"Your hair's longer, senpai," Kanji awkwardly announced. He cleared his throat, not sure what else to say. "Um…looks nice I guess."

Yosuke rolled his eyes. He unconsciously toyed with the lengthy strands of hair. He really had let it get a bit too long, but he wasn't exactly going to experiment with cutting his own hair. He shuffled on his feet. "Look, this is serious. Can you at least stop staring until this is over with?"

"R-Right, sorry."

"Dude it's fine. Just drop it okay? Stop acting as if I'm some alien," Yosuke sighed and looked to Souji for reassurance but the boy was too busy checking his phone. He turned back to his freshman friend. "I'm not going to probe you if you offend me. All I want is for this to be done."

When he looked back to Souji he found his friend had already begun walking towards Junes. "The rest of the team will meet us at the TV. We need to hurry over to the other world before we're spotted and sent to school."

Plus, if he were to be seen outside of his home the whole town would cause a commotion. It would be in their best interests to move quickly. Leave it to Souji to keep things like that in mind even during the most awkward of moments. Yosuke and Kanji jogged to catch up to their leader before falling into step next to him.

"So, do you have a plan?" Yosuke asked. Just being reminded of the TV world and what they were about to do had his body breaking into a cold sweat. "Please say you do partner because…I don't know if I can do this. I'm nothing without Jiraiya. He'll kill us for sure."

"Senpai, you think that's why your shadow's back? Your confidence's gone to shit. Kinda makes me feel like punching you." Kanji cracked his knuckles and Yosuke couldn't help his unconscious need to widen the gap between him and the underclassman.

"I'm just being truthful. What? Do you want me to sugar-coat things?" Yosuke shot back.

"Naw, I just want you to stop acting like such a pussy."

Yosuke froze mid-step. A fire burned through him at those words and he stared at Kanji's back, his body quivering. He didn't realize he'd lunged forward to attack until he had to gasp for air from the hard impact of landing on his back. The brunette coughed, trying to regain the lost air in his lungs. All the while he trained a dark gaze onto Kanji.

"That was cheap! If you wanna fight at least wait until I'm facing you!" Kanji growled. His fist rose as if he were going to finish the job now that his opponent was defenseless on the ground, but instead after a moment he relaxed and helped Yosuke onto his feet. His kindness received a rough push and a 'thank you' that formed into the not so nice words of "Fuck you."


The upset brunette shot a heated glance to his best friend. He threw his hands into the air. "I get it, okay! I'll just shut up and be a good boy. Probably wishing I'd stayed in my room now, right?"

"You're being ridiculous."

"Senpai, you okay?"

"Yes! I'm great! I'm loving life!" Yosuke laughed. For what? He didn't even know. His back hurt and his chest was tightening with the preparation of an all too familiar action. All he wanted to do was break down and cry like the crybaby he is. His shadow was right. Pathetic, and this time it would be in front of Kanji of all people.

"Kanji, go ahead and tell the group we'll meet you inside the TV. Don't move, stay at its entrance. That should also give Rise time to analyze." Kanji nodded and, with a quick concerned glance back at Yosuke, ran off to do as he was told.

Yosuke lowered his head and wrapped his arms around his trembling body in an attempt to feel less vulnerable than he did at that moment. He wouldn't cry again. Not again. He wouldn't give his shadow the satisfaction of knowing how badly he was being affected. But he knew, he would always know because they were one person. Crawling back into his hole of a room is useless. Lying to himself is useless. All he can do now is run to the TV world to die. But it wouldn't be a noble death where he ran to fight out of bravery. It would be a cowardly suicide.

"You're acting strange." He looked up to see Souji surveying him, his lips turned down to form a concerned frown.

Yosuke let out a cold, bitter laugh. "Glad to see you noticed, partner. You really are observant. Just like a leader should be. Maybe that's why I was only put as second-in-command."

The frown deepened. "Why are you doing that?"

"What?" He spat.

"Why are you concentrating on things that will make you think less of yourself?" Souji stepped forward and rest a hand on Yosuke's shoulder only for it to be shrugged off. "What happened last night?"

"Sorry. Forget it. I'm fine now." Yosuke stood straight and adjusted his headphones with a painfully bright smile on his face. "Let's get this over with. Plus, I kind of miss seeing everyone. The reunion will be pretty bad if they're pissed off because we're late."

He moved past Souji only to have a strong hand grab his arm and pull him back. He met his best friend's wary eyes. He could practically feel himself being judged in that one look. "You don't have to tell me."

The hand holding him slackened and then pulled away without another word, leaving his arm cold where Souji's hand once warmed his arm. Yosuke looked down at it, then up at Souji's retreating back.

Clenching his fists, Yosuke followed a few steps behind him whispering quietly. "Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Don't give that bastard a reason to exist. I'm fine. There's nothing wrong with me. Stop it. You're being stupid." Realizing what he'd said last Yosuke gave a sharp curse much to the amusement of Souji.

The silver-haired boy looked back with a barely hidden smile. "You're not Hanako. That should be enough of a morale booster. You even make a sexier girl than she does when you're cross-dressing."

"Pfft! Dude, don't mention that contest ever again, that's embarrassing! But you're right! I'm not a fat pig!" Yosuke let out a genuine laugh and did a tiny fist pump. "And I'm not Morooka either." Souji nodded and watched Yosuke's face transform from elated to thoughtful. "Thanks, partner. I think I understand what this is about now."

"You didn't before?" Souji said looking at his friend in disbelief.

Yosuke sputtered. "I-I was in denial okay! But I get it now."

"Then this will be easy, right?"

The brunette nodded and moved ahead of his friend with resolve. "I'm going to finish this, and that bastard is never going to come out again."

"Yosuke-senpai was right. I can sense the shadow now." Rise tilt her head to the side, her eyes closed and her Persona hovering above her. "This feeling…" She shivered. "Senpai this shadow is strange."

"How?" Souji prodded. The Investigation Team looked to their analyst with a cautious curiosity.

Rise shook her head, allowing her Persona to disappear. "I can't describe it well but it makes me feel really uncomfortable. Searching for its location…it felt like the shadow was pulling me to it."

"Aww man…" Chie groaned. "You weren't kidding about this being bad were you, Yosuke?" This caused him to turn away from the group.

"Yosuke-senpai wouldn't be here if it weren't a serious situation," Naoto added. "It would be best if we took time to think about our next actions before proceeding to its territory."

"Planning? This'll be good."

Yosuke jumped and gave a loud shout gaining him the attention of the team.

"Senpai?" Rise spoke.

"I won't listen in. That wouldn't be fun would it?"

"What the hell! How can you even…?" Yosuke spun around frantically, eyes searching for the source of the voice. His own voice turned to a whisper. "You're in my head…"

"Feels almost like twin telepathy doesn't it? Except I'm talking to a more primitive version of myself and not my equal."

"Leave me alone," the human Yosuke spoke firmly. "I'm here. That's what you wanted. Leave us alone until we reach you."

"And not show off my new abilities? You're kidding!" The shadow's voice seemed amused, almost as if he were on the verge of laughing. "Don't worry like I said: I can't harm you until you're in my territory. Plus, I can't play with them like this, only you."

"Yosuke…" Souji began. "What is it?"

"I-It's nothing partner." This answer didn't seem to satisfy anyone in the group. They stared at him with skeptic gazes, some looking as if they were going to question his behavior. "Which way is the shadow?"

"Take the left path. Go past the liquor store where our crush told us she always hated us—"

Yosuke hit his head lightly, trying to ignore the voice that continued to give directions in detail. Both directions matched up precisely except his shadow added unnecessary jabs and one last comment: "It's the high school. I'm in our classroom waiting. But if I get bored I can't promise I'll stay in one place."

"Make sure you're carrying your strongest weapon. Equip anything that's strong against Garu-like attacks or that will take advantage of its weakness." Souji looked mainly at Kanji as he said this. "Yukiko, you'll be our healer and Teddie will wait outside as backup if you get tired. Yosuke, you're obviously coming, Chie you'll come for physical attacks, and Naoto you'll come too. Yosuke can't fight, we'll need the extra help."

The group nodded.

"All right! Let's go kick some shadow ass!" Chie pumped her fist in the air with a loud battle cry.

"I think your voice is enough to scare any shadow away," Yosuke joked. A foot collide with his shin. "Ow! Come on. Attack the shadows not me!"

"You're right. I'll be kicking your ass soon anyway. Your shadow won't even know what's coming."

"I'll remember to wear a cup this time."

This time Yosuke found himself agreeing with his shadow. "Do it. Her kicks hurt."

"Alright! Now that we're pumped let's get this thing over with!" Kanji nodded toward the left path and with determination and curious excitement set on their faces the team began the journey toward their destination.

"Wow…" Teddie gawked. "Sensei, is this the same place as the contest where I got to be pretty?"

Souji nodded.

"Same place, Ted," Yosuke agreed.

Even he was in awe at how twisted his mind had made it their school. It looked more like a prison or an abandoned house and yet it still had that familiarity to it. The windows were barred and the entrance door barely hung on to its hinges. To top it off the scenery around them was anything but welcoming with the dead greenery and broken stone path.

"I don't like this, sensei." Teddie took a step towards Souji.

"You're staying out here. You'll be safe," he reassured.

"But then sensei and everyone else will be in unbearable danger!" The bear looked truly worried which was understandable seeing as he was a shadow himself. He had different stronger senses when it came to this world. Yosuke could only imagine what Teddie was feeling that had their friend so put off by the new building.

Souji's voice grew soft and he pat the bear on the head. "We'll be fine. Stay with Rise. She'll tell you everything that happens, and if things go wrong we'll use a Goho-M."

This seemed to help him calm down if only slightly.

"Let's go." The selected members followed their leader inside…and were greeted surprisingly with the normalcy of their shoeboxes. Nothing looked out of place.

"I don't think there's anything on this floor, senpai," Rise's voice echoed. "This is weird…usually there are at least shadows crawling around."

"Everyday's great at your Junes," Yosuke's voice sang. This time he was sure everyone heard it because they all looked to him, then up as if searching. "I wish she would shut up already. It's bad enough I'm going to have to take over for my dad when he retires, but then she has to remind me every time I visit Souji. I wish I could tape her mouth shut…at least for a little while."

Yosuke's eyes widened. He couldn't even begin to make himself look at his friends, not when he remembered the very moment he'd thought that. But, he'd been bitter that day. He and his dad just had a fight of course he'd be upset after hearing Nanako sing that annoying song.


Souji shook his head. "It's okay, Yosuke. Let's just move on."

"You think he's pissed?" He was beginning to be able to tell the difference between when his shadow spoke aloud or in his head now. His voice was louder and yet no one seemed to acknowledge it. "I chose that one just for him."

"Are you trying to make everyone hate me?" He whispered. The group had begun to move again but he stayed behind, waiting near the stairs as they collected needed items.

"Isn't that what you want? I'm just helping."

"Senpai, we're proceeding." Yosuke looked up at Naoto and then without a word lead the way up to the next floor.

This time he noticed that this floor was not the same set up as the regular school. Their classroom was inexistent and the room numbers on the doors looked to be childish scribbles. Once again his voice resonated through the halls.

"Am I doing something wrong? Why can't they like me for who I am? Why should I have to pretend to be something I'm not? Even at home…I'm getting tired of this…"

"Yosuke-kun…" Yukiko's voice was soft as if the words had been painful for her to hear. She reached out a hand, but thought better of it and instead let it drop. He was sure he looked anything but inviting at that moment anyway. Who would when their inner thoughts were being spilled out against their will?


He cut Chie off. "Stairs! Let's find the stairs! Oh, they're right there. Meet you on the next floor!"

He ran as fast as he could, never glancing back at those pitying faces despite their calls to stop. Yosuke bound up the stairs two at a time and once he met the last step and he knew he'd made a mistake. The wary voices of his friends disappeared and turning around he realized that he was no longer in the school. But what was worse is that he was alone and defenseless.

Uwah! Another chapter down! All of this was written in one day...I've surprised myself. No, I'm honestly surprised...I mean what the hell. Was I that bored? Did I have no homework to do? Eto...back on topic. I got a few reviews in the last few days and so I got pumped and decided since I'm on a bit of a school break I should take advantage of my time. Voila you have chapter.

I do and don't know where I'm going with this...I've never actually wrapped up a chaptered story before so this is new to me. I'm sorry if from this chapter on it goes downhill. I'll do my best to make sure everything has full closure!

Reviews are wonderful. I appreciate all of them and so far you guys have really been what's pushing me to keep up my writing hobby. I love hearing what you all have to say be it good or bad so don't ever hesitate.