This will be a collection of independent one shots, based around Kurt and Blaine that will be written from prompts submitted by readers, so if there is anything you would like me to write then please send me a prompt via reviews or PM.

Feedback is appreciated and will make my day (and make me write faster)

Prompt 1:

Submitted by bella-you-are-utterly-absurd

Blaine goes round Kurt's house for the first time (?) and then Kurt builds up the courage to show Blaine all his old photographs and the glimpses of memories he has of his mother. Blaine is touched as he knows how important this stuff is for Kurt and so asks why Kurt is showing him. Then Kurt says 'because I love you.'

Kurt isn't answering any of Blaine's calls, isn't responding to text messages and ignored his many attempts at messaging him online, it's when Kurt misses their coffee date that Blaine knows something is wrong with his friend.. Blaine is out of options and decides that he needs to confront Kurt face to face. He jumps into his car and slams it into life, used to the groan of protest that often spurred from it's reluctance to move at anything other than a snail's pace. Wes and David often laughed at his out dated car, thinking up a new nickname for it each time. Blaine, however, loved his car, sure it wasn't a new Chevrolet like Wes's parents had bought him, and is definitely wasn't the new Porsche that David had been gifted with for his last birthday but Blaine had bought his car himself, he had got himself a summer job, working every day to earn enough money to finally buy it at the end of the summer.

For the first time, Blaine is cursing under his breath at his car, needing to get to Kurt sooner. He always answered his phone and checked for messages relentlessly and now he had skipped on their weekly coffee dates- if they were dates, which Blaine found himself hoping more and more as he got to know the boy better.

He slams his foot down, the car slamming into life. Blaine drives quickly, eager to see Kurt but once he gets to the boy's house he stops, suddenly wondering of he has done the right thing by coming here.

"Courage," he whispers to himself before letting himself out of his car, walking up to the front door and knocking on it tentatively.

Carole greets him, smiling at him softly though it didn't quite reach her eyes.

"Is Kurt in?" Blaine asks, hoping that Carole hasn't noticed the faint blush that rushed to his cheeks at Kurt's name.

Carole's eyebrows rose slightly at the question, causing the colour in his cheeks to darken as he realises that there is something he's missing. He racks his brains, trying to remember what he must have forgotten. He can't think of anything.

Carole eyes Blaine before speaking, "He's in his room, I don't know if he'll want company though, so..." she trailed off, stepping aside to allow Blaine into the house.

Blaine nods his head gratefully, heading towards Kurt's room. He pauses outside the door at hearing a sniffle from within. Taking a deep breath he raises his fist knock quietly on the panelled door, "Kurt?"

He waits only a couple of seconds before the door is opened to reveal Kurt's pale face. He has bags under his eyes, his hair has fallen free, uncombed and free from product, and he's wearing a plain top with equally plain jeans. Blaine's heart stutters; Kurt has never looked so vulnerable- or more adorable.

Blaine doesn't hesitate to sweep his friend into a hug, not needing the boy to speak to know that he needs comforting.

"I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you that I couldn't come for coffee today." Kurt mumbles into Blaine's shoulder.

Blaine shrugs it off, and releases Kurt, "Do you want to talk to me?"

Kurt seems to deliberate for a short second before nodding slightly, and taking Blaine's hand to sit him on the bed. Blaine perches there obediently, wondering why Kurt's room was such a mess of clutter today, the boy religiously tidied his room to perfection. Kurt sits next to him causing their thighs and shoulders touching.

"My mom died nine years ago today," Kurt begins, his eyes glazing over. Blaine's breath hitches as he tries to imagine the pain that Kurt is feeling. He knew that Kurt's mother had died, but never thought much of it, seeing Kurt like this did something to him, something he couldn't quite explain.

"I know that you're supposed to get over it, move on and stuff, but I can't. She's my mom- I need her. I was young when she passed away, and... I..." Kurt trails off and hangs his head in shame.

Blaine cups Kurt's face gently, brushing the pads of his thumbs under his eyes to wipe away the tears that had fallen. Kurt's eyes flicker up to meet Blaine's and he speaks softly, "I've never told anyone this before."

Before he can register what he's doing, Blaine presses a kiss to Kurt's forehead, "I'll never judge you, Kurt."

Kurt nods, and reaches out to take Blaine's hand for comfort before speaking again, "Sometimes, I... I forget. I can't remember the things she used to do with me, I forget how she used to talk, how she used to look... I forget her and I don't want to. I'm the only one who still thinks about her. Dad has Carole now, he's moved on, but I can't."

Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt's slim waist, "Kurt, honey," Kurt's head rises at the endearment, "She'll never be forgotten, not by you, your dad, nor me."

"You never even knew her though."

"Kurt, some people do things in their lives that affect people even after they've gone. Your mother made you, she raised you and helped you become the person you are. I wish she was here so that I could thank her for doing so. I really hope that wherever she is, she can see you and feel proud of her son because you're amazing, Kurt."

Kurt smiles at him, his eyes now free from the sadness that previously occupied them, "Thank you."

Blaine strokes his thumb over the back of Kurt's hand idly until the boy moves away to pick something up off the ground.

"Blaine? I was wondering if you'd want to look through some of my... memories of her. Photos and things. You don't have to, but, if you do want to then..."

Blaine is touched at how much Kurt seems to trust him so much and he carefully pulls himself off the bed to sit next to Kurt on the floor, "I do want to, if you're okay with it, of course."

Kurt offers him another smile and picks up a photo with a considerably younger Burt who was obviously Kurt's mother. It was their wedding day, featuring Burt wearing a black suit and a beaming grin plastered on his face as he looked down on his new bride. The woman wore a strapless white dress, with a fitted bodice that had small beads sown in an intricate pattern. The photo showed their whole bodies, and the dress pooled around her feet onto the grass that they stood on. Kurt's mother's face was breathtaking, her striking blue eyes framed by long lashes, her teeth white against her full lips.

"She's beautiful," Blaine whispered into the silence.

Kurt picked up a selection of other photographs, all featuring Kurt's mother. Blaine suddenly realised he had no idea what this woman's name is, he asked quietly, not wanting to seem rude. Kurt answered immediately, "Elizabeth."

"Which is also your middle name, isn't it?"

Kurt nodded, "I asked to change it the year after she died, dad didn't complain about me having a girl's name which was surprising to say the least. My previous middle name was Michael. Dad chose it."

"Kurt Michael Hummel. I prefer Elizabeth, no offence to your dad. So, did your mom chose 'Kurt'?"

"Yeah, guess what her favourite musical was?" Kurt let out a soft laugh that seemed to warm Blaine's heart.

"Kurt's a nice name. I like it."

"I'm glad I have your approval."

Kurt pawed through a box, digging out more photos. He passed a few to Blaine to look through and carried on rummaging. It wasn't until after he had found his mother's perfume bottle, engagement ring and her collection of scarves that he noticed Blaine was comparing all the pictures to each other. He sat in silence, watching Blaine's eyes flicker between them all, his mouth opening and closing as he concentrated.

"Blaine, what are you doing?"

Blaine jumped suddenly as Kurt's voice cut through the silence before answering, "Your eyes are like hers."

Kurt raises an eyebrow questioningly.

"Her eyes are different colours in every picture. In the wedding they look blue, they look green in this one," he gestures to a photo of her sitting in a swim suit on a sandy beach, "and they look like a shade of grey in this one," he picks up a picture of Elizabeth pushing a laughing two year old Kurt on a swingset, "and by the way, you look adorable as a little kid."

Kurt blushes as Blaine continues, "Her eyes are beautiful." he pauses for a moment, daring himself to say it, "and so are yours."

Kurt scoffs, "Sure they are." he mutters sarcastically.

Blaine wants to convince Kurt that he's telling the truth, but he knows that there is no way he'll be able to without making himself look like he had a huge schoolgirl crush on his best friend. Sure, he did have a huge schoolgirl crush on Kurt but he didn't want him to know that, not yet.

He let's the matter drop and scoots closer to Kurt, as the you get boy rolls an engagement ring in his fingers.



"Have you shown other people these?"

Kurt shakes his head, "Just you, well, except for dad."

Blaine can't help but ask, hoping desperately for the answer that he wants- that he needs, "Why me?"

Blaine actually crosses his fingers, wanting more than anything for Kurt to say that it's because he trusts him more than anyone else, that he is his best friend, that Blaine is special to him.

When Kurt does respond he sits numbly, unable to process what he's just been told, because he's pretty sure this is now the best day of his life. he doesn't care that this day started out in a panic, thinking that Kurt was mad at him for something, or that he nearly got a speeding ticket, or that he had a mass of homework to do once he got back to Dalton, or that he had seen Kurt break down. Kurt had just told him something that would change him forever:

"I love you, Blaine."

Kurt loves him. Kurt Elizabeth Hummel, who he had found himself falling for ever since that first meeting loved him. For once, someone loved him back. Not that he'd ever loved anyone before, Jason was just some guy that he thought was cute. Kurt is beautiful, Kurt is witty, Kurt is fashionable, Kurt is someone like him, Kurt is everything he could ever, Kurt is... looking crestfallen.

Blaine is wondering why he looks so sad, he knows it's the anniversary of his mother's death but he just told Blaine he loved him. Did Kurt not mean it? Did Kurt actually like him as nothing more than a friend?

Kurt began to stand up, and Blaine immediately grabbed his wrist to stop him. As he saw the hurt in his eyes Blaine knew exactly what was bothering him.

Oh, Blaine thought, I haven't told him I love him back.


"It's fine, I don't know why I said it. Ignore me."

"Kurt, do you love me?"

"What does it matter?"

Blaine pulled himself up to Kurt's level, slowly closing the distance between them and brushing his lips gently against Kurt's. Kurt gave a small gasp before responding by tilting his head to the right and letting his lips to dance over Blaine's.

"Fine, I love you."

Blaine pulled Kurt into a tight hug, "In that case, I love you too."

I hope you enjoyed this first prompt, I loved writing it, so hopefully you could send me some prompts?

I will write first kisses, first 'I love you's and asking to be boyfriends, proposals (marriage or other), just anything that will be a first for the couple apart from smut because I feel really awkward writing it.

Prompts can be based on an episode (as a 'what happened when the cameras were turned off' or I can change things completely to how you would have poked to see them) or can be out of the time line completely (like this first prompt).

If you are going to send in a prompt (which you can do so by review or PM) then please could you wrote what it is (kiss/I love you/asking out/proposal), unless you don't mind and just want to see what I can do with your prompt.