Hello again… if you haven't noticed, I've edited some of the chapters so this could flow smoothly. Also keep an eye out for Lost Legacy.



"He did what?" yelled Udina referring to John. He was still reeling back from the news that the Spartan-II had just activated a homing beacon.

"Calm down Udina, he just activated a homing beacon."

"Just activated a homing beacon? I can't believe you're the councillor and don't understand the magnitude of what is happening."

"Enough Udina," growled Anderson, "if you've read the reports, you know that the UNSC are just like us."

"Yes," pondered Udina, "but far stronger."

"Now is not the time to wallow, in… whatever you wallow in. We need to be prepared for the UNSC when they turn up. Admiral Hackett will be here any minute now so get a grip."

The dual doors in Anderson's office opened. In walked Hackett who ordered his bodyguard detail to remain outside.

"Councillor Anderson," he said and offered his hand.

"Admiral Hackett," said Anderson who shook his hand.

"Care to give me an update?"

"Well no doubt you've heard of this newcomer, his rank is Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy," said Anderson, "a Spartan-II."

"Hmm, the man must have done some service to get that position."

"Indeed, well he shows up out of nowhere with a ship that makes Sovereign and Destiny Ascension look like toys."

"That big huh?" said the Admiral as he paced around the room, "well if the UNSC does exist, now doubt there will be more of these ships."

"What of Cerberus?" asked Udina, "what do you think they'll do when they get their hands on UNSC technology?"

"We shouldn't be just focusing on the UNSC," interrupted Anderson, "reports on the Museum of Humanity shows that there are seven alien races we have never encountered, three of which look like they could easily rip a Krogan in half."

"Ah yes, the Covenant, and the Separatists," stated Udina.

"Yes, but didn't the reports say that the UNSC managed to subdue those races?" asked Anderson.

"Not exactly, the UNSC with the aid of Separatist Forces used some kind of super weapon to decimate the majority of the Covenant."

"Super weapon?" asked Udina, clearly alarmed.

"Halo, it's probably in the hands of the UNSC, all of them," answered Anderson.

"How many exactly?"

"According to the reports, seven, spread out around the galaxy," said Hackett.

"How come we've never encountered those before?" Udina said, puzzled.

"They must have been pretty far away from the Mass Relay network. There is much of the galaxy still unexplored," concluded Anderson.

There was a small pause as the three men took a moment to collect their thoughts.

"This is big," said Anderson, looking at the two, "this will be much bigger than the Geth attack on Citadel, and much bigger than the discovery of Prothean artifacts."

"Still doesn't explain why we're System Alliance instead of UNSC," Hackett frowned, "something just doesn't add up."

"I know," interjected Anderson, "ion storms and solar flares just don't simply occur without warning… unless someone caused it."

"Do you think it could be Reapers?" wondered Hackett.

"Ah Reapers," said Udina sarcastically, "there just isn't enough evidence to prove their existence."

"You can't prove something does not exist either," countered Anderson.

"I spoke to Shepard recently, he told me about an impending invasion of the Reapers. I won't go into detail but what he told me is that the Reapers are real, and they're coming."

"I hope you're wrong," Udina muttered, "but if you're right, then let's hope the UNSC and its allies can help us."


UNSC Faith, Reach, High Orbit…

He had done this for many years, if not centuries, Lord Admiral Terrence Hood stood at the observation deck, staring out at the vastness of space. Every so often when he wasn't dealing with military affairs, Terrence would reflect on the events that had happened during his lifetime. The Human-Covenant War had ended for many centuries now, but the pain still remained. Some scars cannot be healed, time can do wonderful things, but healing scars that run this deep was not one of them. In his mind, he would always replay a sonnet that he read, a sonnet that was written by a man who lived during the early 21st century. The text was vague yet precise at the same time. It always invoked a deep thought response from the Admiral.


I've spent many years marvelling at the night sky

And starring into the vast abyss

With its Milky arm in the distance

Below is our home, coated by glowing lights

The warm glow slowly flows over humanity

Night yields and the soft glow fades

Blue expanses and green carpets are soon revealed

Fragile, it is all fragile

Delicate life, its candle shines a brilliant but short light

From soft, to brittle, to crumbling ruins

Few can outlast the test of time

Some will remain forever

Others are destined to be transient

The sonnet always invoked a spectrum of responses, and for some reason, it always reminded him to be weary of others.

Of course this didn't mean Terrence was prejudice to the Elites, Grunts and Hunters. It would be foolish to; they were now part of an alliance and had strong economic ties. It was interesting to note that the martial culture of the Elites had changed slightly. They were no longer like the Japanese Samurai, but now they were more comparable to Shaolin Monks. They still retained their discipline but no longer seek for glory in fights, and did not take their own life when defeated. They had adopted the "live to fight another day," and "live well, it's the best revenge," principles.

Hood was in deep thought when he was interrupted.

"Sir," said Vice Admiral Jason Levinson, with a hint of excitement to Hood.

"What is it Levinson?"

"You remember the beacon we left on Earth at the Museum of Humanity?"

"Yes, what about it?"

"It's been activated." Levinson said as a matter of factly.

"What?" Hood was shocked, "who activated it?"

"Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy John-117."

A smile spread across the Lord Admiral's lips. The beacon was activated, Earth and Sol is safe once again.

The hero has returned. He would finally have it, peace. For all most of John's life, it had never been easy, it was always one challenge after another, soon he could rest in content and experience the vibrant culture he had saved from utter destruction.

"Prepare the 7th Battle Group for departure. We're heading home."

"Yes sir."

The engines of the UNSC Faith rumbled and flared to life as it moved away from Reach. The 7th Battle Group came to life as it prepared a slipspace jump, to Earth.



The Master Chief sat in one of the lounges aboard the Keyship. He decided to unwind for the day so that he could reflect on his life.

It had been an eventful day for John. The UNSC was still out there, and they were coming back.

The Spartan was truly glad for this, for the world he was in is truly foreign. Sure he was surrounded by humans and benevolent aliens, and some less savoury characters, but it just didn't feel like home. Below him was Earth, with no scars from the Human-Covenant war, and no footprint of the UNSC. In fact, all of Sol was like that. He was at the birth place of humanity, but it just didn't feel like home. It was obvious why; the people who truly knew him, the people who he fought to protect weren't there. Earth is now just an alien world to him that offered little solace in the bloody world he grew up in.

"Something bothering you Chief?" asked Cortana as she appeared on a holotank.


"Are you sure? You sound weary, stressed and somewhat depressed."

"I'm fine Cortana. I was just hoping that everything would end up in a happy ending, gift wrapped."

"Chief, you and I both know that life doesn't work like that."

"I know," nodded and sighed the Spartan, "I just want to go home."

"What's home Chief?" chuckled Cortana.

"I'd send UNSC HighCom a message or a transmission if I could but I can't. The UNSC have obviously switched to a totally different network that I cannot interface with, not until I know what it is."

"I know."

"Hey, chin up, they're coming Chief."

John smiled at his companion, and leaned back into his seat, recalling all those faces that he'll never see again. The Spartan led a painful yet rewarding life, and he'd have it no other way.


Normandy SR-2…

Sam Shepard walked to the cockpit, it was part of his usual check-up routine, and whenever he'd get the chance he would walk around the ship and check on his crew.

"So, how'd it go Commander?" asked Joker as he swivelled around the chair.

"How did what go?"

"The Spartan-II, Master Chief," answered Joker, "it's been all over the news and the extranet."

"Oh that, it went well."

"So I heard. What do you think of the UNSC?"

"If they do exist, they'll be monumental in holding the Reapers. I've seen a glimpse of their technology, the UNSC is strong. But I think the Reapers might far outnumber them."

"Commander, you saw what one Reaper ship could do, it took fleets to contain it. Now you're saying that the Reapers will outnumber us," Joker sighed, "I'm sorry sir but things look bleak."

"Joker, you saw what one lone UNSC Stealth Corvette could do."




John was down at the firing range practicing, when Cortana appeared.

"Chief, we're being hailed."

"By who?"

"UNSC Faith," smiled the A.I.


A/N: I know this is short, but I'm getting a lot of people who want an update sending me messages. Anyway, it'll give you a taste of what is to come.

I'm also aware that I haven't explained the split of humanity, but don't worry, I'm saving that to last.

Gamazek, um, I didn't put any Deus Ex Machina in, they were all common knowledge within the UNSC. I never had the Chief talk about classified things. Compare my story to others and you'll know what I mean. I read a Mass Effect/Halo where the moment John gets out of his Cryotube on Forward Unto Dawn, he immediately spins his life story, down to the last detail of the Spartan program. In fact, I've seen that happen a lot in other Xovers.

Kitsune-demon16, you really think this is my best work yet? Thanks… super smiley face. =D

To twilight dragon god, well it's nice to know that you've been motivated to continue writing you're story, and best of luck, please send me a pm when you're done. I'd love to read it.

And to everybody else, thanks for the reviews and the support. Also, has anyone still figured out which personal account I fabricated in the last chapter?