"You Look Beautiful!"


"You are so lucky!"

"The Luckiest girl in the world!"

Pudding Fong sighed. Everybody around her...their compliments did nothing to her spirits. If anything, they made her even more depressed. She looked around at all of her bridesmaids, pausing to look an extra moment to see the fake happiness in two bridesmaides faces, before turning back around to see her reflection once again in the mirror.

She was beautiful.

But she didn't want to be.

Clad in a beautiful flowing white satin gown with small white glittery heels. She looked beautiful, and she was willing to admit that, though she would never tell anybody else that, in fear of being thought of as shallow and vain, which she was not. the wedding dress was quite simple, yet stunning at the same time. A strapless, nearly corset like top that hugged her shape perfectly, with a small glitter design on that ended before the mid section. The bottom clung to her hips for an inch or so, before flowing outwards, but not too much like on of those big puffy dresses, just a small amout out, and the back of the dress trailed on the ground about 3 feet out. Not too long, but not too short. Her makeup was put on perfectly, her face was flawless, her skin was lucious, and her hair was let loose, and had few curls put in at the bottom, which ended right below her shoulders. A small tiara put on top of her head to add style and to help hold her veil in place that covered the back of her head and her face.

She had been called a lot of things since she put this all on. 'A porcelain doll', 'a flawless model', 'a meliorate princess', but she thought she looked like something else. The only word she could describe herself with right now, 'fake.'

She turned back to her still complimenting bridesmaids, and looked towards the two that looked a bit unhappy, but covered it with their false smiling faces.


"P-Pudding-san, I wish you the best of luck!" Lettuce said to me.

"Yeah! Don't worry, Pudding! We'll be right next to you!" Ichigo said to me, while smiling brightly.

That made me perk up a bit, I could tell Lettuce and Ichigo could see the small bit of happiness that showed on my lips, because they looked a bit releived at the sight of me.

Lettuce and Ichigo looked back at me with a reassuring smile.

"Your dress is very cute Pudding!" Lettuce said to me. I smiled back at her.

"You and Ichigo look very nice in your bridesmaid dresses too. Very pretty." I complimented back.

The bridesmaid dresses were a deep red. They had tank-top like top with a large silver jewel on the right side sleeve, and the bottom was simple. Not too long, and flowing. A large ruffle goes up the side to the jewel on their shoulder. It looked good on both of them. The colors for the wedding were red and silver, so the dress fit in perfectly.

It wasnt going to be the "traditional Chinese wedding" my father had wanted, but if he insisted upon marrying me off at 14 years old, then I made sure he knew that I was going to plan the wedding to my own extent. He understood and allowed for it. I didn't want to marry Ron Yubin, but my father was forcing me. As a True born Fong, and a warrior in the martial arts mastering of the Kenji Kenpou, I was bound to my word, and to my honor, and if keeping my honor meant getting married to a near stranger at fourteen, I would do it. My Mother once said that honor was not everything, but meerly somehing to which we sould be bound near. But my father had raised me as a small child to believe that without my honor, I was nothing. A low life, who had broken the bonds of my own destiny. I would not even think about that. I knew it was false, but I was not willing to risk being hated by my family. No matter how close or not close they were to me.

The one person...The one person I would not mind being married to...was probably on another planet in another galaxy being glomped to death by fangirls. I wished I could atleast invite the aliens to come to my wedding, but I have no way to contact them, so I banished the thought from my mind. I can't be thinking about them. I will soon be a married woman...I can not think about the fun times, the great visits, the way they all laughed, the way he laughed, the way he smiled, the way he would always immaturely talk back which would always supress a giggle from me. Taruto...Wherever you are...I hope you are happy.

My Aunt then came in "Bu-Ling? Miss Fon, It is time. It's time for you to get married..."

I nodded and walked with her, barely being able to hold in the tears threataning to spill out.

A bit OOC here, but she's more grown up people! And she's depressed! I'm sure she'll turn back into her hyper young self when...oops...I can't tell you what happens! But I can tell you that a few uninvited guests will be showing up at the wedding *wink wink, nudge nudge*

I'm not even sure if you can get married when you are 14, but maybe it's just like, a fake bonding, not really real, but it's the thought that counts, and that she will legally marry when she is of age. Ya know, kinda like gay marriages in the US. They aren't really real, but they symbolize alot and mean much to the people being 'fake' married. So in a way, it is like a wedding, but not really, it just symbolizes a lot in her life. Well I can't wait for next chapter! Can you? Feedback and reviews people. I take critisism well, and if you have a suggestion please send it in!

if you or your OC would like to have a place in the wedding and the story, please tell me and I'll add you, just tell me in your review you or your character, what you/they look like, act like, hate, age, where they r from, how they would know Puding (ex. relative or friend or somethin) and you/they might be seen later into the story too!

Come on people I need characters for this story, so please send some in! And to others, even if you dont have an account you can review! SO PLEASE EVERYBODY REVIEW!