A/N: To everyone who reviewed my Burn/Gazel White Day fanfic, thank you very much! You gave me the confidence to upload more. There's not much fanservice in the first chapter, but I promise it'll get better. Enjoy everyone!

Summer. A few weeks had passed since Football Frontier International had ended, and the ruckus about Inazuma Japan's victory had finally begun to die down. While there were still many people celebrating, though, two individuals found themselves in Tokyo train station in the early morning. Both of these boys had dedicated most of their life to soccer, and knew not how to spend their time now that their road in the sport had reached a dead end. That's why they had decided to each go on a haphazard journey; to escape from the pressure and disappointment their losses against Raimon Junior High had brought upon them, as well as to find a possible new road in life they could take.

The only ticket they both owned, was a ticket for the train that lead in direction of Okinawa. Both Burn and Gazel had, unbeknownst to each other, the exact same plan: they would take the train to the South of Japan and see there what to do next. They had no stable vacation schedule in mind; all they wanted was to let loose and see what this journey would bring them.

The hands of the enormous station clock pointed to 7:30 am. Despite the early morning time, however, the Tokyo temperature didn't feel intimidated, and the sun shone its light brightly, the rays reflecting on the large buildings.

In order to protect himself from these blinding sun rays, Gazel had provided himself with a straw hat, covering not only his hair but also his eyes. As the owner of the powers of ice, Gazel was anything but fond of the heat. The reason he didn't wish to travel to the North, though, was his newfound interest in beaches and other cooling establishments. He was curious to see what people found so great about them, as he had rarely visited them himself. Plus, seeing as he was in search of a new road, it might be a good idea to take a detour from his usual interests.

Just as Gazel entered the train, Burn found the platform it was waiting at. The only gadget he had taken as protection from the sun, were a pair of stunning sunglasses. Unlike the cool-blooded Gazel, Burn adored this kind of weather, and for that exact reason wished to travel south. Shining with a cheerful grin, he entered the train through the same door Gazel had, and found his seat in the same compartment Gazel had booked his.

Each compartment consisted of ten sets of four fancy-looking seats, a narrow isle dividing them in two groups of five. While Gazel had taken his seat in number 33, Burn found number 34 – which stood back to back with the other boy's. They failed to notice each other, however, as Burn paid no heed to fellow passengers, and Gazel's view had been blocked by his hat.

The train left at 7:43. Both boys had booked a window seat, and took their advantage of them by admiring the view that rapidly passed by. After a while, though, Gazel fished a book out of his suitcase, and Burn started to play a game on his phone while leaning one foot atop his backpack.

They remained totally unaware of each other's presence until they needed the toilet at the same time. They got up, moved onto the isle and bumped right into each other.

After stumbling back in surprise, Gazel apologized and took a small bow to show that he meant it. "I'm sorry! I was just looking for the toilet."

"Oh," Burn remarked, "toilet's thatta…" He slowly stopped talking when his brain paused to recognize that voice, and with that the posture that had been hidden under the straw hat facing him. Using the hand that had pointed towards the toilet behind Gazel's back, he placed his sunglasses on the tip of his nose, revealing the shock in his eyes. "Gazel…?"

Gazel, still looking at his feet, froze for a moment when he heard a very a familiar voice say his name. Who on this train full of random people could possibly know him? It couldn't be… He lifted his head and very quickly realized it could. He stared at Burn with just as much of a shocked expression, but also an angry one. He immediately regretted bowing to the likes of him, let alone apologizing. That same regret increased when Burn pointed straight at his hat and let out a sudden laugh, alerting the passengers around them.

"Holy crap! Gazel—What is that?"

Feeling his cheeks go red, Gazel stared at the floor again, brushing slowly through his silver-coloured locks. Burn just continued to laugh, apparently finding his accessoire pretty damn funny, which only managed to annoy him further.

"… Burn… What are you doing here?" he asked through gritted teeth, in desperate attempt to change the subject.

"Eh?" Focusing on the question, Burn ceased his laughter, but the amusement was still visible in his grin. "Oh, just taking a vacation," he replied, confidently pushing his sunglasses back up his nose.

Gazel raised his eyebrows. "You too?"

"Yup. I don't need to ask where you're headed, looking at your…" Burn interrupted himself with a snort, informing Gazel of what was coming a second time.

He clenched his fists in embarrassment, wondering what he had done to come across this idiot even when he was trying to leave his past behind.

"Yes, well… I don't care where you're headed. You better stop poking fun at unfunny objects before you make an even bigger fool of yourself."

Sparkling with dignity, Gazel turned 180 degrees and made his way to the toilet, leaving Burn to realize most passengers in a 5 meter radius were staring at him. He felt a blush appear on his own cheeks and quickly sat down, figuring Gazel's seat had to be around here too.

Burn fixed his eyes on the passing landscape for a moment, recalling one particular part from their conversation: Gazel had called him by his alien name. Even though neither of them worked for Aliea Academy anymore, they were both used to calling each other Burn and Gazel. For some reason, it comforted Burn. To him, their alien names fitted them better than their real ones, as they had dedicated most of their life to fighting for Aliea. Besides, he wasn't even sure his real name was Nagumo Haruya. Even though he was meant to close the Aliea chapter of his life, Burn felt happy that this naming habit hadn't disappeared between him and Gazel.

He blinked a couple of times, suddenly wondering what he was thinking. He wasn't meant to care about what Gazel called him, unless it was a deliberate insult. He wasn't meant to care about his thoughts, not even about his presence. From now on, he should try to ignore him. Should he even try to… forget about him?

Burn became so lost in thought that he didn't notice Gazel's approaching footsteps that stopped right behind his seat. The other boy shot him a glance for a moment, but, wondering the exact same thing as Burn, decided to leave him alone and sat down.

The fact that they had just literally bumped into each other wasn't meant to interfere one bit with their plans. They were supposed to take a different journey on their own, without anyone altering their course. Unbeknownst to them, this little meeting had already begun to change it.