

He closed his eyes… and he dosed off soon after.

"Leo." I said quietly. He didn't respond.

"Leo!" I said slightly louder. He still didn't answer.

I then shook him awake.


"What! What!" He asked quickly, as he shot up.

"Leo… Do you remember the conversation we just had?" I asked.

"What conversation? I just woke up. And why am I on the couch?"

I froze.

When he goes to sleep… He forgets everything…

I ran upstairs to Leo's room, ignoring him as he shouted where I am going.

I got on his computer, opened Google, and searched; forget everything after falling asleep.

… No useful results… Just a bunch of tips on how to fall asleep…

Google Search; memory loss.

First result…

What can cause the sudden loss of memory?

The causes are multiple and some of them more complex than they might seem at the first sight. People can suddenly lose their memory because of a head injury, especially if the hit part of the head is the one covering the memory areas. The best way to avoid this kind of accidents, people should take some preventative measures, such as wearing the seat belt while driving or a helmet while biking.


Google Search; brain damage memory loss


It's not long term, or short term memory loss. What else is there?

Damaged memory portions of the brain…

Amnesia…no… Memory storage?

If the head is hit from just the right angle, it could cripple the victim's ability to store memories, making them ineffective to recall anything after any form of lost consciousness… They will remember their last functional memories, and will continue about their day thinking it's the same day as it was…

Holy shit…

Leo ran up the stairs.

"Why'd you run off like that?" He asked.

"Um… Leo… I think you need to see a doctor… SOON."


"It's hard to explain… But you have brain damage…"

"That's what you tell me every time I annoy you." He said with a grin.

"Leo, this is serious. You really have brain damage…"

"I feel mentally stable… I don't understand."

"Leo, you fell down the stairs on June 27th. You think its June 28th, but it's really June 29th." I explained.

"… So I lost memory for a day? Big whoop, probably just a side effect to having my head bashed."

"Leo, it won't just be one day. You will keep waking up in the mornings, thinking it's the same day."

"So it's like a reversal of that movie Groundhogs day!" He said, with a grin on his face.

"LEO! THIS IS SERIOUS!" I shouted.

"How so? So a few days will be missing from my life, big whoop. You said a doctor could fix me up."

"Leo, I don't think a doctor can fix that."

"So… What does this mean?"

"I'm just saying… What if this doesn't go away? You can wake up a year afterwards, and you will think it's still the day after the last day of school."

He paused for a minute… And grinned widely.

"This prank is ELABORATE!" He stated.

"Leo, it's not a prank."

"No no, I see what you did, you changed all the calendars, and my computer's clock, took me downstairs to the couch without waking me up, and then woke me up. Impressive! I had no idea you were such a good liar!"


"Why didn't I think of this?"


"You actually had me going there for a minute…"

"LEO! Uhg. Nevermind, I'll just tell you tomorrow… Maybe then you will take the news seriously." I told him, as I stormed out of his room, downstairs, and out of the house.

The idiot's probably completely fine. This is probably one of those situations where he can heal… Leo is good at suffering unlikely injuries… Then healing from them completely over a few days…

I just need to wait this out.

Yep, long update... Short chapter... Sorry about that.

Brain damage... Heavy stuff... Yup.

And if you watch the show My Name is Earl, then yes, this does sound familiar. The injury is based off of one of the episodes where a man forgets everything after he goes to sleep. He was like that for seven years or something, waking up every day, double checking his bike equipment, and doing his morning routine. Quite depressing... Yet inspiring...

Well... That's it.
