Sorry for the wait, I've been really busy with school starting and stuff. Anyways here's the next chapter. It's not one of my favorites and is really just to get the whole custody situatuion out of the way. It's should only take one more chapter to get all of the initial stuff out of the way and then there will be lots of bonding and cuteness. Okay enough rambling here you go.

Chapter 6: Dinner

By the time they returned home, Harvey was worn out and Avigail was bouncing off the walls.


"Daddy that was so much fun! Can we paint my room now? Do you wanna play a board game? Let's set up the Wii!" she said hopping around the room.

Harvey was starting to think she had ADD or something because he didn't think kids were always this hyper. Then again he wouldn't really know.

"Avigail slow down" he said sternly picking her up and depositing her on the kitchen counter. "Why are you so hyper all of a sudden?"

"You let me have a cookie from the store and then I got ice cream after lunch" she said smiling and kicking her legs back and forth so the hit the cabinets beneath.

"And..." he asked wondering how the events were related and then it occurred to him.

"I'm not spossed to have lots of sugar at a time" she giggled out, finishing his thought.

"Why didn't you tell me this before" he asked slightly angry. He was after all trying and that was going to require both of their cooperation.

Avigail shrugged. "I like ice cream and cookies."

Harvey rolled his eyes. "Okay well that is never happening again."

He lifted her off the counter to deposit on the couch. "Look here's what's going to happen" he said leaning over so he was eye level with the little girl. "You are going to sit here and watch cartoons or whatnot, while I go and clear out your room. Then I'm going to paint it so that you can put your stuff in tomorrow, not today." He stopped to make sure she was following.

She was trying really hard to look him in the eye, so he figured she was listening.

"Then" he continued, "'We are cleaning up and going out to dinner so I can meet with Ms. Johnson and her lawyer."

"Aunt Rosie's coming" she said excitedly, and then suddenly her face dropped.

"What?" he asked suddenly worried. Not the he ever worried.

"She's gonna be mad at me for running away and she's gonna take me back. Daddy I don't wanna go back, I wanna stay with you. I like it here" she mumbled, the sugar rush starting to wear off.

He'd be lying if he said that those words didn't mean the world to him. Sure he was completely out of his element and initially concerned that this was going to turn out badly for the both of them. And he was already sure he was doing everything wrong. But Avigail liked him and even though he'd only spent maybe twenty-four hours with her, he didn't think he'd be the same if she left. Not that he was ever going to admit that.

"Don't worry; I'm the best closer in the city. You're not going anywhere" he said unsure if he was reassuring her or himself.

"Promise" she asked holding out her pinky finger.

It took him a moment to realize what she was doing, but he had seen his nieces do something like this at a family reunion a few years back so after a moment of hesitation he looped his own finger with hers. "I promise" he verbally confirmed.

He suddenly realized emotions were starting to surface that he had been sure were buried. He needed to compose himself before he got all soft, but damn those big brown puppy dog eyes were so enticing.

"Okay" he said standing back up to his full height and avoiding her curious but happy gaze. "I'm going to go now, don't break anything" he warned as he exited the room.


Harvey had just finished putting the second coat of paint on the walls when there was a knock on the door.

It was a little after five, and they had about forty-five minutes before meeting the others for dinner. He was confident that he could convince Ms. Johnson to allow for Avigail to stay with him. It had been made perfectly clear earlier that Avigail wanted to stay with him, and he knew that there weren't any clear objections as to why he shouldn't be the one to raise her. He could easily support her financially, and although he spent many late nights at the office he still had weekends to spend time with her. So naturally he knew he would win without having to drag the issue to court.

As he walked into the living room, wiping his hands on his old worn out jeans, he noticed Avigail engrossed in some cartoon with some kid that had a triangle head.

He shook his head at how easily she was sucked into the meaningless programs.

The knocking on the door was growing more persistent by the second, which meant it could only be one person.

"Would you stop with that obnoxious noise" he said swinging the door open.

"Sorry, you weren't answering and I thought, never mind" Mike said ducking under Harvey's arm and entering the condo.

"Sure, come on in" Harvey mumbled sarcastically before shutting the door and looking at his associate.

Apparently the fact that there was an extra person in the room was enough to break Avigail's attention as she jumped off the couch and ran to where the two men were standing.

"Mike" she yelled jumping on him.

"Hey Avi" he said throwing her into the air and setting her back on the ground.

Harvey stood there smirking at their interaction.

"Guess what" Avigail said jumping up and down and pulling on Mike's jacket.

"What" he asked sounding genuinely enthused.

"Daddy bought me a Wii" she said turning to Harvey and smiling before directing her attention back to Mike. "He said he'd play with me too."

Mike looked up at his boss who was still standing by the door and raised his eyebrows. "Do I detect caring in that gesture?" Mike asked.

Harvey just rolled his eyes. "Do you have the files?"

Mike nodded and reached into to pull out the requested documents. "Here's Avi's school records, medical records and the custody papers" he said handing them to Harvey.

"Good"' Harvey said flipping through the folders. He was about to say 'now get out' when an idea struck him. "Be ready to go in a half hour" he said pushing past the two and moving towards his room to change.

"Wait what?" Mike asked spinning around to look at his boss.

"Were leaving in a half hour to meet Ms. Johnson and her lawyer. Avigail go change." he said continuing to his room.

Mike looked at Avigail for help but she just shrugged and scampered off to go change out of her tutu she had insisted on wearing this morning.

"Harvey, I have plans" Mike yelled down the hall.

"Cancel them" Harvey yelled back.

"I can't, besides what do you even need me to go for?"' Mike said tapping his fist on the table near the wall.

"First off" Harvey said reappearing in the hall dressed in one of his suits. "I don't need you. What I do need though is something to keep Avigail occupied while I discuss legal matters with the other lawyer, and you just happen to be capable of keeping her entertained. And what's this about not being able to cancel your plans?"

Mike sighed "I have plans with Rachel okay."

Harvey chuckled, "Ah, your pretty paralegal girlfriend."

"She's not my girlfriend" Mike said looking at the floor.

Harvey gave him a smirk. "Then cancel on her."

"I can't" Mike replied starting to sound frustrated.

"Fine then bring her with" Harvey responded shrugging, "Avigail let's go."

Avigail scampered out of the bathroom in a cute dress that was black on top and a leopard print ruffled bottom. She had matched it with a pair of silver ballet flats and gray toggle coat, her hair flowing in waves down her back accented by a black headband.

"Ready" she said skipping to stand in front of the two adults.

"Great" Harvey said taking Avigail's hand in his own and walking towards the front door. "Come Mike."

"Come Mike" Mike mocked but followed anyways.

Mike and Avigail were sitting in a booth that Harvey had deemed the kid's booth, much to Mike's annoyance, waiting for Rachel.

They had arrived twenty minutes ago, and after Rosie Johnson had smothered Avigail in hugs and scolded her for running away, Harvey had directed the adults to the table to discuss what he called grown-up issues and then told Mike to sit at the kiddie table with Avigail.

"Is Rachel nice" Avigail asked not looking up from the maze she was currently trying to figure out on the back of the kids menu.

Mike nodded, "You'll like her."

He kept looking at the door, waiting for Rachel to walk in. At first he thought she'd be mad that they had to change their plans, but once he explained that Harvey needed someone to watch Avigail, she agreed. She had been looking forward to meeting the little Specter since Mike had told her about Avigail earlier that morning.

"Do you like her?" Avigail asked smiling at him.

"No" Mike said blushing slightly. "I mean were friends, so I like her as a friend but I don't like her like her."

Avigail started giggling. "Yes you do."

"No I don't" he said.

"Do too" Avigail laughed.

"Do not" Mike said realizing that he had gotten sucked into another yes/no argument.

"Do not what?" a voice said from behind Mike.

He spun around to see Rachel giving him a curious look.

"Uh nothing important" Mike said quickly and then glancing at Avigail to see if she would give it away. She just kept laughing and smiling.

"Sure" Rachel said smiling and taking a seat next to Mike.

Mike cleared his throat and tried to regain some confidence. "Um Avigail this is Rachel, Rachel meet Avigail Specter."

"You're pretty" Avigail said leaning over the table and sticking out her little hand.

Rachel laughed and took Avigail's offered hand. "That's what Mike said the first time he meet me too" she said smiling.

"I knew it" Avigail said her smile growing bigger. "He was trying to tell me he didn't like you."

"Oh he was was he" Rachel said still laughing.

"You guys do know I'm right here" Mike said feeling really embarrassed at the moment.

Both girls just laughed and Mike sat there looking rejected. Luckily the waitress showed up just then.

"Are you ready to order?" she asked pulling out her notepad.

"Yes" Mike said eager to change the conversation.

After the finished ordering, the conversation turned it's focus to Rachel asking Avigail questions and then to Avigail beating Mike at tic-tac-toe.

"I win again, I win again" Avigail sang as she put her blue x in the box.

"Wow Mike, you're terrible" Rachel said laughing.

"No I let her win" Mike said tossing his red crayon on the table in defeat.

"All ten games" Rachel said seriously.

Mike slouched back in his seat and mumbled a defeated no which caused both girls to erupt in laughter once again at his expense.

Luckily he was saved from any more humiliation by the arrival of their food.

Mike eagerly began shoving his hamburger in his mouth. "Mmm this is so good" he said between bites.

"You're at a place that serves one of the largest varieties of food, and yet you get that" Rachel said twirling her fork in her pasta.

"But it's so good" Mike mumbled with food in his mouth and then stuffed two French fries in as well.

Avigail gave him a disgusting look. "You're not supposed to talk with your mouth full" she said picking up the grilled cheese on her plate.

"That's funny, because I distinctly remember you telling me the same thing at some point" Harvey's voice came from next to the table.

Mike swallowed and looked up at his boss, "But I was doing it to entertain your kid. You were just being gross."

Harvey rolled his eyes. "See this is why you have to sit at the kids table."

"At least over here it's fun" Mike said returning to his food.

Harvey smirked and turned to Avigail. "Are you enjoying watching Mike act like a four year old?"

Avigail giggled and nodded. "He's funny and I beat him at tic-tac-toe" she said proudly.

Harvey smirk just increased. "See Mike the law holds true."

"What law?" Mike asked sarcastically.

"The Specter's never lose law" Harvey replied smiling.

"That's not a law" Mike said snorting and leaning back in his chair.

"I'm pretty sure it is" Harvey replied shoving his hands in his pockets. "You shouldn't argue with a lawyer."

Rachel was trying really hard not to start laughing and Avigail had already erupted into a fit of giggles on her side of the table.

Finally Rachel broke her silence. "Wow Mike, you just can't win tonight."

"Tonight" Harvey asked smirking again.

"Is it pick on Mike night or something" Mike asked picking at his French fries.

"Again I ask night" Harvey said with one last smirk before making his way back towards his table.

"It's okay, I still like you" Avigail said leaning over giving his arm a pat.

"Yeah me too" Rachel said giving his shoulder a squeeze.

Mike smiled at the both of them.

"But you still lost" Avigail said smiling over her sandwich.