EDIT: I think I'm going to go through and revise all chapters, and change a few things. I found that after posting this story on here, I felt rushed to update and my teenage procrastination instincts kicked in. so I haven't updated once. Plus, the next like, three chapters were lost when my computer pooped out, and I'm using my grandparent's computer to even type this D: Anyway, doing revisions here... Fun :D

Hey! Okay, I'm super excited for this! My first ever Naruto fanfiction! Whoooo! Okay, I'll try to calm myself...

Not working. Anyway. Before this story starts, I want to go over a few things, so I don't have to say them later.

This is AU, (Alternate Universe, for those less fanfiction vocab-knowers. I know it freaked me out when I first heard the term, because I didn't know what it meant.) And the characters are a bit different, as I portray them as I think they would act as normal people, not ninjas.

There is CURSING, and there is SEX, and there is VIOLENCE. This fic is rated M for a REASON. I don't know maybe I'll even add substance abuse or something. I'm not sure how exactly I'm going to end this.

Summary-but-not-really-it's-just-explaining-a-bit: Naruto is an average high school student; a happy-go-lucky type of guy. Sasuke is the jackass player who's fucked about every girl (or guy) who he can slither his charm onto. What happens when Sasuke makes it his personal life-goal to make the blonde's life a personal living hell? A whole lot of conflict, confusion, and compromising situations is what!

I'm sorry if some of this doesn't flow right away, and the scenes seem to be rushed, I'm not one to add a lot of useless chapters where virtually nothing happens. I get straight to the point, and the fact that I can't find a beta-reader makes it fucking impossible to fix that. Sorry XD (Recommend people you know that beta, please?)

So far, I've written 6 chapters. This is a lot for me, being as I've never really finished a fanfic before, mostly because they were stupid ideas in the first place, but this one is NOT! I repeat, is NOT! This is actually something I'm very proud of :D

I know that most great Naruto stories, and just stories in general have something else going on besides the romance aspect, but I don't have one here. This story is strictly romance and drama. There is no evil murder brother, or drug dealer Akatsuki organization. No wait, now that I think of it, I might put a problem concerning Itachi, but it won't be huge.

So enjoy the chapter, and sorry for Sasuke's forwardness... Well... You'll see what I'm talking about.

P.S: Sorry for the long-ass intro :D

P.P.S: I'm a comma whore, sorry in advance XD

The first thing to run across Naruto Uzumaki's mind was, oh my God, I'm going to fucking strangle someone.

The blonde rolled over and half-consciously pushed his shrilling alarm clock off his nightstand, effectively making it bounce off the hard-wood, sliding half way across his floor, but to his extreme dismay, it didn't stop ringing. He let out a loud groan, pulling a pillow over his head to muffle the sound. After a few seconds, he gave up, half because he could still hear it, half because he couldn't breathe through a pillow, no matter how many people in movies did it.

He groaned again, sitting up and running a hand through his messy hair. After sitting there for a moment, he untangled his legs from his mound of covers, shivering as his bare feet hit the cold floor. He got up to pick up his alarm clock, and shut it off before his eyes widening as he noticed the time.


He tossed his alarm clock on his bed, sprinting to the bathroom to brush his hair and teeth. His hair still was messy and stuck up in random places and he needed a haircut, considering it was hanging almost below his eyes, but due to the fact that he had to be at school in ten minutes, and it was a twenty minute walk, he couldn't do anything about it. He raced back to his bedroom, changing from his black wife-beater and boxers to a form-fitting orange shirt, and a pair of slightly baggy, black jeans with tears in both knees. Only Naruto could pull off the obnoxious color of his shirt, and it was his signature color, too. He looked over himself in the mirror, putting on his usual cocky grin, ruffling his hair a bit, and nodded satisfied as he saw the confidence in his bright blue eyes. He ran down the grand staircase, taking the steps two at a time, grabbing his backpack, and lazily slipping on his shoes, not bothering to tie the laces.

"I'm leaving!" He called to nobody in particular, due to the fact that he lived in his home alone.

Some may ask why a seventeen year old was living in a mansion all alone, but Naruto was a very special case. Both his parents died a year ago, and it really hit the blonde hard. His aunt, Tsunade, had legal custody over him, but after some begging and tears and puppy-dog eyes, she agreed that the boy shouldn't leave his home. When he had told her that the house had just too many memories, and looked at her with that broken look she had never ever seen the blonde give, a truly genuine despaired look, she agreed to let him stay. Naruto usually was an upbeat and happy child, always jumping around and shining brightly to everyone around him. Before his parent's death, Tsunade would bet anything the blonde had never looked seriously broken, or had that look of utter agony in his eyes that he did when thinking about how his parents died, especially right after the incident. So she had agreed to pay all the blonde's bills and buy him food until he graduated. It wasn't like Naruto didn't have the money; his parents' inheritance was enough to support him for life. But Tsunade refused to make him use it. If she was going to be his guardian, she was going to take care of him, being as the boy could barely take care of himself. He was still, despite any tragedies he had experienced, a kid.

She knew that if she didn't go shopping every two weeks and stalked the blonde's kitchen, then he would most likely try to survive off ramen alone. The kid had an unhealthy obsession for the noodles, and Tsunade threatened to cast an intervention once.

It had seemed over time that Naruto had slowly gotten over his parents death, but some days still, Tsunade would catch the blonde staring off some times when she came to visit, a depressed look on his face; pure agony in his eyes. But then he would shake his head and snap out of it as if he was in a trance, putting a big smile on and only Tsunade could see that it wasn't a genuine one, having seen the boy grow up. This happened more and recently, and Naruto could sometimes tell he was worrying the woman.

But he didn't have time to dwell on it; after all he was going to be late.

Naruto took off in a quick jog, after locking up the house and overbearing front gate behind him, almost tripping over his untied shoe laces. Damn, he thought, I just hope to god the teacher is later than I am.

Naruto huffed as he ran into the classroom, ten whole minutes late. He looked around and sighed in relief as he didn't see his literature teacher at his desk. He thanked his lucky stars he had a homeroom teacher that didn't ever show up on time.

He slowly strode over and took a desk next to Sakura, his pink-haired friend turning to greet him.

"Naruto! You idiot, you're late!" She hit him in the back of the head with her almost super-human strength, as he stuck his tongue out at her and rubbed his head with a mocked hurt expression.

"Ow, Sakura, since when are you my mother?" He asked playfully, pulling his notebook out of his bag.

She just huffed and turned to the front, waiting for their instructor to arrive. This was how their friendship worked, the pretended to be mad all the time when they really didn't mean it.

Naruto looked around, noting a few of his classmates playing around and rough-housing. He chuckled, watching as his best friend Kiba getting a boy named Shino in a head-lock, messing up his hair while laughing loudly. Shino wore a slightly annoyed expression, but chuckled quietly along with the other boy.

Naruto moved on to see a few girls sitting in a group talking, and everything seemed to be the usual, and then he saw a dark figure in the corner, who seemed to be groping a bright blonde and pink blob of color...

Naruto sighed, noticing it was none other than Sasuke Uchiha, decked out in skin tight jeans and a white, snug V-neck shirt that showed off his well-toned chest. He groaned as he realized that the blonde hair, pink school girl outfit, and pair of hands twisted in his spikey hair belonged to none other than Ino Yamanaka, Sakura's best friend. He tensed as Sakura turned to talk to him again, but looked over to where his attention was, and he saw her delicate hands clench into tight fists.

"Don't let him get to you, Sakura," Naruto warned, reaching over and gently pulling her fingers from her palms before the girl started to draw blood with her long nails.

Sakura had been dating Sasuke at the beginning of the year, and it went on for several months, before she realized he was cheating on her. Sasuke Uchiha had an impeccable record of being a player, and using and cheating on girls (and guys a few times, too.) Sakura was heartbroken when she found out that he was in fact being unfaithful, and had cried for weeks. She wouldn't talk to anyone, not even Naruto. That was uncommon, due to the fact that Naruto and Sakura had been friends since they were born and always sought each other out for comfort. Naruto knew that Sakura got way too invested with her emotions too fast, (just like almost every teenage girl, it seemed) and that caused the girl some major heart ache, but he was always there to help when she needed it. Even though it used to really hurt him, as he had had his own little secret crush on her when they were growing up. He had grown out of it, being as he was getting tired of pursing someone who never even so much as looked at him like that. It really did hurt to see someone not return your feelings, as many people do know.

But since then she had gotten over Sasuke, maybe not completely, but had grown more close to Naruto from the whole ordeal. Sakura was a popular girl, and could date anyone she wanted, but sometimes nowadays Naruto would catch her staring at him, but he chose to ignore it. He really hoped that his best friend didn't have a crush on him. That would make everything awkward, being as Naruto didn't like Sakura like that. Well again, anymore at least. What a trick of irony that would be, her taking an interest in him after he had finally given up on her after many long years.

Sakura turned to face the front once more, this time not taking her eyes off the board. Her lips were pressed into a straight line, and he could tell that even if she had gotten over Sasuke for the most part, it still hurt the girl to see Ino with him, especially as Ino was her best girlfriend. Naruto groaned inwardly as he could practically smell the girl fight coming on, and he knew he was going to have to be the one to deal with Sakura's hurt afterwards.

Thankfully, Ino detached herself from the raven-haired boy soon after, her cheeks lighting up as he grabbed her ass when she went to walk away.

Naruto didn't understand how girls could like guys like that, abusing their feelings and staring at them like a piece of meat.

Naruto did admit that the Uchiha was quite attractive, with his raven hair framing his slightly feminine face, his seemingly darker-than-black eyes boring into you, feeling as if he could see right through your defenses, and know your secrets. This accompanied by the cocky smirk on his face, made him what a girl would describe as 'gorgeous'. Naruto, of course, didn't like the raven like that. In fact, he hated everything about the boy. He'd had a beef with him ever since he cheated on Sakura, and even before that, he didn't like the boy's brooding-yet-cocky attitude. He acted as if he could have anyone and anything he wanted, which Naruto guessed he could. Almost every girl (and any gay guy in the school) had a crush on him (he even had his own fan club to prove it), and Naruto had heard a rumor that the Uchiha was loaded, as his brother was a successful business man. He didn't know about his parents, though. The raven seemed to ignore any questions every time anyone got on the topic about it.

Naruto didn't stalk him, but he was very observant in his own way. He could tell when some people had problems with a certain topic, even when others were obvious to their discomfort. It was something Naruto picked up from an early age, catching the signs people gave off with body motions and such. He took a sort of secret pride in the ability.

Just then, his teacher, Kakashi, (he refused to let his students to call him by his last name, complaining it made him sound old) walked in, and everybody quieted down immediately. Even if Kakashi was always late, he was a very strict teacher. But right as the silver- haired teacher set his briefcase down, a bell signaling the end of the class period rang. Kakashi just chuckled, and waved them to leave. Getting up shrugging, kids started to file out of the class room. This was not an uncommon occurrence with the teacher. Although, he seemed to always know who exactly was there, even if he didn't have time to take attendance. He was just odd like that.

"Oh, Naruto-kun, Sakura-san, please stay behind," the teacher asked, and the two exchanged a glance before heading up to the older man's desk. Neither noticed the raven-haired boy in the back, packing up his books slower than necessary.

"Yes, sir?" Sakura asked respectfully. In answer, Kakashi held up a piece of paper to both of them.

"Yes!" Sakura yelled taking a look at her sheet, and did an animated fist pump in the air. Naruto looked over to see that the girl had scored a near perfect score on her last test.

Naruto looked down at his sheet of paper with a groan, knowing what it was going to say. Yup.

He failed. A 24%.

"I've come to the understanding that the two of you are friends, yes? I was hoping you could possibly work together some to help a bit. And Naruto, I'm going to have to be calling your aunt again. You can't keep this kind of work up." Naruto nodded discouraged, along with Sakura who was beaming at her paper still.

"Sure I'll help." Sakura said, and the pair left, again not noticing the black orbs following them out the door.

"Damn," Naruto said, once they were out of the classroom, clenching his fists, crinkling the paper slightly.

"Naruto, you really need to work harder! How could you fail again?" Sakura scolded. He just scowled, and crumpled up his test paper completely, throwing it on the floor. Sakura reached out to touch his arm, and when he looked over, he saw the pity in her eyes.

Naruto usually wasn't the one to over react, but his grades were a touchy subject for him. He was never good in school, but he still scrapped by enough to not get held back. Ever since his parents died, he'd subconsciously decided to write school off all together. On the rare occasions he decided to study, he found that his brain could just not absorb any of the information, no matter what the subject. Even the thought of school just set his mood down a bit.

Naruto had a lot of things. He had friends, a considerable amount of money, and he was pretty good looking, if you asked anyone. But his one downfall, the one thing he took shame in, was his lack of academic ability. He was teased a lot for it when he was small. Nowadays, people knew not to make fun of him for it. The look he got on his face scared almost everybody. So when Sakura looked at him with that pity that wounded his little bit of pride, he scowled and jerked away from her touch.

"I just need to be alone for a while, okay Sakura?" He snapped. Her face showed her shock, and he managed a grimace in apology, before stalking off. Sakura stared after him... He had never snapped at her like that. Naruto was never one to snap at people, especially her. He was just always laid back and easy going. She replayed the last few minutes in her mind, but unable to find what was wrong with him, she shrugged it off warily and walked away, figuring that is was his anger about his bad grade. She had her own problems to deal with, or so she thought, quite selfishly. When it came down to it, to tell you the truth, Sakura was a very superficial girl.

Sasuke watched the whole scene with Sakura and Naruto, smirking to himself when the angered blonde strode away. Making sure Sakura was gone, he walked over and picked up the crumpled up paper left moments earlier, smiling to himself. Sasuke didn't consider himself a bad guy, but something about that Uzumaki kid really bugged him. He was always just so happy, and had so many friends. He was the kind of guy that everybody liked.

Sasuke hated people like that.

People tended to stay away from him, with good reason. He was never really a people person, and he found that fooling around with some of the girls made people notice him. He enjoyed the reputation. He wasn't really interested in many of his peers, but everyone seemed to be interested in him. He did have a small fan club now, and the fact that nobody had really paid attention to him until he started going out with girls made him not want to give the feeling of being noticed up. When he was small, nobody really paid attention to him. He had been that ignored, weirdo kid in the back of class that nobody like to talk to. But when he got into high school, he started to fill out, and his geeky features were overtaken by those of a handsome young man. Sasuke was what he would call hot, and he flaunted this. After all, why wouldn't he? (his ego also filled out quite a bit, but he refused to acknowledge that.)

He knew he could get any girl he wanted, and even if that was great and all, he really didn't care. After all, he was gay, even though not many people knew. Sure, he had gone out with a few guys, but never really hit it off. The only reason he pretended to like girls was because it gave him a reputation, even if it was the one of a player. And the fact that some people, like Uzumaki, could be liked by everyone and not hated at all without even trying, bugged the fucking hell out of the raven.

With the piece of paper unfolded in his hands, he decided to show Uzumaki that he couldn't have everything. He vowed right then and there, that he would make the blonde's life a living hell. Why? Boredom? Thrill?
Well, he thought, why the hell not? It'll be fun to show the dobe that he should have to work to be perfect.

Naruto sat on a window seal at the end of a hallway on the second floor, overlooking the school's courtyard. Clouds loomed over the campus, threatening to rain on the students scurrying about. Naruto decided that he wasn't going to go to his next class; instead he was going to cool himself down. He hated his next class anyway, he never learned anything, partly because he didn't understand chemistry, partly because his teacher, Orochimaru, was a pervert, and insisted on harassing the blonde. Way to many times had the teacher's touches lingered too long, or he hinted that he would fail Naruto if he told anybody about his little 'friendly gestures'. But the moment the man did anything more, Naruto was going to the headmaster. He wasn't going to be one of those sexual abuse victim students, too scared to say anything.

But he didn't want to give the teacher a chance to try anything, either. So what better time to skip class?

He was still fuming over his bad grade. What was worse, Kakashi was going to call Tsunade again. He was going to get his head chewed off by the old hag for sure.

He banged his head against the wall, not talking his eyes off the window as the first few drops of rain fell onto the glass, sliding down. The students below rushed under cover, holding bags and books above their heads to prevent from getting wet.

Naruto sat for a few more minutes, trying to cool himself down. This is why he didn't notice when footsteps approached him from behind, as he was lost in his thoughts.

"Hey, dobe." Naruto's head snapped up, and he stood up, spinning around to face a smirking Uchiha.

Oh yeah, one other thing Naruto forgot to mention. Sasuke Uchiha was a complete ass. The only time he ever spoke to the blonde, it was to harass the hell out of him, and it was worse due to the fact that Naruto had never even done anything to him.

Great, this was just what he needed on top of everything this morning.

Sasuke held up a piece of paper, and Naruto clenched his fists, trying to prevent his anger from out breaking, no matter what the raven was going to say. Don't react, don't react, don't react... He told himself.

"Hey, dobe, I found this. It looks like you need a few more brain cells, and skipping class isn't going to help any." The raven taunted, as the blonde snatched the paper.

Don't react, don't react, don't react...

"Of course, I'm surprised you could even get one right, being as your brain is still that of a kindergartener's."

Don't react, don't react, don't react...

"But hey, even the dumbasses got to know something, right?"

That was it.

Naruto snapped.

"Fucking bastard!" Naruto yelled, striding forward the last few steps and punching the Uchiha in the face. Sasuke stumbled back a bit, but then grinned. Before Naruto could even react, he had received a kick square in the chest. Naruto fell straight on his ass, but got back up, and this time fully charging at the raven, knocking them both down. They rolled over, each struggling for dominance, and after a few seconds, Sasuke had pinned Naruto to the ground, straddling him, holding both his arms about his head. Sasuke was used to brawling, as he had done it quite a bit before he had reached high school.

And then Sasuke got an idea. A brilliant, brilliant idea that shined with the light of the gods themselves.

Leaning closer, his face inches from the blonde's, Sasuke grinned. He leaned down so his lips were right above the other boy's ear, so the boy could feel his hot, ragged breath from all the struggling.

"You know, Uzumaki, I'd like to be in this position a little more often. But it's funny; I always pictured you... on top." The raven whispered, and the blonde's eyes practically bugged out of his head, his look carrying confusion and bewilderment. Before he could react, he heard shouts from down the hall. Sasuke leaned back up, smirked, and punched him in the stomach. As the teacher and girl rounded the corner, their eyes widened considerably, seeing Naruto obviously in pain, winded and holding his stomach and Sasuke with his fist still in the air. The teacher ran toward them, and pulled Sasuke off of Naruto.

Naruto barely registered that the teacher was Iruka-sensei, his mind still buzzing with furry and confusion. What the hell was the Uchiha getting at, saying things like that?

The girl, who he registered as Tenten, a girl he had a class or two with, helped him up, and they led both boys down to the nurse's office.

When Naruto entered the nurse's office, supported by Tenten, the first thing he saw was Shizune's worried face.
"Naruto! What did you do?" She exclaimed, rushing over to him and guiding him to a bed. He sat down, as she started searching him for injuries like a mother hen. Sasuke sat down on the other bed, the nurse's aide going into a freezer and grabbing a pack of ice for his eye. Sasuke nodded to the student in thanks, placing it on his face. He turned his attention to the fussy nurse hovering over Naruto.

"Oh my, Naruto! What have you gone and done this time? Was it those boys again? You can't just let them do this to yo-"

"Shizune! No, I just got in a little fight, that's all!" Naruto interrupted, casting a nervous glance over at Sasuke.

Sasuke's eyebrows furrowed. Boys? Was Naruto being bullied?

Shizune was visibly relieved, and nodded, but anyone could tell she was still angry and worried.

"Tsunade will have your head, Naruto! You know you can't get in fights! What were you thinking? Never mind, you weren't thinking, that was it. So where are you hurt?" Naruto sighed, and Sasuke's eyebrows shot up. Tsunade? As in, headmaster Tsunade? Why would the headmaster...?

Just then, that said woman ran in, banging the door behind her.


Naruto and Shizune flinched back, and Sasuke just stared.

"Relax, Old Hag! Geez!" Naruto exclaimed.

Sasuke frowned. How can he talk to the headmaster like that? And why is she reacting like this? Wait, didn't Kakashi say he was going to call Uzumaki's aunt? Is Naruto related to the headmaster?

The headmaster sighed, plopping down in the chair behind the nurse's desk, as Shizune went to treat Sasuke, content that Naruto didn't have any life threatening injuries. He was just relieved she didn't try to feel his chest, because it still hurt like a mother fucker from that kick from Sasuke.

"I failed a test, and just let out a little steam, okay? So sue me." Naruto said to the headmaster, and she scowled.

"God Naruto, you are more like your father than you know..." Tsunade immediately knew that that was the wrong thing to say, seeing the boy's wince. Sasuke knew that Naruto's parents were dead; it was in the paper sometime last year. It wasn't released how they died though, and it seemed that it was still a touchy subject for the blonde.

But Naruto just put a smile on his face, but even Sasuke could see that it was fake. He noted right then to watch the blonde more carefully, wondering if Naruto's smiles were other times fake also.

"Well, I'm off to my next class, being as I'm not fatally injured," Naruto said, standing up. Only Sasuke saw the wince as he rolled his shoulders back.

With that, he left, leaving Shizune and Tsunade to talk as she nurse treated Sasuke's eye.

"That boy will be the death of me, I swear..." the headmaster said to the nurse.

"Knowing Naruto, I won't be out of a job anytime soon, if he keeps things like this up. I don't want him to keep doing this to himself," The nurse said, lowering her voice a bit, as if by doing so, Sasuke couldn't hear her. This was unrealistic, of course, being as she was right in his face, dabbing his eye with a napkin.

"And he can't keep letting those boys beat him up. He was in here just last Wednesday with a nasty cut on his thigh. I'm a high school nurse, not a doctor. He's lucky he didn't get an infection." Shizune informed Tsunade, who just put her head in her hands.

Shizune finished up with Sasuke, ordering him to lie down, as she pulled the curtain so that it was separating the boy and the two women. The nurse's aide had said something about going to retrieve more Band-Aids from the storage room and left.

Sasuke knew it wasn't nice to eavesdrop, but it wasn't like he was going to block out the women all together. After all, they were talking about Uzumaki, and he could potentially hear something that he could use against the blonde.

"I don't know if I can keep raising the boy, Shizune. I can tell that he's not happy, no matter how much he acts it. I just don't know what to do..." Sasuke could hear the despair in her voice.

Wait, so Naruto is being bullied, and the headmaster is his guardian?

"I know. Maybe if he had something to take his mind off of it, he could be happy. I know he needs to get over what his parents did, but there is nothing that we can do to make him come to terms with it." The nurse said. Sasuke was confused. What his parents did?

"Distracting him isn't going to help. He still refuses therapy, and I mean, if I was him... I couldn't do it either. The knowledge of what happened is horrible. Being there would be worse. Could you imagine if it got out how it happened? He would be shunned; looked at as a freak. He would be pitied, and you know how he hates that." The blonde woman said. They stopped talking, both seeming to have nothing to say, and about five minutes later Shizune came back to him and released him for class. The raven's mind was busy processing all of this new information. So maybe I was wrong. Maybe Uzumaki isn't perfect... He thought about it for a moment. Sasuke knew he had gone through far worse than the blonde had, and that reassured his goal a bit. I know, he thought, I'll just make his life as miserable as mine is. Then he can see what real pain is like. Way worse than a kick in the chest.

Sasuke chuckled to himself as he strode through the hall.

And I know just how to start making your life a living hell, Uzumaki. You just wait.

EDIT: I'll post the 'edit' note on top of each chapter as I go through them, but while I'm doing this, please feel free to review ^-^