Please don't take this seriously! I've been sat here waiting until midnight and this occured... I've explained how at the bottom :D


Connor was bored. So bored in fact he had done all of his paperwork and found it fun. But now that was done and he was back to bored.

It was weird for him to be in that situation. He hadn't had the leisure to be bored for so long he'd actually forgotten what a depressing dead weight it was. The last time he had really been bored must have been…

He couldn't remember.

Before Burton. Definitely before Burton.

So before the Cretaceous because hadn't that been such a big bundle of fun(!) He rolled his eyes at the thought. At least he'd gained Abby from the one year in hell. Worth it? Certainly!

Pre-Cretaceous, which in itself meant before all the hype about the artefact.

Before Cutter's death maybe?

It would have to be that.

When was the last time before Cutter's death that he had had nothing to do?

He frowned in thought.

Realisation struck.

When he was stuck in a freaking prison cell of course!

Good old Danny! Always knew the right way to make him feel loved.

Lords! How long had it been since he had thought of Danny? Too long, most definitely too long for him to feel like he was a good friend.

He wondered if the other's had thought of the man recently.

He and Abby never spoke of it. Jess and Matt never really knew him- you can't really count one day.

Becker on the other hand probably did think about it. He had spent a year searching for them, blaming himself. And the two men were closer than noted by most of the others.

Connor grinned fondly as he remembered one of the last conversations he and Danny had.

"Becker is really not going to be happy with you."

"Why not?"

"That was his favourite gun."

"We need to get him a girlfriend."

His grin took an evil quality as he pulled his laptop towards him and set himself online.

He started the internet, found Google and hit in his search with purpose.





So, I was casually minding my own business, trawling through the Primeval archive and what would catch my eye but an advert at the side of my screen.

"UniformDating- Date a Soldier"

Well what do you expect me to do with a prompt like that!

Lemme know what you think!

Oh yeah! I should probabily mention that there'll be another chapter to this... possibly two :D