Author's not : End 2, the happy (sappy ?) one.

EDITED : Because reading the first reviews, I realized many people had a point. This one was really rushed and deserved a little more work. And since I have important boring stuff to do, therefore needing some ways to procrastinate, ta da !

I hope it's better.

He swallowed hard but hold her gaze : "What are you saying ?"

"I'm saying I miss you. I'm saying I don't want to fight anymore. But I want you to understand I'm being a bitch because I don't want you to get killed. I wouldn't survive it. I love you too much. If anything ever happened to you...", she choked on her tears. "I don't want you to shadow me anymore because I can't do my job and worry about you at the same time. It has become too difficult, Rick. You think you can handle yourself but you really can't. But you don't see it. You just think you're superman when you're so obviously not. You're making it so hard and I get mad at you."

"Kate... I'm sorry. I... I thought we would continue like this forever. I never imagine our relationship would change anything. Because well, I've loved you for so long. I worry about you all the time but I'm used to it by now and you're a cop. I didn't think you would worry about little old me because I was always fine." He was babbling, trying to put as many words as possible out. It was ridiculous. He forced himself to breath and continued, trying to make the words count this time. "I'm really sorry. I'm an idiot... Please don't cry."

He took her head in his hands, brushing the tears away with his thumbs.

"And you're not a cop," Beckett added.

"I have to remember that." He tried a little smile and his heart jumped with happiness when she returned it. She leaned in to him and capture his lips with hers. They kissed hungrily, like two lovers reuniting after a long absence. They never made it to the bedroom.

Later as they laid together on the couch, spent, he whispered : "It doesn't fix everything."

"I know", she whispered back.

A handful of Police cars drove down the New York street. They stopped in screeches in front of a building. Dozens of policemen spilled out.

"Stay in the car !", Beckett told Castle with a bossy tone. She exited her vehicle and went to the trunk to retrieve her bulletproof jacket. He ignored her, came out and bend over the trunk for his own "writer" vest.

"Where is it ?", he asked her as he stood upward again.

"At home. I put it in your office."

"What ? Why did you do that ? Do you want me to get hurt ?"

She glared at him but he didn't care. He was upset. "Stay. In the car", she repeated before joining the others for the take down of their suspects.

Angry, he climbed back in, forcefully closing the door, making the whole car shake. He didn't move, even when everybody came back with the three men cuffed.

"Are you done pouting ?", she asked when she entered the car. He waited for her to start the engine before answering. He was still mad.

"You had no right. I'm your partner. For god's sake, I'm the one who figured out how to find them !"

Her first instinct was to tell him to suck it up. But they had talked about their need to communicate better.

"Rick", she spoke calmly. "It was a dangerous situation. We knew they were heavily armed in a building full of hiding places. It was a tricky one and I decided that it was too complicated to have a civilian in. Partner or not."

"You didn't know that when you put my vest away", he accused.

She gave him a guilty look. "It's actually in the car. Hidden." His jaw opened, his eyes widened.

"You lied to me !"

"Well, I figured it was that or argue for the next hour. And I had a take down I didn't want to miss, having to lead it and all", she joked.

"This is not funny !"

"Like you never lie to me ?"

"No !"

She raised an eyebrow. "Two weeks ago ? That poker night at Patterson's ? It wasn't dinner with Meredith ?"

His mouth opened and closed several times before he looked sheepish. "I know you don't like her. I didn't want to upset you. It was just a friendly dinner, nothing fancy. We talked about Alexis the whole time."

"I know." He looked puzzle. "She called the loft to say she would be late. She told me she wanted to talk to you about Alexis changing grad school. Rick, it's not that I don't like her. Well, okay, I don't. But it's just he fact that I know she's your "deep-fried twinky"..."

"Used to", he corrected.

"But I know and respect that she is Alexis' mother and that you need to see her from time to time. I don't have to like it though. You don't need to hide it from me. Just let me brood over it for a day or so."

"I don't like it when you brood." He placed one hand on her knee.

She glanced at him, her lips curving up. "It's just jealousy. It's not rational. It's just she...", she stopped.

"What ?"

She made a face as she continued. "She knows how you look naked and... stuff..."

He laughed at that. "Well, you do too", he leered.

"That's why I only brood for a day", she answered back, biting down her lower lip, knowing perfectly well the effect it had on him.

"Tease !"

She parked the car in front of the precinct. As they walked in, he couldn't help but ask. "But seriously, where's my vest ?"

When Beckett arrived home that night, Castle was sitting at his desk, only wearing his batman boxer shorts and a t-shirt. She winced. This is where and how she had left him that morning. Walking behind his chair, she hugged him from behind and kissed his cheek.

"It's only 6PM, you know ?"

"Already ? Damn !", he said. "How was your day?"

She looked at the blank page on the laptop screen.

"Better than yours, apparently. Blockage ?"

He emitted a noncommittal sound.

Deciding to cheer him up, she turned his chair around. She grabbed his hands and pull him up on his feet.

"Come on, writer boy. You need inspiration and a shower, and so do I."

"Writer man !" He feigned offense but followed her willingly. "Wait... What would you need inspiration for ?" Walking backwards and unbuttoning her shirt, she gave him a saucy look, her eyes traveling up and down his body.

Around 3 in the morning, Castle was typing furiously on the keyboard. He only looked up when a shadow appeared in the doorway of his office. He smiled at Beckett as she approached, clad only in one of his shirt. He tried to be discreet when he closed the lid of his laptop.

She dropped herself in his lap.

"What ? I'm not allowed to read anymore ?"

He kissed her instead of answering. But when they broke apart, she didn't forget her question. She opened up the laptop and began to read, swatting his hand when he tried to stop her. He waited anxiously.

"It's very good !", she exclaimed eventually, facing him. In the chapter, Rook was in Italy, trying to hide from some mafiosi. It was the chase in the street of Napoli. She found it exciting and fun.

He beamed at her but sobered up a bit.

"It's not Nikki." She looked confused. "It's all about Rook, there is no Nikki." She just stared at him silently. She didn't know what to say, not sure if she understood. Placing his hands on her waist, he looked down as he explained.

"I don't really have blockage. Today I wrote ten pages of Nikki then deleted them. It wasn't that good anyway. I just can't write Nikki anymore without holding back. Well I can, but I don't really want to..."

"Why didn't you tell me ?", she whispered. He looked up and regretted it. The hurt in her eyes made his heart ache. He cupped her face with one hand. "I didn't want you to think I was bored with her or anything."

"Then why ?"

"I asked myself that for the last few weeks. I didn't know the answer until tonight. I wondered, what if you were the one needing inspiration writing Rook. What of I was the one writing Rook. And it came to me : I don't hold back writing Rook because he's me."

"I don't get it..."

"I can't write Nikki because I don't want to share you with the world anymore."

She melted at his confession and felt relieved. "It's sweet... and kinda selfish." She kissed him to reassure him it was okay. It quickly evolved in a make out session in his chair. He was attacking her neck, his hands traveling up and down her body. "So when is the first Jameson Rook book coming out ?", she asked.

"Well, if you would stop interrupting me and let me write...", he replied jokingly, in between kisses down her throat.

She narrowed her eyes and jumped up and away, moving back to the kitchen. He called after her. "Come back ! I was kidding !" She didn't look back. "Really ? Can we at least finish what you started... Apparently not..." He went back to his laptop. "I'm gonna write then", he mumbled to himself.

Three years later, Castle was walking the red carpet at the (H)eating up movie premiere.

"Mr Castle, it is the last Nikki Heat movie. How does it feel ?" The reporter extended her microphone to him.

"Well Norah. It's a little sad. But for me, it's really a reunion. It will be good to see Nikki as the main character. Even if I'm really happy and lucky with my Jameson Rook series at the moment, Nikki hold a special place in my heart."

"Any plans to write another Nikki Heat book ?"

He was about to answer when he heard a ruckus coming from the street. He smiled and turned back to the reporter.

"Not if Mrs Castle has a say in it. She likes the new series's character better", he said as Beckett arrived at his side, their arms encircling each other waist automatically. "At least, with Rook, she makes an appearance once in a while", he added. The reporter asked another question but he dismissed it.

"Sorry guys, gotta go."

He kissed Beckett briefly as they walked up to the theatre. He look amused as she repeatedly smooth down the front of her dress.

"You look beautiful."

"I'm afraid it shows."

"It doesn't, Kate. You're barely two month pregnant."

She shushed him, looking nervously around. They made it inside and he pushed her in a corner, out of view.

"You're ridiculous. I like it", he grinned before kissing her deeply, one hand in her hair, the other on her belly.

The end.