A/N First we all know I don't own twilight, but I do own a very twisted mind. I know I said I would not start any new stories until the ones I'm currently working on are finished, well this little story won't shut up. I've written 7 chapters in 4 days. Each chapter in this story will be between 1000 to 1500 words. This story is for all us wantabe cougars. This is one man that could make a cougar out of me.

Chapter 1

Nineteen fucking years, he controlled my life. From the clothes, I wore day to day to the people I could talk to. I have no friends; in fact, both my parents died, and it was years before I even found out that I had lost them. We only had the one car and when he sent me to do the shopping; he would time how long I was gone.

I meet James fucking Hunter in college, or I should say the last year of vet school. I thought he was different from the other guys, because he always seemed so sweet and caring. We got married as soon as I found out, I was pregnant.

What a joke all my troubles started then. He made me quit school to stay home. By the time Victoria, whom he named was born; I could no longer talk to any of my friends or family. We moved out of state.

Slowly, over time I became nothing, but a shell of what I was before him. I went from size five up to a sixteen, and every time I'd talk about loosing weight, he would say he loved me like I am and that only women who were out hunting for something new wanted to change the way they look.

The last eleven years he never even touched me; our kisses were just quick little pecks.

The day of the accident that took his life, Victoria told me she hated me and never wanted to see me ever again. Just hours after the funeral, she left with her much older boyfriend Laurent.

I spent the next few weeks sifting through all the paperwork. He had always paid all the bills, so I had no clue of what or how much was in the bank? I found out that our little meager house was paid for, as was the car.

His life insurance alone left me a million dollars and with what was in the bank; I was walking away with close to five million. I decided I was going to sell everything and walk away, stating a new life in a new place.

I knew with as much time that had passed that there was no way I could go into the vet field without having to retake much of the courses. So, I spent a few days trying to figure out what I was going to do while I waited, for the house to sell.

I had already sold all the future off and was staying in a motel.

I bought myself a cheap laptop and discovered the internet. It helped me to decide that I wanted to try my hand at breeding Appaloosas. I had always loved the breed and even rode one when dad would take me up into the mountains.

Doing all this thinking has me missing my parents. I was always a tomboy going, fishing and hunting with dad. Mom had left when I was four, but always made sure to be around when it was my birthday and even showing up for Christmases saying she just couldn't be away from us on those days.

It was the year before I graduated from high school that mom finally remarried and settled down. Phil was great for mom. He was closer to my age than moms, but he seemed to settle her give her purpose in life, something no one or anything had been able to do before he came into her life.

I don't even know how either of them died. Why had I let James control me for so long? I know he was getting it from somewhere else, as more than once I could smell sex and perfume on him.

So, much has changed in the world, while I sat in that small house cooking and cleaning for him. I knew about computers and the internet along with cell phones because of ads I've seen on TV, when he would let me watch it.

I felt like a child being turned loose for the first time in their life.

After days of research, I found what I was looking for. It was just outside of Hill's Prairie, Texas. The house was bigger than I really needed with it having five bedrooms, but it was already set up for horses. It even had two arenas that were covered.

The place had two creeks, which ran through it so water would never be an issue and with it being two hundred acres, I could have part of it set aside for hay and not have to spend money on buy it. There were two barns, one of which had a birthing stall.

I drove down to look at the place and fell in love. This was a place where dreams could come true. I told the agent, I would take it, right along with informing her that it was a cash sale. She told me even with it being a cash sale it would still take two weeks to close.

That was more than fine with me. It would give me time to decide how I was going to decorate the place and locate the right horses for sale. I remember doing a paper on Appys back in college, so I knew what bloodlines I was looking for.

The only thing I would need would be someone who knew something about training horses, as I know nothing about the training part.

When I got back to my motel, the clerk told me that my agent had been looking for me. I quickly gave her a call she told me that I had an offer on my house, and that they wanted a forty- five-day closing. The offer was for the asking price, so I took it.

I then decided I didn't want to be Bella Hunter any longer. I wanted to be Bella Swan once again, as being a Swan was the only time in my life that I had happy memories. I decided to check into what it would take to get back the last name I was born with.

I was pleased to find out that it would take just some simple paperwork along with the fees to pay the lawyer and the court cost, which all added up to five hundred dollars. By the time my house closed, I was no longer Bella Hunter, but once again Bella Swan.

I paid my motel bill packed my meager supplies and drove to my new place in Texas.